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Cat continued to retreat as the thing was screetching, likely calling reinforcements. Still the rope was pulling tight now so she began climbing up too, gaining height fast until she could easily see the light of the surface where Donny was. She basically jumped out of the hole as he caught her by the hand and pulled her up.

"Bugs, giant venomous bugs! Move, grab whatever you can and time to run. Yes, we should be setting the methane ablaze, hopefully it burns out the nest underground or at least most of it. Who knows how far it spreads and how many of the... insect creatures are there." She told him, reading her rifle as she bega oulling him away from the office room back to hte main hall with all the actual loot was located at.

"We can't exactly leave it... who knows in a few years it might just be impossible to live around because of too many of them..." Cat was already securing her stuff and stuffing whatever she could from teh tabacco loot into her clothes. Chances were it was all toast once htey set the hole in flames, better grab as much as they could. She even grabbed some of hte seeds that weren't taken by DOnny earlier just in case.

When the screetching got too loud, meaning things were close to the surface, probably not chasing directy queit yet cause of the cold, but they couldn't take the chances. Cat was nicely stuffed with loot, they'd have to sort through it later, she looked at her companion, to see if he was ready with his own set of hte looting." How's your throwing arm? I'm pretty sure I can throw an oilbomb through that door to set the hole on fire if you think you won't be able to." She told him." We will have to run very fast though. Once the fire chases down the hole, the building might collapse on us from the resulting explosion."

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was very impressed with V’s skills when it came to playing the violin. It was a foreign to her instrument, but she could appreciate it’s charm still, since there were similar ones down south. The sound was very pleasant and the skills that made it work were superb. She knew well her own skill in the musical instrument of her choice, one she had to learn back home, wasn’t quite to match V’s. Still as the bard was slowly drawing her performance to a close, the white tiefling prepared for the second part of the performance where she was going to join.

She carefully put her bag on the chair as she stood up and also took off her cloak from her shoulders, revealing herself in her dancing costume. She really had to change in her traveling clothes for tomorrow though. The few days of comfortable wagon ride with warm furs had fooled her in her estimation of exactly how chilled the local weather gets this far north. In any case, she made sure her braid was tightly secured and pulled her face veil that she placed and carefully set on her face, hiding her face from the eyes down to a degree. It was the purpose of the veil, making yourself more alluring and mysterious. As V was finishing her piece, Kosara pulled the final part of the costume which was a sort of waist scarf made out of veil cloth and covered with dozens of dozens of copper metal pieces that were smaller and thinner than coins. Elite dancers oftentimes carried such of gold or silver, she wasn’t one, so she had a copper one instead. Part of her dream of traveling the world, exploring and writing it all down, was to maybe along the way collect enough coin to get one commissioned, but that wasn’t here nor now.

“ Thank you.” She spoke to V as the woman gave her the ‘go ahead’ to begin. Everything seemed to go well so far, but once the performance itself began, Kosara found herself at a bit of a tight place and by that she meant literally. It only just occurred to her that in difference to the taverns and inns back home, the places here didn’t have usually a dedicated open space for dancing of her type. As the music played, Kosara did her best to dance within the avaible confines, her dances focusing heavily on the shaking of the hips, seductive movements of the torso, movements of the hands and spins. Because of the fact she didn’t count in the space before she thought up which dance to perform, she found herself missing a few beats here and there, she almost tripped over a foot at one point, but barely salvaged it, though it broke the rythm of her moves once more. In fact it appeared it was mostly missed because of V, she took the limelight once more to cover for her, mouthing to her that she could do this! Showed the bard’s skills and character! Screw Hugh and his necromantic biases. The dancer was very glad and as the performance began to draw to a close, she regretted not performing to her best abilities tonight. She was infinitely grateful to V for her help and swore to herself that she will resume her training later. Maybe she spend too much time traveling and too little dancing lately.

