@Hellis - More or less, I was referring to an
implied cap and limit, I wasn't alluding to a numbered value. Like I mentioned previously, the Core values are just for us to use in battle calculations, they don't make or break the character impression over all. As seen within SOLDIER, the more powerful tend to suffer more in relation to their bond and power, that's all.
Just a public announcement to say, I'm incredibly impressed with the current cast, old and new. I'm proud to see the new blood taking well to the lore provided and creating SOLDIERS of intriguing development. You guys did amazing! I'm proud to see that the old blood has adapted and taken well to the new changes and made SOLDIERS that are even better, and I've noticed some improvement to you guys over all, you guys are a true delight and I'm happy to be writing with you all again. This implies to everyone.
It was asked previously about SOLDIERS knowing one another, I'll answer that now. It is plausible, depending to the origin of the character, class station, and possibly time during training. These moments, however, give way to association rather than true relationships. The reason of this being that SOLDIERS were contained originally, and I envision that during training in battle, or possibly trying to induce a battle between Aeons of opposing candor and ability were the only ways SOLDIERS could interact. There could be vague impressions one another, previous association before their SOLDIERS induction, or some circulating rumours - because why not.
Another announcement, character submissions will be open until next Tuesday, which falls on the 24th. At that point, there will be a 24 hour period for last stragglers to submit their characters. Unless there's a valid reason for delay, in which you need to PM me and Icmasticc and we can work around it. The actual role play will begin the following weekend.Now, in regards to posting periods,
we deliberated that weekly posts - seven days in between to be exact - is a good length to go by. Yes, you can post more than once between that period. That is just the provided limit, considering that plot progression will continue one once a week, or every other week, depending on the current situation within the role play. All players will be informed when plot progression posts happen, so no worries. In regards to posts entirely, I won't hash over quality and quantity, you guys know this shit by now.Collaborations, I'd advice to be used for
dialogue heavy interactions, otherwise it looks like a massive one - on - one plugged into a story and it becomes time consuming. Use these with caution and reason.
Stay cool guys, you're doing amazing.