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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kosara looked at Marita with a confused expression at first, one that later turned into a willful one.” No!” She rejected the cleric’s suggestion and request with a shake of her head.” Back home he’d been beaten up proper and buried to the neck in the sands until the morning when he sobers up! Accosting is bad! I know, I’ve lived it and so have my sisters!” She replied stubbornly, giving the cleric a kitten glare.” This was the RIGHT thing to do and to quote grandpa who was quoting some color confused wizard’ - ‘We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy’. This WAS the right thing to do!” With her piece valiantly and stubbornly said, she turned her attention back to the rest of the group.” Besides… didn’t kick him THAT hard… probably.” She added with a vague afterthought.

Her attention was brought back to their new elven companion when he introduced herself properly. He shook her hand and (obviously to her at least) agreed to be friends! Kosara liked him already. People were meant to form friendships and groups!” Wow…. You got kids? You must be quite old!” Unexpected, but she knew of the elven long lifespans to a degree at least. He was gonna enjoy a long and slow aging life.

The tiefling looked at Kathryn intently and listened to every word as she made herself a comfortable seat on the chair nearby and was nodding at the statements.” Ohhh, don’t discount the sprinkles! They are very tasty and rare in the desert!” She chimed when she heard of the sprinkles incident. That said Kosara’s expression suddenly froze as she stared at Kathryn and then looked at Rickard with a mixture of something between awe and horror.” M.m….m...mate?” The tanned white tiefling asked, before looking between the elf and the (supposed) half giant again.” Congratulations…? When can we expect the kiddies? I will be the fun aunt!” She asked slowly and with some reluctance, before dead staring at Rickard.” You hurt her, I will make you hurt at places you didn’t even know existed! You got any idea how hard raising children alone is?” Her just earlier friendship vibes and expression melting away into a vicious almost devil worthy snarl. Kosara was very serious about this. She knew for absolute certainty she wasn't misunderstanding anything!

“Awww…” Kosara’s expression did a complete 180 as it returned to the friendly innocent lil tiefling as her attention turned to V who spoke of her own evening.” Understandable though.” She nodded as she leaned in close to V and looking about whispered in careful voice.” I got clues while exploring will tell later when we back at the hideout.” She had planned to see if she can go check out the municipal building tonight, but it might wait till tomorrow… Then again tomorrow was Honey Barn night. Hmm she had to check what everybody wanted to do later.

With Marita who returned and also expressed the virtue of retiring for the night Kosara just raised her bag.” But… I got all these munchies back at the market place to share with you all! We cannot retire just yet!”


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Oh hey, Marita!” Kosara greeted the cleric just in time to hear the man waking up and moving about.” HE LIVES!” The tiefling jumped up standing what could probably come as being startled. She started at him for a few moments and then at the woman who answered his question and pouted a bit. “Well… He and his friends…? Yeah friends were very very drunk and accosting V! She gave them the scare and he went out cold like a candle in the draft!” She explained, eyes looking at the man before Kosara spun into action, one step back, two steps forward and as Grandpa taught her, leg backwards, bringing it forward with great momentum and right between the still dazed guy’s legs.” HAYEEEA!” She knew where and what she was targeting and she did it so with proper intent! One kick well delivered and Kosara looked very bright and chipper.

“That’s for being bad! Being a mean accosting bully when drunk’s not good!” She berated the man that probably currently had nothing of his attention on her, considering how kicks at the family jewels hurt. Having said her piece, she turned to Marita.” I woke him up cause leaving him to catch a cold or freeze in the night’s chill isn’t nice, BUT I will not stand for his act. So let this be a lesson! If we were home, we’d bury him in the sand or toss him in with the animals until he sobers up to make the point stick!” With that she turned around and more or less with bouncing gait and happy expression skipped deeper into the tavern.