In the end as the music slowed down to a stop, she gave a theatrical bow, before pulling away and to V.” Thank you. For your help, really.” She said quietly to the bard in her most grateful voice she could make.” If you’d like, I’m fine with you keeping whatever was earned tonight. I understand my failings of what happened. It was my first performance in the North and I didn’t judge the stage space right.” She added quietly so only the bard could hear her.” Still, it was an incredible pleasure to dance to your music, if it’s not against you, I could teach you some more songs from the South later if you’d like to expand your repertoire? May not look like it, but I do play an string instrument too, just it was too big to carry on my travels.” She whispered, still smiling to the people around as she took of her veil that covered the lower portion of her face. She wasn’t expecting miracles from their earnings tonight, suspected to an average performance like this, it would mostly come from the novelty of it all.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara listened to the elf woman’s retelling of her story on how she got the letter. It was pretty classical one she supposed. They knew she’d be wanting to help, so a letter got to her one way or another. In this case it was through a friend. Still a forest hermit of sorts was not something she had imagined meeting. She had heard the tales of the fabled druids of the forests, but never actually met one. Supposedly there were maybe Druids of the desert out there somewhere, but she never found one and the ones from the forest had little reason to come to the desert oasis where she lived.” Well, I for one am glad to have you along, Naivara! I too like helping people in need when I’m able to! I certainly wish that we eventually become friends!”

She chuckled at Kathryn’s attempts at giving her head pats. Yes the horns were usually the first barrier in the way that stopped people in their tracks until they figure out how to maneuver their arms through the horns. It wasn’t that hard for regular people, especially women since their arms were smaller in general, however because of the warrior woman’s sheer size, that made it rather hard. Still, she supposed next time she should turn her head to the side, to allow Kathryn to pat her properly. She gave the woman look that signified they weren’t done with this and there will be time to continue in the future… well a look couldn’t say out all that, she just gave a very happy look. She enjoyed the attention ,alright? Headpats were good.

The white teifling attention snapped in Hugh’s direction at his words. She listened to his entire rant. Her eyes narrowed slightly and her visage resembled that of an angry cat… or maybe it was a kitten? In any case, her pale white eyes glared at him through her narrowed eyelids and her usual cheery smile was replaced by an almost hissing and baring her teeth expression.” ‘PEST’? Admittedly as far as name calling goes, I’ve heard way more creative ones, but something as degrading as that? Comparing me to the annoying flies that pester the animals in the heat!? You dare when, I just critiqued your choice of language!?” She hissed at him, pointing her form at the human male.” I’m of half a mind to exact delicious vengeance on you for this, however seeing this is neither the time, nor the place, I will refrain! However bare this in mind, if you do so one more time, I will not be as understanding of the situation. I do not mind silly nicknames or aliases, but something that degrades like that, I will not stand! I will not hurt you, however I will make sure you don’t have a nice time.”

She let out a snort at his statement of taking the leadership role.” Sure, maybe you can order people about competently, but it won’t be leading them. Leading should be way more than that. So far you’ve displayed no actual qualities in leadership as far as I’m concerned.” She stated flatly, resuming munching on her dinner. She didn’t even bring up the topic of necromancy and how not all should be bundled up under the same banner. Mostly cause she didn’t want to speak to him any further right now. Though it was a topic to be brought up at a future date. As for leadership… well the fact that he claimed to have taken leadership before and was still out and about to a new group, showed more than enough to Kosara. He was emotional, irritable and clearly a danger, given the ease he threw death threats about.

Her attention moved back to Marita.” I think we should honestly drop the talk about the letters for the time being.” She stated and looked at the Cleric and the rest of the table, even Hugh.” We are wasting, energy and nerves on a topic we know too little about to even make an educated guess. Sir Arbalest the potential Arbalest didn’t even specify whom it was that the original letters were being send off to, so we don’t actually have anything to go on by even. It is pointless to dwell on a topic that we’ve got no leads on currently. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the evening and rest. We will be able to pick up back the issue of the letters as the investigation continues. It’s clearly tied in to the quest, the clues will be along the way, not in logical leaps that cannot be proven or disproved.” The tiefling said, giving everybody a glance. She may be a bit easily distracted, freegoing and energetic at times, maybe even childish, but she wasn’t stupid. She had her own methods and her own logic, thus she explained her complete lack on things to say earlier about the letters topic.

At the sudden greeting, she looked at Laurel and her expression turned back to her cheerful smile.” Mr. Laurel, hello too!” She greeted back with a grin and nodded as he began speaking. So there were arranged bedding for them! That was great, an assured room to stay. it’s been a while and she wouldn’t have to tap into what was left of her traveling money. In turn she’d be able to buy more supplies at a later date instead!” Thank you, Mr. Laurel!” She told him as he finished his speech. Sure enough people were beginning to gather!

