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pshshh.... details details
you do realize that any melee weapon is also by defition tools, so same applies by any enemies within range too! It's the ultimate risk and reward type of play xD
:3 I suggest an addendum to apply said rules to ANY tech device or tool in 20 ft of Medaira~
Meidara was happily doing some digital chipring birdlike whistling noises as she was tearing pieces of metal sheets and rebars as she worked her mechandendrites and just the tools she carried on her person, sparks flying all around her in a display of colorful fireworks as she happily did her job. She didn't turn towards Stukov for his comment, but her servo head flew over to him, doing a sideways spin as it stopped by him, looking at him from the upside down, making it's hair to just hang down, revealing that yes the servo head was made to be utmost human looking down to what was likely fake skin that looked very real. It had everything, lips, nose, eyes, ears. The eyes moved around and looked at him in the way she usually looked at things, but had a slight shine behind them. All in all it looked like somebody had indeed chopped off the head of Medaira's twin and somehow made it still look perfectly alive.

The sound of a reply came from the servo head while Medaira's main body was still singing a tune in the background, wokring on her extremely suspicious looking piece of abstract art." Ahhh, weird! I always thought that the safety manual for boarding a ship consisted of half a page of text~ then again... I may have been reading the summerized IG field edition~" A sing along voice came from teh disembodied flying head that was upside down and staring into Stukov's eyes.

It was at this point that from Medaira's real body's direction a loud bang echoed along with a flash as the tech priestess's mechadendrites all reached for the heavens and she made a weird celebratory tune as the apandages held a metal box that was just big enough to exactly house the eldrich tome, without it being abel to be opened even a milimeter while on the inside. IT had additional fastening simple mechanical mechanism that would lock it even tighter once the book was in place. On the surface of the metal box was branded with an Imperium logo on one side and on the other there was a flower." I've prepared THE BOX!" Medaira exclaimed as her voice echoed from both her body and the servo head, which finally stopped staring at Stukov and flew over to her.

"One transport box for eldrich tomes as requested! mechanical lock, ensuring no hacking can be done. Once the book's in place and the mechanical lock's triggered, we shall tighten it even more, ensuring the book is to tightly close nothing can escape it in case something tries! It can be hermetically sealed afterwards as I will weld it sute completely just in case!"
"Huh... talk about curious coincidences." She quipped, thinking aobut what she had learned just earlier. A whole new metro line that was waiting to be explored with ferals. Could be the place the people who left Underhaven under questionable circumstances were at... or it could be an unrelated place that had ferals of it's own. Either case could be the one and either had it's own possible benefits. Old metro stations were obviously used as shelters in the initial outset of the cataclysms and while countless people had flocked underground to escape the dropping temperatures, the storms and other fallout, the resulting quakes soon after had left many trapped, crushed or unaccounted for. Hell a huge part of the metro networks were still unaccounted for. What they knew as the civilized world were just a bunch of metro tunnels, caverns and the like that still had some degree of easy accesibility via undergroudn means. Underhaven required a surface treck to access though as brief as it was. That said, if that metro tunnel was burried and left without connection to the surface, even if people had fled to it initially, it meant they were all dead or they were the ferals, though admittedly ferals required a good deal of radiation so most ferals were higher on the surface where radiation could have seeped in. Still better be ready for anything.

She snorted at his comments." Yep, more or less. I'm not saying I'm buying either side really, just saying we should be careful and play it right and not just get used as disposable tools. Sure admittence in Underhaven brings in a lot of benefits, but I didn't leave one 'home' to be a slave at another." She replied with a frown." We do as best as we could by us, some would call it selfish, but those people are just hypocrites. I will do what I think is best and at worst, we can always just get admittence via other means if we really need to." She pointed out, sure chasing down the exiles/ferals for hte seeds was one way, but if those guys really found a place they could settle with reasonble safety and manage to get farms going somehow, then it'd be best to leave them to build up. Still all was up for theories and hypothesis right now on that topic.