“V, Kathryn!” She excitedly called as she dashed in their direction once she locked eyes on their location within the tavern.” How are you doing? Had any adventures tonight? I had a looooooooot of fun! Got so many interesting things to tell you all! Like, I went to the market and saw the talent show they were displaying there! I saw incredibly useful talents! Also made a friend and had mulled wine!” She told them with a huge grin on her face as she moved over, before seemingly spotting that they were not alone just now.” Ohh Who’s this fancy looking swordsman? Kathryn, you making friends!” She explained happily, reaching out at the man to shake hands.

“Hello Sir, I’m Kosara, dancer by trade and explorer by heart! Nice to meet you mister fancy swordsman!” She greeted him and introduced herself.” Let’s be friends!”


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Hayloft -> Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara’s merry skipping back to The Hayloft, with capital T and H cause it was their temporary hideout now, was interrupted just near the place. In fact it was right outside where she spotted the purple clad member of her party! V, the bard of purple fame and thunderous skill, was outside the tavern nearby, seemingly chatting with some drunk people. Now it had to mentioned Kosara grew in a desert oasis caravan rest stop. Naturally it was an inn and tavern, coupled with a brothel and everything else needed. She grew up around people getting drunk. So she surmised it was drunken shenanigans being done here, but before she could get closer and join the fun in whatever it turned out to be, there were spooky things being done!

The tiefling didn’t quite hear everything being told, but she saw V’s spooky getup suddenly appear and the dancer had her eyes go open wide. How!? Magic?!’ Ohh… I gotta learn!’ She exclaimed in her head! The ability to magic her makeover as needed would be grand and invaluable. All manner if useful ways you could apply suck as skill. Kosara quickly did a turn away from the hayloft and towards the Neil&Bob’s place after V. She knew that Kathryn and Marita may still be there too! It was a good chance to divulge what info she had and inform them she was heading out to check the Municipal building… or the Honey Barn. Whichever struck her fancy at the moment, but as she reached the door, her gaze lingered on the man unconscious on the ground. It was cold outside! He could get sick!

“Excuse me, anybody got any water or something to wake him up with!? Please?” She called out to the folk around, but all in all NOBODY seemed interested in helping! How sad! She gave them all a pouting expression staring like an angry kitten around before looking down at the man again… She could use her own waterskin, but it was drinking water.” Hmmm….” She mumbled, crouching by the man, looking at him. She could shout at him… Then recalled her home and how they usually woke up drunks and people after a bar brawl. It was either bucket of dishwater or… “Wake up! It’s cold, you gonna get sick!” She shouted as she delivered two rapid slaps on the man’s cheeks with her right hand. First one going right to left, hitting him on one side of the face and the second with the return motion left to right! If that didn't help... she was gonna have to get more forceful!


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Ohh, but I have perfect uses for a good tearful performance!” Kosare quickly defended with a smile.” I’m going to use it to get all the foodstuffs and drinks I could whenever I’m at a new place!” She added grinning.” And maybe finally get that way too well armored warrior to take off those pieces of metal so I can see those strong muscles!” The tiefling quipped, meaning fully innocent things since she was really just overly curious to see Kathryn’s well trained body with the eye of the appreciator for fine trained bodies…. And to get piggy back or shoulder rides.

“Ohh yeah, it’s great! I mean… I’ve tasted more refined ones on occasion when I was growing up back home in the tavern, but this one’s very very nice! It would be even better if we get some cheese! Cheese and bacon!” She proclaimed with utmost certainty. A good wine required decent cheese! And that in turned called in her mind for a fine piece of meat to go along with it. Though on that train of logic, she wondered what would happen if she combined it everything with a flatbread or maybe if she cooks the meat with the wine!’ Ohh… questions, questions!’ The list of things she had to try at a later date was only increasing! She really had to start testing some of those things and see the result.

