Avatar of RockyRaccoon
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I'd probably be interested in this! Out of curiosity, would it have an overarching plot, or would it be a little more free... Or both, combined?
Their small movements made her flinch. Any raise of the hand could release a weapon; any step, another danger. She tilted her head slightly to the side, regarded the two unlikely 'adventurers'. They weren't the type of people she had expected to be interested in this work. Though still wary, she began to relax her almost painful grip on the hilt of the dagger, and partially flattened the scales back down. She knew no display of size or strength would be of use when dealing with the clown, at least. He seemed... too perceptive, too poisonous and dangerous a character. She didn't trust him; she doubted she ever would trust him. As for the other...

"You seem weak, and a coward. Why would you wish to sign up for the job?" Kij turned her head to the first figure with little more than a subtle twitch of her head. The question was not meant to offend, the statement not said in a way that was meant to insult, but was instead the summary of her perceptions - whether they were accurate or not. She waited silently for the reply, oblivious.

Though the clown troubled her, she ignored him for now, and the suggestions to go inside. She would see what the trickster did first before she made her move, reluctant to trap herself inside with potential enemies. They said they were here for a reason, but it was easy to say one thing and for the opposite to be true. No matter what happened, she had to stay alert, she had to be cautious.

I'm surprised at of the lack of interest for this, maybe it just needs a little bump back to the top and a comment ot yeo. Anyway, I think you can definitely count me in, if this takes off.
By the way, I'm not sure how to like your status but it gave me a good laugh, thanks for that!
Oor maybe this will just never take off? Oh well, worth a try.
Her focus was fully on the figure by the building when the shadow fell upon her. Her heart sank. An ambush! Kij dug her claws into the ground, spread her legs out into a defensive position. She doubted she'd have a chance of walking away from a fight against two opponents, but she'd be damned if she didn't take one down with her. Her hand instinctively grasped the handle of her knife, she felt her claws sliding into the familiar notches along the hilt, felt the familiar texture reassure her. "Don't try anything, I'll plant an arrow in your chest before you can draw your weapon." Cool, full of malice, her voice showed none of her feelings of fear and did not betray the lie it hid - she hoped.

She was loath to take her eyes away from the two figures, but the forest called to her, sang for her to turn and run into its dark safety. No, running would be like signing her own death warrant. With a roughness that could only come from a lack of practice, she pushed her scales outwards to make herself seem bigger and more threatening. The space between them seemed to fill with a waiting, uncertain air, and only with the silence did she allow herself to process what he had said. He sounded... uncertain, afraid even? It didn't make sense, unless it was an act put on to lure the unwary into a false sense of security. No, she would not fall for it!
"What business is it of yours?" The words came out more as a snarl, and she took a moment to regain her control. "If you are so interested in what I am here for, you could do me the courtesy of telling me why you're lurking in the shadows at this ungodly time."
A small nod, almost undetectable, signalled she was addressing the figure on the roof - "And the same goes for you."
@Lucidnonsense Ok, that's no problem! I think we'll be taking a while at the tavern or the bit just beyond, so there will be plenty of time to catch up.

Edit: Seeing as there are three people still active, we won't stop posting. However I'll make sure we don't get to the mountain before people have a chance to catch up.
The morning air was thick and heavy, warmth seeping in to what should have been a cooling breeze. Kij'hara could see the dark silhouette of the tavern against the grey of the swamp, only barely illuminated by the sickly light of the dawning sun and a single lantern by the doorway. No lights shone from the inside, and by instinct she was hesitant to leave the sparse cover of the trees. From the angle Kij was at, she could see the gaping maw of the tavern where the wall had broken away into the swamp, and where the roof rose above the water level to provide a slightly sloping platform. Perhaps, if she just got onto the platform... She considered her possibilities, felt the tug of sleep at the corner of her mind, and began to make her way reluctantly towards the tavern.

The ground was softer without the reinforcement of the tree roots, and she felt her footsteps sink into the soil with each step. Although the Lich's magic could not reach further than the boundaries of the Old Country, the water from the swamp knew no limitations, and seeped into the ground to soften it. It disguised her footsteps, yes, but she was not happy to be leaving such clear footsteps. No matter, she told herself, for a tavern was not a place to keep secrets or to hide. Her mind wandered as she thought of the task at hand; to find this Knight, and with her, the needed information.

