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A R C H A D I A / / E A S T E R N. . . S H O R E L I N E.
Carmen Auset had long abandoned her prey, helm buried within the sand, every follicle and grain parting to welcome a temporary tomb of slumber and malice bidden by silvery claws. She had risen slowly like a demented pursuer of dreams, blades lax, figure poised as she regarded the mortal betwixt her bladed feet sunk deep into slogged sediment. It pinged a fickle memory, a ghost of a past; the figment phantasm of a man knelt before her stance under her pursuit and conclusion.

The Imperial Paddock had not been kind to the souls of the damned, the kind caught and reaped and pillaged for entertainment within the rings of that malformed arena; the most dangerous were used for sport against the lesser offenders.

C'mon pet, we got another one for you. Meaty this time too.

She sweeps the exterior of her claws through sallow threads, dispelling the voice crinkling through the breadth of her mind, where The King growled low in memorial, invading the recesses of her experiences and torture; starved for days, led to the flesh of man by leash, and bidden to tear through fragile barriers by the reaping of her mere teeth.

She didn't even realize the threat looming yonder her perception, leveling a shot towards her, and didn't even become aware until the avid and tantalizing scent of one she found within favourtism bloomed across her wanting lips, summoning a reflex of a pirouette as she turned and met mirth and benevolence. Had he saved her, as anyone could be saved with the enemy thwarted by their intended shot? Did he desire favour and fortune by her grace she wondered swiftly, a wreath of a smile adorning her features, full of teeth and bite and the sultry wink of gratitude that followed hence.

There was no time allowed for a rejoiner, as the air was rife and thick in the coiling temptations of blood and flame, but she could thank him later; her gracious reply and quip would be swift in the execution of travel, she mused briefly and willed her gaze else where. Bodies were dispatched easily, most knocked out cold in the preferred method, but had some had been slain and Carmen's fangs ground against one another.

The objective was to avoid death, now Archadia had bodies to be lain to rest, names to strike from the record and families to inform. Justice for the fallen would be demanded, for there wasn't supposed to be a war, just a mere sentry. They didn't know what SOLDIER was, how were you explain injury by medieval talons and weapons and wounds seared, life siphoned by demented beckon and pull. Carmen watched men fall and pried open her orifice, banshees of the maelstrom wailing aloud, her eyes aglow in terrifying hails of power as winds of ebon colour and intent just as dark descended. Sired from The King at those who were to defy the given task, the court of jesters, knights and advisers falling under their own desires rather than the wants and needs of the true ruler.

And then she screamed.

Whatever men had been left by her comrades that - only some - lacked mercy, fell to their knees, warped and wreathed in blackened winds and silenced by the terrible gale that destroyed their wills and surrendered their weapons to sand and ruin.

The banshees of her maelstrom only then silenced when all had fallen and her wailing command waned, with only fickle whorls of wind remaining by the fluctuating breadth of her heart and The King within her soul. There thrived an eternal wealth and desire of subjugation and she could taste the immortal wrath of wronged rule and might, the lingering touches of madness bidding and demanding until Carmen forcefully tempered down The King by a promise of blood later. She would have to feast later, soon, to placate their terrible appetency.

"Stand down, SOLDIERS." She commanded, rapidly flicking her clawed gauntlets, every flex and digit grinding the blades together and creating an infusion of sparks. Carmen took stock of the air, her tongue falling afar from her lips, tasting beyond flame and blood to gather those who remained. "The Infiltration has moved out, least we haven't failed that." She cast a pointed glower towards the Berseker. "Now we need to move along the shore, take out any more sentries we see. They know we are here, better make use of the attention while we can. The Infiltration needs to secure a route," she gestured yonder, further within the land, where trees loomed and forestry wreathed alive within abundance of coverage.

"We'll follow and meet close to Faelan." Carmen cast a last look towards the canal, where the Shyp had finally met the bottom of the waters and had stilled. There were bodies in the water, possible links to the Govern with the Galbadian wears connecting them to the central influence. She glanced to those of her troupe, dismissive and probing, wondered if they witnessed the dead as well as she had, and then she commanded: "Set fire to the Shyp boys, the flames shall draw attention from our travel, but will also burn away any possible connection we might have to the Govern. We need to salvage what methods of secrecy we can."