“Ohhh sounds like they are indeed protecting something very important indeed!” She mused and was already filing said information for later. If it wasn’t always the case in the past, it meant something weird had happened and that Cavedish person was involved in schemes of some sort! Also it would be a good place to keep people who don’t you don’t want to be found… Kosara was now very curious of what Calfenfish was up to in those high walls of his. He didn’t seem too pleased with the group’s arrival earlier. Maybe… somehow he was involved with the goblins? Could be? They did have too good weapons the party had noted in general? Curious…’ … Alright Callendish, I will find out what your ploy is! And if it's evil, I will have grand public reveal! With drums! And nooses... whatever those are!’ She thought merrily, already having immense subconscious fun by calling him the wrong names without even realizing it much.

As the market gradually turned towards a more relaxed casual dinner situation, Kosara still had fun. Especially when the singing began from somewhere on the sides. She had immensely gleeful expression and the unusual and fun lyrics of a rather funny song. It was just the type of song people sang and played when drinks were freely flowing! Grandpa had told her to not listen when she was younger, but living and growing up where she did, it was inevitable to encounter them. It was all jolly fun really. Eventually however, Kosara figured it was time to get going.” Hey, Beppo, thank you for the lessons and the nice time! I think I will get going though, it’s getting late and I should go find my friends for the night and see how they passed their time!” She told him and stood up, granting him a quick lightning fast friendly hug before dashing away, heading back to the hayloft. She planned to see if anybody was there and report she was going to go check out the Municipal Building! Maybe the sneaky monk or V would have returned so they could go on sneaky adventures. Admittedly they could go on merry adventures at the bars and the Honey Barn too! So with a jolly tune and humming the song about the Fanny lady, she skipped along towards her destination. She was so writing this song down.
@Lucius Cypher and posted! took a while between getting sick and generally losing track of time.
Cat waited for Donny to move over the chasm, spending the time mostly sitting on one side, not moving much and breathing very slowly, holding a hand just under her chest or rather just at her lower ribs that took the brunt of the impact earlier. She grimaced when she touched one, realizing it was moving... sort of. It wasn't free movement to endanger her lungs, but she was fairly certain that one had a breakage in there somewhere where the others behaved more or less as just cracked. She would have to avoid other impacts for a while, least she really snaps how the ribs in her chest or something.

"Haev had worse, but you are right on both... it was the ground and my ribs." She grimaced as she slowly picked herself up and stood up. She grimaced again, realizing that firing from shoulder might not be a the best right now and lowered her gun." Right... hopefully won't have to fire for a few days, but I doubt it, going to have to try to lessen the impacts I suffer though. Rib's not freely moving about in pieces, but it's snapped on one side about... here." She pointed at a point on the midpoint of the lowest rib on the right side of her torso.

She cursed under her breath at the distant howling and nodded." Yeah, let's go. Better find shelter for the night. Darkness's about to arrive before long and with it all critters that lurk away during the day hours." She smiled and readied herself before begining to walk." Those 7-11 were a type of store for supplies back in the day, weren't they?" Cat asked, trying to recall.


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With the advent of the night the chill was returning to the world in greater force, but Kosara’s brand new and comfortable coat and boots kept her in good warmth, making her all fuzzy on the inside. Though that could just be the very nice soft feeling of the inner lining of the coat. Same thing really. Still reminding herself that she had to do something for V later in thanks, she followed the man as he led the way to the coveted mulled wine. The sudden appearance of the man with the fishing pole, made her recall the man with finish pole that had given her a very similar greeting earlier the day when they were arriving in town. She blinked and greeted him in return with a huge friendly smile. If he thought it was morning who was she to judge? After all the only difference between night and morning was really the time and nobody really knew the time without some serious time following instruments… or without being godly in some form or another!” Greetings! Yes it is! Wish you best of luck with the fishies!” She told the fishing pole wielding man as he moved away laughing!