"Anyhow, we've got some new supplies here, so we are good to depart tomorrow morning." Cat stated and made herself comfortably, ladying down, using her bag as a pillow, one hand on the handgun and the other on her knife as she was preparing to sleep, calling it an early night. Though by her sleeping habbits, it was clear she'd be jumping like a spring if something distured her rest in even a slightest way. Instincts of a trained soldier, survivor and her highten animalistic traits, ensured it was so." Wake me up at some point after you are done with your tinkering so I can take watch, we probably shall take a few turns while resting, this palce's safe from ferals and other monsters yes, but it doesn't mean it's completely safe." She smiled and closed her eyes.
frak time flies out under your perception so easily if you ever seem me not responding for any long periods of time, don't be afraid to poke me or something >_<
The farm was a rather standard affair given it's age. This also suggested they weren't far into the future or even their time... A building of this style and in this disrepair... also given the fields and their state, she had the distinct feeling they were in the past. Exactly how far back she didn't know though." Yeah and it might be better this way, it means nothing else can enter through the door and we can probably cover up and block out the windows to some degree for tonight at least." She replied as the distant rumble in the air cemented her intent for them to spend the night here. Even if the roof was leaking some, it was still going to be better than soaking out in the incoming storm.

With her wife hopping over the broken window and inside the house, Lisa sighed and hopped over also. The force she put on her hand though cause a spike of pain to rush up her nerves. She grimanced, but at least it didn't seem like she forced it to the point the wound once more snapped open. There was a bit of blood seeping out, but that wasn't surprising anyways. It'd stop as it starts coagulate once more.

The inside was... dirty and dusty, but surprisingly no cobweb were hanging off the walls, so at least there was that going for this place. She didn't want to have to deal with spoiders right now. In any case, nature had slowly started to retake this place, but it was still in the initiate stages. Dirt was piling up near the broken windows and vines and other greenery was crawling through those also, but there weren't actual trees growing through the floor, so it was structurally sound for hte time being like her wife suspected." Be careful just in case..." SHe warned as they explored the place's main room. The wrecked piano was a nice touch and probably was the joy of the place once upon a time. Lisa studied the dirty floor and to her honest relief, the dirt and dust was untouched without any traces of anythign moving over it aside their own steps.

"At least it means there's nothing in here... look at the floor." She pointed out to Rhiannon." There are no steps or anything, so no animals have walked in here for a while." With that she proceeded to explore the rest of the place. There were 3 rooms on the first floor plus the entryway that had the staircase to the next floor. There was the 'living room' where the piano and an old fireplace were. There was the kitchen and finally what appeared to be the pantry. it appeared to have some wooden boxes and glass jars with stuff in them that were there still, so there might be at least some food left.. now if it was edible was a whole different kind of question, but at least the kitchen had some tableware and othe tools they could use." At least we won't be going thirsty tonight... after we get a fire going, we can boil some water later. I spotted the old well we can draw some water from or we can wait for the rain to arrive and get some water from it too." She pointed out as she took up one of the few big cooking pots and examined it. It wasn't rusted, so it was good to use.

All in all the first floor of the farmhouse was exactly what htey needed for shelter tonight. There was also chairs and table that were in a rather bad state, but servicable. Eventually Lisa made her way over to the second floor very carefully, testing each step on the staircase to make sure it was strudy enough and thankfully aside some creaking that wasn't unusual for old buildings it was fine. The second floor appeared in a bit better a condition than the first one. There wasn't dirt and leaves here, just the regular dust. With a heavy sound of rusty hinges and creaking she managed to get one of the 3 doors on the 3 doors on the second floor open and it turned out to be one of the bedrooms. It had an old double bed with big wooden posts. It was still had blankets and bedsheets that were completely convered in dust. There were some usual bedroom furnishings for the time, such as an old dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe. The bed was out of the question to sleep on really, but maybe the wardrobe had some servicable blankets or something for tonight. She noted the howling of the winds was increasing and it was gradually getting darker outside." Hey, found anything interesting?" She called out to Rhiannon as hse opened the wardrobe to check for blankets and maybe clothing for if nothign else it would at least give them a rough idea what locals were wearing some years ago.
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