It wasn't until she was well into the open that she realised her mistake. In the shadow of the tavern - there. The faint outline of a person. She halted in her steps, stopped partly by fear, partly by annoyance. How could she have been so careless? And what person in their right mind would be hiding in the shadows of a tavern at this time? She glanced back behind her, gauging the distance between her and the shelter of the woods and how long it would take her to cover the distance. The odds were not in her favour, with the building only metres away. With reluctance and wariness, she turned back to the figure. "Hello, who's there?"
@dereken Haha, no problem, it's easy to forget the small things! It would have been a pretty unfair fight against Caractacus and the hordes of undead without it anyway, I think.
@dereken Yeah yeah, of course! I was also pretty surprised at the lack of offensive abilities that your character had, it's probably good that you're adding this new thing in.
@dereken@Azereiah@Nevix Ok so, uh, first post is up. Not the best quality, but it'll get things started hopefully! So yeah, post whenever you're ready. Ah yes, I mentioned the Three Nations a couple of times, which wasn't in the OOC information. If you hadn't guessed, it's basically just the controlling powers of the three countries.
Ok that's great! My one thing would be maybe add in something that a normal enemy would have, as otherwise I don't know how they'll pose a risk to your character! Otherwise, all fine, post whenever you're ready.

Empire Of Bones

"Calling all mercenaries, travellers and adventurers.
Come, fight for the Three Nations and gain honour, glory and riches!
Meet Knight Morro Aramato at The Mountain tavern, where Ruritania and the Old Country meet, and join us in the fight for good.
10,000 gold reward for any who come back with information regarding the Lich and his fortress.
Samara Ruon, Queen and ruler of Ruritania"

When the curse spread across the Old Country, the land that connected with Ruritania had been swallowed by a swamp. It had taken exactly half of The Mountain tavern with it, and at least three customers. Only two had risen, the other crushed beyond revival by the roof. Although the floor had been thoroughly swallowed by the murky waters, the roof had risen above the surface and formed a barely slanting platform. The owner of the Tavern, a large and well muscled Orcish woman, had been loath to accept defeat at the hands of a mere curse and so had precariously balanced three tables and several chairs on the tiles of the collapsed roof. Business was doing surprisingly well despite all that had happened, and with the undead on one side of the tavern and the alive on the other, fights were at an all time low. Nobody alive wanted to risk dying on Old Country ground.

It was nearly midnight when the group reached the tavern, well past the organised time, and they were welcomed into their temporary lodgings with nothing more than a bleary eyed grimace and a push towards their rooms. The best had already been taken, and the only remaining room was missing half a wall and all customary furniture. They were haughtily told that they could 'go sleep in the bloody swamp' if they were fussy, and it didn't take long for them to settle down (albeit a little resignedly).
"Two weeks. I can't believe we've got to stay here for two, long weeks." The youngest of the group began to complain, and was soon joined by his elder, a short and stocky female elf.
"I just don't understand why we couldn't have been sent on that mission to Bella! No, y' have to go t' th' swamps and mingle wi' the locals, waitin' fer a bunch o' fools who'll ne'er even turn up." The elf looked pleased with herself as her friend laughed at the over-the-top imitation of their commander, but they were cut short by the taller human female.
"Shut it and go to sleep, if you don't stop your moaning I'll make sure you come back here for another month after this to secure the borders. Count yourselves lucky."
"But Morro-" He was cut off before he'd completed her name.
"You'll call me Knight Aramato, subordinate. And I said shut it. Go to sleep."
Not another word was spoken until the sun rose, and the Three Nations soldiers woke for another day.

Kij'hara had left the city three weeks before, to make her wandering way to The Mountain tavern. She was not in any particular hurry. The poster had been lacking in any true information - a ploy, perhaps, to attract people with an offer of gold and trap them in the job. Kij didn't care - if she found it appealing she would take it. If she didn't, she would walk away. She crested the hill and surveyed the landscape before her, scanning her eyes over the thick mat of trees. A line ran through the leaves where the lush green colour gave way to a greyish hue, and to the far left she could see the forest sinking down into swampland. A lone building stood half demolished in the distance. Two miles away, maybe three. With determination, Kij'hara turned and made her way towards The Mountain tavern.

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