Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

Species | Age | Rank

Thiena Thel
Pantoran | 45 | Major
Droid | 6 | Lieutenant
@Zoey White

Trandoshan | 22 | Sergeant
@Lord Greshh
Arosha Tye
Togruta | 31 | Lieutenant

Cleomenes Ortega
Zabrak | 33 | Captain
Ren Jenterus
Human | 38 | Corporal

Fibu D'orel
Bith | 28 | Corporal
Ashti Verrens
Cathar | 58 | Corporal
@The Fated Fallen

Episode I

RISE UP! The people of
Dynali are fighting back.
Riots spread across planets,
Imperials officials defect,
skirmishes are commonplace.

the largest resistance group
in the region, has linked up
with Rebel high command,
and mobilizes its forces.

You are an INFANTRY
of the Sunburst Battalion,
aboard the frigate Evergreen,
en route to capture Ord Thoden.

SHATTER! The Empire fell into disarray
after the Battle of Endor.
UPRISINGS sprung across the galaxy.
The Rebellion is ascendant.
Chaos is everywhere.

The Outer Rim sector of DYNALI,
a major producer of TRANSPARISTEEL,
teeters on the brink of war,
its people divided in loyalty.

When Dynali's fleet and moff
are recalled to the Core,
prepare to seize the sector by force...

  • Takes place in (Disney) Canon continuity. Events from Legends may be included only if they don't conflict with Canon events.
  • The IC time is three months after the Battle of Endor; the year is still 4 ABY.
  • IC events will occur in and around Dynali sector.
  • Elsewhere in the galaxy, the Couscant civil war, Iron Blockade and battle of Malastre are all still ongoing.
  • Revolts are happening on many worlds across the galaxy. The New Republic has been declared.
  • Due to the collapse of central authority, many powerful Imperial figures became warlords of their territories and/or forces.
  • Pirates, cartels and other opportunists are becoming increasingly bold.

  • Read the rules.
  • This RP will have three episodes, with each following one perspective of the rebel infantry, imperial agents and mercenary pilots.
  • Episodes overlap each other. New characters (belonging to another faction) are created for new episodes, while player characters from completed episodes may become (potentially antagonist) NPCs.
  • Maximum two characters per player each chapter. You can create as many NPCs as you like, or dispose your existing character(s) for new ones.

Visualization of guests dining at the banquet:

I myself prefer about 6-8, and as the game's established I don't mind picking up new blood, but my personal GMing style is trying to help players craft their own personal stories and incorporate parts of their character bios into the RP and it's a lot more meaningful and manageable if I only have a small portion of players compared to say an open sandbox with an always open tag.

@Dervish made a lot of helpful points in his post above; I have some more advices going further into running RPs:

Having an established player base is crucial. However, it's inevitable that some of these players will drop out as the RP progresses. Even if they are fully committed and motivated, their real life may present obstacles we GMs cannot predict. Finding new players is necessary, and I believe doing so serves not only to replace departed players, but also bring in new perspectives to keep the story fresh.

With that said, the longer a thread exists, the harder it is for new players to join in. Besides the obvious need to catch up on story (going anywhere from several pages to the length of several novels), new players also have to contend with a close-knit group that often appears exclusive. Breaking into that established circle is tough; it's awkward and confusing when they laugh at inside jokes and circlejerk over RP-specific memes (even if they are entirely wholesome).

After a certain point (likely after two or three years), it becomes very difficult for the RP to gain new players. That doesn't mean the story has to end. As GMs, we need to be flexible with our plot and group management, and adjust to player-made developments when necessary. This may mean breaking the story down to multiple chapters/arcs/episodes, moving forward with time skips and rebooting to a new thread.

In the end, remember that a successful RP goes far beyond the original GM(s). I've seen enduring RPs change hands multiple times, letting new voices better the story even as the OP loses interest or resigns due to real life concerns.

The fourth day after Federica Azzurro's arrest is a loud one. Chiavo Police mobilizes every single officer to conduct a city-wide bust. Over 100 individuals suspected of involvement with the Crogiolo Syndicate are arrested, a portion of whom dies fighting to the very end. Then all is quiet on the fifth day. Curfew is declared and broadcasts fall silent. Chiavans brace for the retaliation characteristic of other crime families, when they died decades ago. None comes, for the destruction of Crogiolo is thorough and absolute.