The shores of Arcahdia fell in line with the forest, the banks consumed of roots and vile tangles of deadened reeds and various flora, all in suffrage from the Maridum sea that banked to the East; the coldest and darkest of the oceans Viera possessed. The paths to Faelan were usually traversed by Shyp ways and transports from the outer establishments, as the land was best suited to thwart those attempting ill-fortune to the city. These shores were, at best, forgotten and gone without tending or civilization, no domiciles were within sight or refuge, and perhaps - Carmen personally speculated - purposely left to the wiles of nature that teemed these sands and waters.

The thick, arched claws of her footwear easily sliced through the deadened reeds attempting to tangle themselves amidst her swagger, and perched easily on roots rising high from the sand, snaking their paths towards the forest bordering alone their trek. The canopy here was consumed of an emerald green that darkened and shifted to bruised violets, thick and teeming and adapted to the coldness that swept Eastward by the wind and wiles of the sea. The tide was out, at least, allowing them to traverse with mild secrecy, any of the Archadian militia wouldn't dare come across here, not with the bank infested as it was, but would skirt across the forest when the tide would come back by the pull and manipulation of the Viera moons.

Every so often Carmen would pause, perched and reclining, claws embedded and impaled within deadened wood and plants and carefully gauge the air with parted lips and flickering eyes, gathering scent and visual. The winds were ripe and full of salt and the teeming life of unfurling growth, mingling with deadened blood from the others and the constant flavour of her favourite. She had almost forgotten about him, she reflected, when she had found a new odor to canter after with baited smile and want, and opted for a quick glance in his direction. To distract didn't mean to sneak across the lines of the border, but so long as Corbyn and the others secured their route, the plan would commence without flaw.

"Nothing so far, Archadia doesn't drift out this far it seems. Let's cause some more fires," she lashed out with her claws, hammering down with the blades of her footwear to break pieces of the root serving as her temporary perch. "We can use these, start small, lots of smoke. If we can draw their attention to the fires, it'll prevent any from finding the others."

Sweet, thanks guys.
Should I post them within the character tab section or wait until all GM characters are submitted?
I know how I am about that sort of thing. So.
Mm, this week has been so off for me. Has it been the same for you?

Anyways, yeah, I wouldn't out right describe as Danny being obsessive over her, but definitely bordering such. It's like a twisted dependency, he's the parasite to her wounds and heart, and if she's honest with herself, she can't really leave him entirely. Danny is bound to her in numerous ways and shapes, despite where her love and affections lie, there is no denying that Danny has shaped her past, thus effecting her life. In that reflection, I feel like the Church - you know the one - is in shambles, disbanded, the orphanage now gone, to go along with the fallen bridge and everything else.

So, a form of a crush, too young to know what it really means, but enough to know that there was-is something there that draws them to the other person. I envision Gabby a bit perplexed with the idea of Evans having such a thing for her, until it was dawned upon her that she shared mutual affections, but allowed them to drift and wane - never forgotten - to preserve friendship because Evans is from her childhood, her only friend - one that isn't a psycho lolita, a former drug abuser, and a twisted seller - and thus she considers their bond precious beyond normal perspective. But she can't fight her real feelings, as they continue to grow.

Well Danny will certainly be within the background, flitting about, causing trouble in indirect and shady forms. I imagine Alex wants to find out what happened too, she wants to leave the Badlands behind, find a life to live without the constant pain of home bringing her down. So this will be a wonderful descent for the lot of them.

So, I think we have the details worked out to finally start. Would you like me to? I don't mind of course, build the setting, and whatnot. I imagine I'll be able to work up something after this weekend, making notes in between, I don't know my schedule for next week just yet but I will keep you updated!
This week has been entirely dysfunctional - I blame the weather. The day brings about heat and at night I feel like there's a cold coming on. I feel like this current seven day period is just deformed, thus I haven't been writing like I've wanted to. Anyways, busy weekend, as usual, but expect my post within that time frame.
Great job everyone!
Distraction team will wrap up the current flux of Archadia troops before we move out and take a slight detour that'll lead us up along the shore, causing trouble, so the Infiltration team can move along without trouble. I'll explain more within my post - got a nice plan to cause a big bang that'll keep everyone busy - in which I'll begin tonight and wrap it up into tomorrow. Stay tuned!
No worries, Icky is doing the plot post this week, I didn't have the day off to do so and I work tomorrow as well. Will be off Tuesday, though, that'll be nice.
@BCTheEntity - Purple, huh. Haven't heard that in a long while. In my personal perspective this is moderately tame to what I'm familiar with in concerns to "purple prose." But hey, it's all fine in the end, just tell me where it's confusing and I'll happily substitute and apply a simple and more straight forward approach. I didn't have time to proof read this morning, as by the time I was finished with usual errands, I had to leave for work.