Suddenly Kosara’s eyes took on a bit of a calculating and mischief.” Hmm, with a full tavern later… This might be a fine time to make some money here before calling it a night.” She spoke aloud, looking to the rest of the people at the table before stopping on V.” What do you think, V? A popular with the locals tavern is a fine place to perform to my understanding, sure the payout might be lower than one where rich travelers stay, but there’s something to be said about the places like this.”
'HOLY SHIT!' She screamed internally as a huge insect type creature screeched and started charing at her. It wasn't the largest mutant she had seen, however it certainly wasn't a pleasant thing to find in a narrow cave and there was the thing with insects... there was NEVER only one. Most were by nature hive oriented even when mutated. So if there was this one here, chances were there were a lot more hanging about. Worse, she couldn't fire her gun without igniting the gas that was present. Now that by itself bore the question if the heat was truly a gas vein that was opened or if it was just the insects' refuse and other things that was creating the heat and what not. Even if it wasn't straight out gasvein, there was enough probably methane type gas aroudn the tunel to deep fry her if she ignites it.

Thus instead of firing her gun, she pulled the crowbar in one arm with a trained motion and whacked hte thing sideways, to avoid meeting it's mandibles headon. She didn't want the point of hte tool to get stuck into the carapace, so she hit it with the blunt side, making the insects' head succesfully be whacked sideways, haltign it's progress. She used her other arm to start shacking the rope as she began to retreat towards the entrance of hte tunel where she came from. It was time to bail, grab as much of the good stuff as they could carry from their bags and lit the gas up, hopefully burning away at least most of hte insects. Given how deep she went, she highly doubted they'd explode the city block, but it was going to create a spectacular lightshow more than lightly.

A single hit didn't seem enough though cause it turned back towards her and began chasing her again. She whacked it again to halt it's advance and pulled the knife from it's sheath, starting a sort of duel between them while she retreated. She'd whack it, it'd try to bite her leg off. She'd bash it, it nearly tripped her with one of it's legs. In the end she evaded a serious injury by a small margin, moving away from it's mandibles, however her she got nicked on the leg by one of it's clawed limbs. She in turn hit the front leg hard enough on the joint that it snapped, at an odd angle, hindering it's mobility substantially." START PULLING HARDER!" She shouted up the hole, sheathed her knife and reattached the crowbar on the improvised harness of her clothing and began climbing, her leg hurt and she knew she was bleeding now, but there was no time to stop and bandage up while in the hole iwth countless other bugs. It was good they spotted it now, who knows how big the nest was already. If they set the gas on fire, a lot of the bugs would die, maybe Underhaven would know more about these things, she hadn't seen such back in the city center. Talking about that, she heard screeching from down the tunnels, it was distance away, but it made her start climbing even faster despite the pain.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Bad manners! Bad.” Kosara stated with a frown at Marita who cast a spell at them. Supposedly the zone of truth would have them say the truth. She kept quiet for a moment after the woman asked her questions instead, so it didn’t force you to speak out, but if you do want to answer it would have to be the truth? Makes sense, given she was listening to Hugh snap at the cleric.

“LANGUAGE!” She called out to him when he started cussing. She was honestly more offended by his use of cussing than Marita’s forced truth spell! If she had a drinks tray, she’d lightly bump him over the head with it or… depending on how uncooperative he was, she’d hurl it at his noggin. Good times back at the inn at the oasis. The best times!” No need to devolve into such base manners and speech!” She admolished the monk, shaking an offended finger at him. In any case, nobody seemed to be angry about forced speaking and she was keeping quiet for the time being, listening, so it didn’t seem to be making her speak after all and not like she had anything to lie about. Still bad manners were bad.

Hugh really seemed to be angry about the whole thing. Maybe more so than reasonable, but maybe he had his reasons. He was especially vocal about the whole 3 letters thing. Kosara saw no issue with it. Things multiplied all the time or at times diminished. It was more than likely somebody was playing some scheme and just guessing wouldn’t get them anywhere, so she didn’t mind it for the time being. Besides it brought her to an interesting place with interesting people and interesting happenings. Kathyn was a bit more restrained and sounded a lot more disappointed really. A bit like her grandpa would. She also had a really fun accent at one point that made Kosara look positively giddy and she was so gonna ask the warrior woman about it and maybe write down some of it or at least how it sounds for future references! At the beer comment she grinned again and looked at the barkeep.” Mr. Hardy! Could we get another 2 beers, please?” She called to the man that she had a very pleasant conversation earlier before she joined the table.