The next week, business goes back to usual. Very few people bother to celebrate, though one that does is the police chief himself. Flanked by four bodyguards, all private agents instead of uniformed officers (one of them even escorted Giulio Cespuglio to the airport last week), he takes Vincente Esposito and Lucia Koundouros to the most upscale restaurant for lunch. The police chief is wearing his sharpest uniform; crisp blue jacket and trouser, polished boots, perfectly set cap and a row of service medals on his puffed up chest. The restaurant itself is equally as formal; the entire place is reserved for the three of them, and delicately crafted food is literally accompanied with a silver spoon each. This is no junk food that Vinnie typically grabs between deliveries; they even have a full vegetarian menu just for Lucia.

When everything is eaten, two suitcase are put on the table by the police chief's bodyguards. One case opens to reveal stacks of cash, probably numbering in the millions and enough for two early retirements. The other contains stacks of paper, legal documents that allow Crogiolo Syndicate to transform into a legit company, albeit one with significant government oversight.

"The easy life or CEOs of the next big thing in Chiavo." The police chief offers. He dabs his double chin with a napkin, and wipes off some alfredo sauce from a big silver medal. "Either way, remember you have a powerful friend when I become prime minister next year."

Vinnie and Lucia aren't the only ones making choices. Alone with nothing but her daily meals in the most secure cell, Jane finally receives some visitors a week after her arrest. Government prosecutors come to offer her a deal. Being one of the foremost legal experts under Federica Azzurro, Jane's defense will undoubtedly complicate matters and cost the government valuable time and money. Instead, Jane can testify against her fellow syndicate members in exchange for amnesty. She will be sent back to the US and never allowed in Chiavo again, but she will not be imprisoned for a single day. Alternatively, even though the prosecutors don't mention this, Jane knows numerous acts of police brutality can reduce Reika and Alice's life sentences to only a few years. The catch is, Jane will have to be locked up with them herself.

As for Alice Elliton and Reika Saigyo, it becomes apparent their mutual distrust is (mostly) unfounded. Lower ranking criminals testify similarly for both of them, and the prosecutors give out the same sentence. Even their jail is the same, though St. Olivia's Penetentiary is the only maximum security prison for women in Chiavo. They are initially treated as celebrities, especially Alice, whom is somewhat of a role model for misbehaving young women. However, their fame eventually fades and prison life becomes drab. Several months into their sentence, the newly elected prime minister instills much hated reforms. Daily chores become hard labor, the barely stomachable meals get cut further, and the worst of all, solitary confinements increase significantly. Many prisoner are fed up, so they stage an uprising and invite the former Crogiolo big-shots as leaders.

The uprising ends in disaster. No one breaks out, but many are killed when lethal force is authorized.

But what about Federica Azzurro, Uccian Kuso and Giulio Cespuglio? Well, Federica is released on bail valuing $10 million before what must be a widely publicized trial. That trial never happens, because she disappears the day before, following searchlights and police helicopters circling her mansion. Rumor is that Federica is shot and dumped in the middle of the Mediterranean; her connections make her too dangerous alive. On the other hand, no one needs to make Uccian Kuso disappear. He's a coward that's more than happy to sell out his former customers for his own freedom, to no avail, as he is sent to a prison in Turkey for the next decade and never allowed near a kitchen again. This contrasts sharply with Cespuglio sitting pretty on a Caribbean island. Some Interpol agent tries to arrest him later, but said agent soon resigns because of a personal scandal.

Organized crime does indeed fade from Chiavo. The story of Crogiolo Syndicate, a crime family that is able outlive all of its rivals, but not it's own greed, will be the latest tourist attraction for this tiny Mediterranean country. Federica's mansion is being repurposed into a museum; her belongings already on display elsewhere. Within a year, "Mafia Tours" and "Mob Experiences" pop up all over the city. To most visitors, it is an intriguing but perdictable gimmick. Though for those traveling off the beaten path to see Leonardo Valentino and Rachel Hayford's graves, it is a cautionary tale about mistrust.
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