Eventually they arrived by a brazier and Beppo brought drinks from the nearby canvas stall. Ahh the mulled wine! She tasted it slowly, savoring the exotic taste. It wasn’t often one got mulled wine out in the desert. Especially one that was from the far north. The conversation was pleasant enough and Kosara found herself enjoying it rather much. It all led to an eventual hushed whispering about the secrets of crying even when you didn’t feel like crying. Said secret turned out to be mint. MINT! Kosara gave him wide surprised eyes and nodded her shocked expression before nodding, putting a finger to her lips.” No soul shall hear about it from me! Promise. I am very good at keeping secrets! The only one who keeps secrets better than me is Grandpa, but that's because he rarely leaves home to chat with people!” She gave him her most sincere promise of the fact. After taking a sip from her wine, she looked around for a moment, before speaking again.” What about garlic? I haven’t had too much exposure to the thing, but I hear it’s real good at making you tear up. Wouldn’t that make a good tool too?” She asked him quietly. Looking around as if expecting the crying spies to show up and steal the crying secrets. If nothing else Kosara really liked to get into such overly dramatical plays.

Still going on with the conversation, Kosara figured she might as well ask a question that she wanted to ask.” Hey, Beppo, what’s with the Municipal building? I passed it on the way in the city earlier in the day. Back home in the Oasis we didn’t have much buildings to begin with, but why does it have such grand walls when it’s in the city? I get why a city might have surrounding walls to protect from bad folks, but I don’t know why one would need such walls inside a city! A castle in a city I also understand, got to protect a princess, but everything else? I’ve been meaning to ask my friends, but they all just took it in stride and I was worried they will laugh at me for asking!” Yeah it was bugging her very much that question. Why does one need such tall walls inside a city? Was there a point?


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


As the show trickled onward, Kosara found herself following some of the contestants with the edge of her sight, planning to approach some or just watching them cause she was curious. She nearly forgot her purpose on the market! Which was gathering food stuffs! Then she spotted the man who cried on demand and recalled that no, it wasn’t gathering foodstuffs that was her task, it was to gather intelligence! Well, she concluded that making connections with the locals and gathering useful skills should also count.

With a smile on her face and a quick skip forward, she quickly found herself next to the man.” Hello there! My name’s Kosara and I was really impressed with your skill! I’m willing to pay your fee and even on top of it, would you be willing to give me a few tips to start learning to do the same?” She asked with an innocent happy smile on her face, studying the man in more detail now that she was up close. A human, middle to advanced aged, clothing that has clearly seen use and work. Not something unusual in towns, she supposed, she had seen many in similar conditions since her journey out of her home. Turned out he was named Beppo. A fairly nice old man who in the end didn’t seem opposed to talking with her and giving her information to start her crying career.

They had a really nice chat and Kosara eagerly listened, nodded and took a few notes here and there as he explained how it worked. To her mild surprise he revealed he used to be part of the local theater when he was young! The tiefling was especially excited to ask a few questions about that too. Her only exposure to theater was traveling ones that pass by the oasis. She wasn’t sure if it was the same as a proper local performance with a stage and all.

“Ohh, I would love to! I like mulled wine! Well I love all kinds of wine! I don’t get allowed too much usually, but I do love em! Tried mulled one in another city when I tried traveling after I left my home.” She immediately brightened up when the man offered more information about the skill in exchange of having a drink and secrecy!” I have to admit though, I like this city! So much interesting stuff in these festivals! Going to have to search for some trinkets to buy before I leave. I got to get gifts for my family after all.” Kosara added, smiling.


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara confidently strode through the colorful collection of tents, stalls and people milling about. There were just so many sights to see and even the air was filled with the tasty aroma of different foods! Though to be fair at places there were other scents too, but she wasn’t going to think about those ones right now. The attention she gathered from the locals was a thing she paid little of her own, mostly because she was well used to being the center of attention as a dancer! Besides people kinda fell second to food and sights for the most part.

Skipping merrily forward and whistling a tune, she took in everything she could see and studied the food stalls. Sure enough, the pale tiefling quickly diverted her general wandering about the market to actually browsing the foodstuffs on display. So many curious things, some familiar and others not! For example she saw the pits for preparation of the cattle. Yeah she wasn’t used to seeing farm animals being butchered and prepared in these numbers. It very much put things into perspective when compared to back home. There wasn’t much land that could be used for animal grazing in the lands she grew up in, so most meat they got was already treated for long term preservation. So seeing so much fresh meat was very interesting.