The tiefling looked at the bard who was very polite and courteous. Then she tilted her head and nodded in agreement with the words she was hearing.” I agree, I got to taste the local type of bread only after I began traveling, but in difference to the more hard and thin flat bread favored in the south, the local fluffy and softer ones are very pleasant especially freshly baked.” She nodded at V with happy expression.” And if any of us need to slim up some, I’m well versed in several training exercises to maintain the figure. A bit of a requirement as a dancer, so we can all enjoy our meal with no reservations!”

Finally Marita spoke out again, clarifying some details about the spell. It seemed that she was just bad at socializing and she even apologized! Kosara was smiling at the cleric and then suddenly a most notable thing happened! Marita spoke out in Infernal! Kosara squealed in joy.” You speak it too! I never met anybody who speaks it besides grandpa and he only taught me cause something something about heritage and how it doesn’t define us and what not.”

“Well, I will go up next!” She proudly declared and brought up her arms above which a transparent static figure of herself laying on something and writing in her diary appeared.” I got the letter a good while of travel away from this town! So I was just enjoying a nice sunny day, laying on my travel blanket when I heard some horses racing by. After a while I decided to get up and continue on my way, was thinking of heading south, so I reached the road and just as I was going to start walking down by my feet I see a letter!” She switched the cantrip to instead show the transparent letter.” So I picked it up, read it, seemed interesting and I decided to follow it here! And that is how I got my letter! Afterwards as if it was a sign from the divines, down the road heading to Darenby, I saw a few traveling merchants in need of help with their wagon and after helping them out, they agreed to let me ride along until this town.” She grinned happily, letting the cantrip stop and she returned to her meal.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara’s eyes moved to the elven woman that had finally spoke out again. Apparently she wasn’t the only one that followed strange paths laid out for you to end up here! Making as mental note about it, the tiefling dancer promised to herself that she was going to follow on this topic with the elf later and maybe try to see if there was a correlation of happenings that led them here! As grateful as Kosara was about finding that letter innocently laid on the road as she passed along, she still wondered how it ended up there. Almost seemed like it had a story of it’s own.

She looked at Mr Arbalest, the possible arbalest with curious flames dancing in her eyes, listening to his explanations about the people that were being taken and returned. The weak and more vulnerable…” Hmm, if some were taken and returned while others weren’t… something must be in common for the returned ones and the kept ones.” She mused to herself quietly, but generally continuing to listen to the older man’s words.

“Thank you, Sir!” She replied happily when he agreed on her request as a reward.” I will think about it first and try to figure if I need anything else specific.” The white tiefling nodded, making a pondering face.” Well, I had a quick question if you wouldn’t mind? It’s alright to not answer, but are you an arbalest? I mean a person who uses the heavier version of the crossbow along with it being your family name?” She asked with much curiosity.

She was just about ready to pull her journal and start taking notes as Gregory recounted the possible rewards for Hugh. Quite the curious magical items that were being offered in return instead of what the Fancy Sneaky Monk wanted, but stopped when she heard the food was going to arrive soon! She didn’t want to dirty the journal with grease or anything, it’d be pain to deal with.” Goodbye, Sir Arbalest! It was a pleasure meeting you tonight!” She called out to the man and waved for goodbye as he pulled away.

Indeed the food arrived shortly after!” Thank you, Madam, you too Mister!” She gave her gratitude to the people bringing the food and carefully arranged her plate in front of her. Steak and potatoes! Ahh, not something she could often eat back in the south, if for nothing else but because potatoes were hard to get and well, steaks were easier to find, since there was prey, just the volume caught was different and so was the meat. Northern meats were a lot juicier from what she could gather, must be the greater abundance of food for animals to eat.

