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All right, I've stepped away from work to address this issue, because I'm getting a little peeved - which is a given. This system was planned months in advance, practiced and worked out to ensure the set up would be functional.

The Battle System, mind you, is for us to configure. In reality, the core value sets are just that, for us to configure battle damage and outputs in regard to enemies. Because, frankly, I like giving the opportunity for players to write without worrying about such things, as I can work about it, with the reconstructed system I've planned. When you think about it, the Core values shouldn't make or break the character, it's just a little fun thing to add on to round out the SOLDIER and to give a bit of an edge to a role play. In the end, a lot of it is being over processed.

So, allow me to nip this in the bud. The Archer Core Value, being labeled under chance, is a simple use of wording. The set chance values for SOLDIERS are rolled between a set increment, where as an Archer Value is rolled between 100-300. The resulting number, say 250, is then multiplied to the final damage output - after all values are considered and applied - why? Because, in my silly little head, I view "Archers" as being able to see critical points and exploit them to translate to damage. Thus, the wording, thus, the situation at hand.

Caster and Saboteurs relate to damage which is a set value of 200 that is multiplied to a critical roll. And example of this could be 200 literally multipled to 1 or 2, depending on the roll. All SOLDIERS originally have a 50% critical chance. Where as Archers can have 300. [I've explained why above.] 100 is already a given, so even if the roll falls low, they still critically damage an opponent based on the value given to the action.

Unless the entire battle system and configuration has to be lain out, then this should suffice.

I probably sound hostile, which is not the tone conveyed here, just to clarify. If there is any further issues or concerns, feel free to private message me.
@yoshua171 - //cracks fingers.

Here we go.

@Damiann47 - Oh I'm sorry, you're fine in that regard though, to the background you have in mind.
Yes, even Third Class SOLDIERS have a lot more strength and durability than a regular human. Third Class SOLDIERS are basically fresh candidates that have just begun the long process of Aeon integration. I imagine they'd have at least one, or two, methods of power to use.
@yoshua171 - Poking fun at my feelings, but that's okay.
If you got questions, 'lemme know. ♥
@Damiann47 - All right, good questions, first of all.

The difference is mostly dependent on power, yes, and how deeply bonded and integrated they are with their Aeon. First Class SOLDIERS and Commanders are top of the line due to this, along with their psychical strengths and years in the programme. To compare a Third Class SOLDIER and a Commander would be like.. a infant to an adult? In terms of their status of bonding with an Aeon and how long they've been training. It can also be compared to the rise in traditional military ranking by certain actions and capabilities.

You're correct about the normal military. Using more advanced technology and tactics, and given a lot more political tug and pull in regards to power and influence.

Average citizens can be either selected by military officials or the Govern, like drafted. In terms of volunteering, the plausible way to do this is joining the military and selecting for "further training" - which is a glamoured rumour that the individual in question will be "promoted" - the public is unaware of SOLDIERS at this time.

/guilt trip.

Nah. Kidding. Or am I?

Looking forward to what you come up with, I know it'll be fan-flipping-tastic!
@FantasyChic - Wonderful. You can post her up whenever!
@Blubaron45 - No worries, just make yourself known within the ooc when you have time. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
@The Survivor - This is an excellent series of questions, and I'm glad you asked them.
Aeons - in truth - we don't really know what they are. However, the best way to describe them is of extraterrestrial creatures that fell from the sky, upon meteors, that impacted the world. Many people assumed them as one, aliens, and two, fallen gods. Depending on the course of belief one chooses. The exact origins of them is a detail we are not revealing at this time. But, for character creation, all the experiments they've done was to try and find out what they are, and so far they've only concluded to just use their power for their own good.

The war is a result from conflicting political beliefs and the revoking of Aeon cells that were used in pharmaceutical campaigns that benefited the public. Their cells were found with unique adaptive qualities that could repair cellular damage, also evident in their own regeneration through the years they explored and experimented. But they suddenly stopped them, for what reasons? It's unknown to the public. The monsters mentioned only appeared just recently, that sort of set the tides of war to overflow into the present state of things.

Yes, characters bear scars and slight deformities, dependent to the state of the bond they have with the Aeon. Some are slight, like pointed teeth, fluctuating eyes, colours within skin tone and hair, and perhaps texture to their outer extremities. And of course, scarring. Whilst the characters maintain human appearances, there will be slight things that make them not so much human either.

Hope this helps!

@FantasyChic - I'm impressed with this characters when compared to previous ones I've seen from you, she's your best yet. The effort shows, and I'm happy to see it and the sheet is wonderfully put together. Excellent use of colour and order. Now there's only one thing, her induction into SOLDIER. The programme is considered a secret, and only privy to maybe those of rich background or were inducted into the military before hand, and thus selected or volunteered. So, for her background to be plausible, I'd like to see some inclusion to her adoptive parents' involvement within in the government or were apart of the wealth and heavily money endowed families that are integrated with the govern and military. This would help tie in her training to become apart of SOLDIER from the beginning.

Other than that, she's accepted.
On my way home from work, I'll answer questions when I get there and dig into this food because wings are life.

Stay tuned.
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