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@duskshine749 - A criminal, huh? Possibly involved with the Imperial Paddock? If so, I have some fun ideas in mind for you!

Considering that some of the character can conjure some pretty wicked and terrifying manifestations, I don't see a problem with possible weapon projection. When you say psychic energy, is this an illusion to or rather, alludes to a mental fluctuation of the SOLDIER that causes these manifestations? Like some queer.. telekinesis that solidifies into whichever is held within the mind. I imagine it would cause some severe mental trauma, in terms of what power is put behind the weapons. It doesn't sound incredibly far-fetched, in comparison to what a lot of the SOLDIERS possess in terms of power.

If you need help concreting your concept, I can definitely help you.
I have my notes composed for my character, choppy things and concepts, but I have a solid image in mind none the least.
I can't gauge a time of when I'll be done.. I write during short whims.
I'll keep to the format of the c'sheet as best as I can, meaning code wise. All information will be provided, of course. I'm just terribly picky with layouts.
All right-y, have my notes pinged for a potential post. Will commence to writing within some hours this week.
. also added notes to those that have posted; cool so far.
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@duskshine749 - No worries, take your time.
Excellent question though. If you've briefed and gleaned over the characters thus far [those that remain, anyways] some of the Aeons seem destined to the specific character in mind with a certain trait that alludes to a personality of some kind or a hidden strength. I think it's something we've all naturally picked up on and decided that Aeons were pre-determined and selected for particular SOLDIERS. But, you're free to approach this manner in any way you deem fit.
Drafting [ish] a character concept.
My schedule, work wise, is rather spacious in the coming days, so I'll have more time to deliberate.
Primarily why I also write and make notes with a word.pad of some kind.
The one I have saves my work and allows me to recover pages, even if I failed to save them.
@Bishop - That's not a bad possibility, and definitely differs and goes outside from the traditional sort and norm that one could configure with Colourless attributes. I imagine that the adaptation quality found within the Colourless standard could be utilized to nullify, or as you say, cancel out an opponent with magical affinities. Say that the adaptation is so critical and immediate, almost on a subconscious level, that it alters resistances and defenses for a certain amount of time to the SOLDIER. Depending on the state of strength within the individual, I imagine, would be dependent to the amount of resistance or how one [or how long] such abilities would be cancelled out.

The CORE value of a Sentinel, in my calculations, will basically not receive as much damage as the opposite who does not have the value applied. The most.. simplistic way I can describe such is that it works in conjunction with the Aeon and the battle scenario within question. The CORE values will be used most during, what I will call, Boss Fights. To keep it from becoming too overwhelming or dampening to the story.
@duskshine749 - Personally [and honestly], I don't care about "post length". This being primly because length has nothing to do with individual skill and quality to the post or the writer in question. You could write a novel worthy post, length wise, with proper paragraph pacing, but the content is lackluster, has no flow, and does not engage us [as the readers] what so ever. Versus a post that is maybe some odd paragraphs long, and captures our interest long enough to make us want more and brings depth and dimension to the character or event taking place.

So I wouldn't worry about post length, as one of my rules applies to quality and quantity, as we can see those who are genuinely making an effort and to those that are not.

And really, advanced isn't all that it's cracked up to be, or really worthy of intimidation, so I've no doubt you'll do just fine with us.

@Bishop - It basically doubles resistances, as SOLDIERS [despite being super-human worthy] are not completely immune to injury because of the mortal drawback that all mortals possess despite any and all enhancements to the body. The CORE values, also, are meant to calculate to the battle system I have designed, and tested, multiple times to just bring a unique edge to the method of fighting within this story. So I wouldn't invest too much thought into them other than crafting an edge to the character you may or may not be using, as the CORE values are mainly for me to use. Brilliant question though, regardless, as I know it would apply to writing battle worthy scenarios.
Would you prefer to dive in, or have it slathered upon you?

Slather me up and just call me a cannonball.
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