Now that they were all left alone to their devices, Kosara looked at the eclectic crew gathered around. So many curious people to travel with! It would make for a great journey indeed!” So, why don’t we try to learn about each others a bit? We are gonna be traveling and working together after all.” The tiefling began, looking at the others around the table.” Maybe say things we like? For example I really like music, dancing and shiny jewelry. Or we could take turns asking questions that the others have to answer to some capacity?” She suggested with a smile, though she wasn’t digging into her food much. She just tossed a small piece of meat and a small potato into her mouth. Mostly cause she really wanted to dance first and then eat fully. Otherwise it would weight heavily in her stomach!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara nodded to Kathryn to indicate she heard the explanation with a smile. This was a positive goldmine! Well… metaphorical goldmine and one for her traveling journal at that! Still she got explanation on how this whole titled nobility thing worked at least in one part of the world. She made a mental note to write it in her book tonight before go getting to sleep. She had a lot of things to write about and not anywhere near enough time probably, so she was going to have to prioritize and make notes to add later.

“You actually pronounced those remarkably well as far as foreigners I’ve heard speak the language and names.” Kosara smiled in reassurance to V’s accent on the familiar names.” Yeah, these will do marvelously! I’m looking forward to a chance for us to cooperate! I’m certain that we will entrance the crowds with our joint performance!” Kosara was now a very happy dancer. There was a bard who knew music from her homeland and hopefully they get a chance to join up and make a team to perform. Any of the possible dances would do great and if she really needed to spice it, she’d turn it into a blade dance too. The future looked bright and the quest hadn’t even started yet.” Though I’m very surprised you know an Almeh. Pleasantly surprised that is.”

Kosara’s attention then went to the kitchen. Well now she really wanted to go check what was going on there. It seemed like fun! Still listening to their potential employer was of greater importance so she did. 20 gold pieces plus supplies to travel to any destination reasonably close sounded like quite the bargain. She didn’t react to the mention of V being in jail. It was just bards being bards. One always seemed to end up in unexpected places. Part of the trade or so other bards claimed.

Marita took to business topic and questions right away, while Kosara pondered. Hugh also seemed to be asking questions and giving conditions. She chuckled at the question about goblins.” Shouldn’t one always expect goblins? Grandpa said that no matter what, sometime, somewhere during an adventure goblins happen. We should be prepared just in case!” She smiled and looked at the sheriff.” Well I personally am pleased enough with the reward in coin and supplies. Though maybe it would be possible to get a blank journal if possible? My old one is steadily getting filled out and I’d prefer it to not happen on the middle of the roads where the truly interesting things happen. Aside that, I don’t have any other requests myself. I will help anyways. We must always help people in need and this case is both mysterious and concerning. If people vanish or even if they return, something happened and what about the ones who didn’t return? Maybe they are still out there. Grandpa will tan my hide if I walk away from this!” Kosara directly agreet to join too similarly to Marita.
cool. We may yet get explosions.
so got any specific plans for hte hole or we can make it as fun as we want as we just make stuff as we go?
"Thank you." She replied as she carefully pulled a gasmask and put it on. It was her last cartrige of the thing so she kept it as an emergency supply. In any case, with the ropes secure, a glowstick in her hand and a weapon in hand, she looked at him again." Not sure if it's gas... I mean it could be in theory, however it should have gotten clear a long time ago. It's been years and not sure the old gas systems of hte city are in working enough state to still hold or transport the stuff." She pointed out.

"In any case, be on the look out, if I start trembling the rope too hard start pulling, same if a lot of noise or my screams echo from down there. I will climb up while you pull me for maximum escape speed hopefully." She stated and carefully moved ot the edge of the bgi hole. Well, looking at it from here, it looked like the floor caving in, had unearthed some part of hte underground, possibly into another part of the subterrainian sewers. Though it didn't quite mesh with the fact they were under a building, so maybe it was a hollowed out area that was eroded out of waters and winds and the storms and hten caved in. Possibly could explain a gas pocket, but she was still not quite believing it was that.

"See you in a bit." She smiled at him under hte mask, and carefully went to the edge and began descending. At The glowstick was thucked in her cleavage for hte time being since hse wanted both her hands while going down at least at first. After a bit she'd be more relying on him slowly lowering the rest of the rope. After she got down enough for light to be a pain, she reached with one hand to the secured glowstick and then in a trained and careful maneuver, to light the stick and look the surroundings.

Alright... this was a big hole actually. It went further down than she expected. It was certainly warmer here, in fact she was now certain it wasn't a simple gas pocket even if it was that. Honestly they could have easily checked it if they chuckled a lit cigarette down here, but she supposed it would be a waste of resources. IN any case, after a bit more, she spotted the vague shadows on the ground that displayed a slight curveture of the hole, heading to the side.
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