The dancer quickly began amassing a small collection of rustic foodstuffs. Some she ate now, others she put away for sharing with the party later tonight or tomorrow morning when they reconvene as a group! She naturally also realized the fact that there was so much meat and other farming produce present, likely meant that now was the time to stock up on preserved supplies. Stuff like the meats that were being dried, smoked or salted. It made her think of Morty. Now Kosara really wondered if the undead pig used to hang somewhere on a rack while smoked? Wouldn’t THAT be an interesting sight. All in all, Kosara spend 3 whole silvers on food while wandering the stalls. Sadly she very much doubted there was Cactus Water stored somewhere around here. She didn’t even bother asking. Since well… you needed cacti to have cactus water! But she had decided to grab some spiced wine later. If not for tonight then for later eventually.

Eventually she ended up where the crowds were the biggest! Naturally she was going to look at the talent competition! There were a lot of things she hadn’t seen before! Some more impressive than others naturally. Kosara enthusiastically applauded EVERY person that showed on stage to show their trick, no matter how simple it was! Even the ones making shadow puppets! It was all something that carried meaning! Her own sisters had in the past made show puppets when telling her stories, so she didn’t think they were stupid! It was all merry fun and there were some really unique and interesting things that she very much enjoyed even more than she did everything else. For example the guy who could cry on demand! That was hilarious and useful! Kosara could very much imagine using that ability for gains! The tiefling could hardly imagine all the foodstuffs she’d be able to get if she looked sad! In her experience people tried to console those that were sad! So yes, she was thinking of gains… food gains!

The musicians were mixed bag, but she still applauded! It was all fun! Granted none were of V’s skills, but that didn’t matter. She especially liked the lady that blew notes with bottles that were filled in varying levels! That was quite interesting thing she hadn’t seen before! Now Kosara was wondering if there was a way to make use of this curious phenomenon? Could it be recreated using great basins of water, not even glass ones? She HAD to test it later! As a whole, it was a mighty fine entertainment present and Kosara could sort of understand why they wouldn’t want V present… she’d win the reward with ease!


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Hayloft - > Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“I see, I see.” Kosara nodded at his statement that he barely stood her presence.” Alrighty then, Sneaky Hugh, have fun!” The tiefling told him. She watched as the man moved away with the Bard and with Marita and Kathryn already off on their adventure, this left Kosara with a very distinct lack of companions. She briefly pondered doing as Hugh suggested and following her friends to join on their merry adventure in the bar expanses, however as she made her way outside the hayloft and stopped to look around, her steps instead took her in entirely different direction… Well not Entirely, but she wasn’t heading to follow the Warrior and the Cleric.

What Kosara did instead was quickly and joyfully skip along to the Farmers’ Market where earlier she had gotten wind of Talent Competition! That was a thing to see! Besides ‘farmer’s market’, suggested the possibility of all manner of farming produce to be present and the dancer as the born and raised in the desert type, didn’t have much experience with those. Naturally she wanted them ALL recorded in her journals! There was also that thing she vaguely recalled being called “Hog Broiling Competition”. Now THAT she had to see, hopefully she wouldn’t have missed everything, but even if she did, she was certain there would be more than enough things to entertain herself with before she decides to move on. Then she’d probably visit the other market…. For even more curios!

Getting back to the Farmer’s Market wasn’t hard. In fact she realized it was one of the biggest parts of the city. How much space it took exactly, she wasn’t sure, however it was a lot. This brought the curious question if this was normal for a city this size to have a market that big, but then again they did say this was the capital and trading hub of the area. In any case, place was just as she recalled from earlier today. In other words – bustling with life! People were everywhere, there were things everywhere and the noise of life filled the very air! It was noisier than quite a few taverns’ she’s been at. The sheer number of people present and talking seemed to have been gradually building up effect. Kosara was thus happy! There was merriment in the air and she wanted to be part of it, so she happily skipped ahead forward deeper into the bustling Farmer’s Market.
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