Twenty-nine. ◆ 16th of November. ◆ Five-seven [170 cm.] ◆ Commander.A P P E A R A N C E.
Impressed as the alternative aesthetic, and the nontraditional beauty of innocence and complexions of wavering purity, Carmen is afforded little impression and delicacy despite all fairer bequeaths. Fed persistent fluidity of mindless grace and poise, and compounded with virulence that bears kinship to feline rituals, she is all alluring and manipulatively sensual in debut. Carmen is garnished in a underling, golden complexion of dusted pearl and opal with a shy beige that lightens to alabaster tones along every grace of limb, compacted in a lean stature of a would be queen; heralded and regaled. Her extremities allude to temptress wiles, the seductive creature that looms and preys behind eyes of gleaning ashen blue, the sort that flesh and reflect to obsidian cores, sharpening and cutting much like volcanic glass and gleaming with a deeply seeded nature of all consuming and devouring desires of turbulent waters. Adhering to her impression, Carmen is extreme within debut and introductions, her initial appearances are harsh and unforgiving, sensuous glances and smoldering glares of mute debasement, a lingering cruelty that shudders under the bite of an empowering, and compelling creature with pert lips pouted, or reeling back into a simper of terrifying gloss. She robes herself within monochromatic splendors, cinched leather and sallow blouses of loose, cropped finishes over conforming trousers buckled, crossed, and embellished with appeal to further effect her overwhelming aesthetic and appeal.
Twined in silvery tissue, scars that lace over one another and spell down her entire spine, Carmen's effects from her Aeon bond has permanently lightened her hair to an arctic hue, bland and white and unhinged around her features. Her simper of wide grace reveal canines slightly elongated and the sharp quality of her eyes dilate in relation to her manifest of powers, splicing to a singular line or expanding wide to eclipse the entire oculi. A myriad of bruises, that formulate into a diamond pattern of consistent length, edge, and diameter correlate down the breadth of her spine, panning upward onto her nape and vanishing beneath sallow threads of her hair. The violet and sapphire cores span outward across her blades and peak just over the curvature of her shoulder and taper into the opal grace of her natural complexion.
P S Y C H E.
Carmen does not adhere to Fate or predetermined courses of absolution and reasoning, but advocates for the conceptions of Destiny and terms of omnipotence for the greater being. She yearns for power, for strength, and purpose yielded by her own endeavors and finds solace in all bases of consumption and gain. Incapable of being satisfied is another facet to her multi-furnished complexity, Carmen’s cavernous void of need and desire seems eternal; boundless and bourne without restriction to whichever reason of fulfillment. She does not hesitate and does not deter from challenges of betterment, constantly yearning for means to satisfy her soul and embellish her means of power and want. She believes in only herself, rather than the unity derived under the teachings of The Fayth, she believes in her capabilities and her own methods to see tasks finalized and the means of achievement cloaked in whichever shade of grey required for the final product. Among her faceted idealogy and perception, Carmen has been deduced as a selfish creature, one that relies on cruel methods in comparison to genuine altruism, as she can be perceived and assumed as a lone and solitary individual striving to found their own personal gain. And whilst Carmen is assumed of these characteristics, it’s the inner source that bears truth to her general consensus of thought and intention. Manipulation underlies in the tone of voice and praise, her means of conduct done only to achieve her own, personal, goals of power.
Therein lies a void betwixt heart and soul, one that yawns ever deeper and yonder beyond just bones and flesh, and whether or not Carem is aware of this conceptual handicap does not seem to deter her or inspire a change in her overall debut. This void, however, is often filled to the brim with other vices, both of physical, psychological and sometimes emotional, this stems and branches to a writhing curiosity and fascination with mortal limitation - sometimes her own, and others - that bears onto pain of both giving and receiving. Her projection of need seemingly writhes beneath the surface of her mortal countenance, broadcast only thus through the darkest hours when Carmen sheds the uniform continuity of her military pursuits. Though not wholly considered a sadomasochist, Carmen understands the underlying notion of her creators and own manipulators and appears to harbour no ill will onto her betters, or her peers. Her military induction is nearly flawless, in that her record of obedience is stalwart and well founded, concreted with the practice of perfected tempering - so long as she reaches her goal and is given exactly what she wants.
