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@Noxious - Mommy likes.

@FantasyChic - Sounds pretty solid. Looking forward to it.

@Hellis - Oh fuck. How goes it man? Low key, if we had a Gladio-esque character, I'd squeal.
@Damiann47 - Can't wait to see the character in full!
@FantasyChic - I have a lot of things like that in my albums on Imgur.
However, I use a lot of sub or sup tags to make the image move up or down, to kind of cradle under the name like I did for my character and whatnot. It gets.. tedious and annoying after a while. I think I used seven in mine until I was satisfied.

Otherwise, if I need more, I look on tumblr sometimes or deviantART.
@FantasyChic - I was thinking along the same. I'll leave it as an optional section should others want to use it.
My character is completed, if it'll help, to see a finalized SOLDIER.
Can't wait to see what everyone has.

Also added the Imperial Paddock mentioned with my character, under the Baanga section.

edit II.
I've always forgotten about trivia sections, but always add them last minute. Is this something you guys would like to see in the character creation process?
@Ambiguity - You can check out the ooc, it just launched today. Everything is relatively new.
@vietmyke - While I applaud your creativity, the concept is a bit outlandish. However, I recommend cybernetics imported from Palamecia, which is conceivable in terms of their vast resources to create weapons and the like. I would think the concept of cyber implants still within infant status, due to the previous concentration of employing science towards biological enhancement to SOLDIER. Another thing to consider, that with these machine embellishments, it might cause an inner warfare with the binding to the Aeon. It could provide interesting conflict to the character, if you choose this route.

@Noxious - Yes. I like broken-ish concepts.
@Noxious - Good question.

They employ various methods. The most common is plying through the basic military for potential recruits, or drafting inviduals they think can withstand the introduction. They're only told the basics: that they will be helping the Govern. The candidates are selected carefully or noticed by something of their past that gives them some certain attention. It all bases in their origin I guess. The rich buy their ways in, wanting that power. The poor sometimes volunteer themselves so they can be of some value. Some are just.. "volunteered." There's quite a bit to work with.
@vietmyke - More or less. You can compare the settings to various installments of Final Fantasy and the like. If that helps.
If anyone needs assistance, don't hesitate to ask!
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