Anyways, I'm conducting such now and will make the proper changes in where needed and due.

Yes, they were born Shadowhunters, hence the mention of the particular Sigil [partially inspired by book sources, you know, bloodlines and all that] and the means of legacy and rumour that is slowly waning and falling due to their small numbers. They're not a large family, thus that mention of rarity - being twins - and how their parents devoted attention to one and not the other. I did mention their induction into being Shadowhunters, I know, but I will expand and flesh out the mention of family and such to magnify this and to clarify.

You know, just now I've noted that particular thing about the surnames, it really didn't register through the books [ but again I haven't read them in so long since the sixth one of the Mortal Instrument series ], and I don't watch the television show because - shudder. I'll come up with something more befitting in regards to that particular point. Though, looking through the link you've provided, it only seems a majority of them are that way. But for the sake of keeping peace, I'll stick to tradition.

Thanks for the feedback. ♥

Made changes; took away words, shortened a few things, changed the Bukater name to Lunadale [ Luna for the aspect of the moon present within their family, the name Nyx is derived from Greek Mythology, if you're curious and Nox is my male version of such a name and Dale means for a valley, a broad one like a ravine or gully to stand for the means of descent ] and mentioned within their Biographies that their family is one of Shadowhunters and thus they were born such.

And there they are! Sorry it took so long, I'm still not happy with the coding result, but, I'll tweak and play with it later.
Enjoy. ♥

My proof reading skills are shit when I become lost in code tweaking. I'll amend a few details in the morning.
Characters are done, just have to make everything pretty and code it up, hah.
Looking forward to seeing the others.
No worries. So a year will have passed since the last play. I envision it has been sort of a lax year, yet strenuous with the adjust of the bridge having collapsed. And we're currently going through a situation of should it be rebuilt or simply left alone, it all depends on who's elected to have that decision lain unto them.

Oh, you think so? Danny is that perfect antagonist, the one that has nothing and thus nothing to lose, is always involved and always bound, and always there. It's such a perfect ending though, being left hopeless and stranded. hah!

Now on the relationship of Gabby and Evan, are we wanting to kind of wing that development. I know that he's meant to be the protector and a long time friend. I haven't included it within my sheet yet, but Gabby currently lives with Alexia in the Badlands - the latter has assumed a new flat and everything, Danny now lives in her old one - and has been for about a couple months after running away from home. Alexia has always opted to live on her own, because there's a strain with her relationship with Cadian - it's hard to accept that sort of emotion when you've been abused for so long, and she's unsure of how to love him - and Danny who is always there, trying to bring her back into his life, and has started working various odd jobs. She's sort of clean, but Gabby views her as a maternal sort of figure, she's always been that way ever since Gabby first ran away to the Badlands and literally ran into her.

Danny, living in Alexia's old place, is still one of the princes of the Badlands, but has been drifting into the background as of late, he isn't as active, other people have attempted to steal his crown and somehow he always manages to be there, still holding reign. He's a bit damaged with Alex no longer constantly there now and has turned sort of manic in his desperation. He utterly despises and envies Cadian and all of Wither and has even attempted to threaten the rest of the band members to try and get Alexia back within his life.

Baby Jinx knows Gabby through Alex, the two being closer in age, Jinx has always been envious of Gabby and her life, translating into a verbal lashing every time they encounter one another. Jinx, knowing how close Gabby is with Evan and some of Wither, openly attempts to attract Evan away from her, in the demented conclusion that she wants everything that she has. She's struggling with her increasing age, as her former patrons have taken notice and don't call on her as much as they used to.

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