Carmen does not acknowledge to the monstrosity of her previous successors, she views the Prototypes as failures rather than tragic products. She regales her Aeon as the King to her soul, the one that will fortify her thirst and need for power, and the one to see her potential and Destiny finalized in the end. She obsesses over this power, over the bond, and any source that will see her ascension and rise finalized to the stature she believes is destined for her. She will bend knee to no other.
B A C K G R O U N D.
The dome of Palamecia conceives weapons and technology beyond present conception, and also conceives the likes of women akin to Carmen’s debut. Within the towering spires and correlating tempers therein lies a facility known as the Imperial Paddock: an arena with a generating core of blinding light that glimmers downward into a netherworld of depravity and furnished sin beyond fixated doors of steel and electricity. The Imperial Paddock was the initial prison derived under Palamecia’s refinement, the only product of the generation and massive enough that all other facilities were considered ill-equipped and flagging behind the sudden creation. Life afforded little luxury to her youthful reign, the sort that tarries under woe and seems to flourish under strain despite all gilded cages and barbed leashes. Carmen never despaired over her initial origins, the sense of belonging never fixated her into lonely qualms of conceptual sickness, as the Imperial Paddock was her domicile and choice of living. When compared to the endless days of living within Palamecia’s underground sanction, the Paddock was a realm of warmth, food and a simple way of existing.
The underground was furnished in a ebony glamour, typically impacted with illegal purchases and gain by the swipe of a small, scar riddled palm. Though, Carmen was not bourne here within the dome, Carmen was originally founded in a northern city in Baanga known as Lucin; a botch of a community flailing in revel from the sources of Palamecia draining life from the plain and lands. Lucin attempted for little in confining her state of wanderlust, owed entirely to a deeply seeded aphotic void that yawned, pulled, and warped her entire being to a creature that had once bitten into a man that dared to attempt theft on her person. Carmen came to Palamecia on a pilgrimage and lease, provided to those that apply, to seek a life within the multitude of levels of the technological sanctuary. Much like a leveled purchase, one starts out in the underground levels, the lowest tier they have to offer with particular objectives one individual can perform to gain access to the true splendor Palamecia has to offer. Like rising into court, where a queen belongs.
However, Carmen became fixated in the primal state of life those dark days had to offer, it provided a way of life, an acknowledgment to life wherein she had previously questioned her own reality within Lucin’s deterioration. She wanted to temper those around her, she wanted to subjugate those beneath her own beauty and prowess, and seduced those of higher gain into mere pedestals for her immediate ascension. But, lost to the wiles of power and rising ever higher, Carmen landed herself within the Imperial Paddock where she did not hesitate to try and rise higher in the arena, to achieve that eternal title to be the best. The most powerful. The Queen.
Through a routine screening of potential candidates to the cause of Fort Lullin, Carmen was selected among many after spending five years within the Paddock, initially imprisoned for a multitude of attempts at theft, murder, and infiltration of military official housing. She took to the transition with ease, only figuring that they were elected for transport to another facility, one that was meant for the violent and unsound. They seemed to select the most violent of creatures that day, after all, much to the tremor of those that gleaned through the masses. She remembers agony and terror and the glimmering eye of a beast that surrendered her down to her knees. The years within the Fort have bled into a cesspool of black and blue, correlating into a unified wealth of power and despair; consuming, devouring, reaping her soul yonder her own limitations. Though those years are a literal fog, Carmen has taken to her SOLDIER induction with ease, a sort of manic, demented flourishment on her new seat of power.

R E G A I L I A.
Years of struggle, survival, and power hungry madness has afforded Carmen a unique participation to battle. She thrives within close quarters and personal lairs, forging traditional weaponry in favour of something far more suiting to her qualms and fixations. Her conducts of battle, however, flit across a line of reasonable and manic, often hurting herself well within the process. Years of conditioning have impressed ways of lessening the pain and reflecting damage, but Carmen finds the infliction to be inspiring and thus, almost necessary. Her custom weaponry, specially imported from Palamecia, is a set of unique gauntlets and footwear that provide Carmen a literal edge to her combative strengths. The blades are of an alloy derived from Aeon craters and the hide of her own Aeon to fortify the original steel into near indestructible edges. The same appliances are given to her bladed feet that fit perfectly and bear weight and stress fluidly. Her armour consists of varying threads of ebony, always interchanging through her states of appeal. Carmen advocates to for victory, the kind that will surrender under her sheer power and bend knee to her overwhelming will, she will surrender her enemy or simple opponent with literal tooth and claw - much like a rabid beast.
Whilst her physical capabilities bear weight, it's not where her true powers manifest. Carmen has bonded with her Aeon well enough to induce sheer, unadulterated power in their forge of woman and creature, and has advocated to obtain more and more. But, such manifest and power allies close to the emotional and psychological state of the bearer, and Carmen's chasm of emote and sanity has yawned farther than deemed safe and secure. Thus, these abilities fluctuate and rapidly decline depending on her current state of inner, and sometimes outer, affairs. R U I N A G A [deceit. manipulative. ruin.] A swell of light erupts from her ligaments: palms, fingers, any section of flesh brims to the edges with this gleam. It's ashen in colour, teeming with ebony edges that feather outward into rays of curious, blackened, light. One contact, the light seems to burn, not one of flame, but one that breaks down in terrible agony of disintegration. The curious edges of feathered ebon literally seep into the membrane, spanning outward in harsh, curling edges that vein onto flesh and literally erode from the inside and outward, with ashen gleams summoning forth. The depths of light, and concentration, reflect to the strength behind this ruining glimmer and wed; sometimes as insignificant as a light spark of black, and onto a full conflagration and assuage of taint that blooms outward with a roar of pain and defiance. This glow seems to bypass traditional elements of nature, as it does not owe origin to any of them.
A T E R N A [death. devouring. enslaving.] A vibrating tempo resonates, eclipsing the realm in the wake of its' wrath and bathed in writhing blacks and blues. The breadth of Aterna spans beyond Carmen's mortal countenance and stance, shining through her eyes, and wrought forth in a terrifying gale of wind and terror that shreds through the opposition and devours in a flicker of black - winking out of existence and taking all with it. The resulting damage is left not only on the area around, but onto Carmen herself, seeming to tear away parts of her soul, leaving her spent and exhausted; trembling in throes of bygone power and loss.
A E R O N A [inventive. ambitious. treacherous.] Swirling masses of ebony wisps whorl around her, slicing into her skin and even those within close proximity, blood weeping paths of euphoria and pain. The sound is of screeching banshees that arise in tempo and ferocity, dependent on her state of mind and heart. The swirling bits can fluctuate beyond her control, or simply form in lazy whorls and waves in her distraction.
L A C R I [decay. death. devouring.] Pooling from her yawning orifice is a taint of unimaginable suffering, sluicing like tar yonder lips and teeth, a liquid that oozes and manifests into terrible manifestations of decay and reeking of death of dry, olden tombs. Only wrought from her mouth of terrifying simpers, her canines pierce the flesh, release the festering mass, bathing those in a suffering agony that eats away at the delicate membrane unless pried away by sheer force.
A E O N.
◆ B A H A M U T // black & blue.
◆ Devouring, manipulative, enslaving and progressive.
Gilded in a gold and ebon whorls of darkness, Bahamut was located in one of the deepest fissures and craters left behind by the Aeon descent. In the unforgiving mountains of Junon where cores of rock gleamed within an internal energy that pulsated and writhed with every method of contact, where black waters raged and filled the crater to the brim with an aphotic death. Defined as male in genetic markings, the findings of Bahamut were draconic in aesthetic appeal and warped in feathers with ebon edges and myriads of scales that were nearly indestructible when probed and plied; dark like bruises and blackened like tar. There was an underlying fixation of ominous dread, the sort that was later assuaged once they broke down the remains of this Aeon, even going as far to see these remains separated purposely and lost in whichever mill was designated for the delivery. However, speculation derived that the dread still remained, quivering yonder death despite all attempts by the Aeon officials to thwart it.
C O R E.
O V E R D R I V E.
F L A R E G A // It's terrifying in power, but yearning for in death. This last resort power seems to combine all manners of manifest and power, burning and writhing and intent to consume all within its' path and wake. Gleaming black and blue, like a void of space and time, and warping the area into blackened ash and rain that falls and bathing the grounds in a vicious ooze. The gales summoned from this all mighty wrath and rage seem to inflict even the heavens, darkening the realm with swirling clouds that bear threat of storm and terror, ready to unleash the final blow.