Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Good stuff, @Zarkun. Ren is an intersting character, with a detailed childhood that explains his motivation in the galaxy. There's a few things I'd like you to clarify before he's approved.

  • Ren's age is 42, but his background says he's served for two years since the age of 32, making him 34. 34 seems like the more resonable one here.
  • Appearance needs more details. Ren seems like a relatively big guy. How does he take advantage of his size? And how does he maneuver in those tight quarters?
  • I couldn't find MA65 carbine or T-70 pistol in SW databases. Custom equipment is fine, but it'd be better if you change one of these blasters to a canon one, and explain how Ren obtained his custom one.
  • How fluent is Ren at Shyriiwook and Dosh? And how did he reach these levels of fluency?
  • Being a poor ranged fighter is a good balancing weakness. What are the causes of this, though? Perhaps nearsightedness from growing up in poorly lit slums? Maybe his hands get twichy from previous injuries? Or a fear of open spaces from living exclusively in tightly packed areas?

I'm enjoying what I see so far! Let's see what @Zoey White has to say.
Bonus: @DearTrickster teleports behind you.

Another Discord Hall of Fame™ nominee? Say hello to @Spoopy Scary's little friend.

@Gcold Filled out the rest of my sheet, call it a first draft. I shall await your feedback eagerly.

Very nice! Fibu is a well-crafted character hitting all the right notes (and I'm seeing a bit of Desmond Doss in him ). His background, personality and capabilities play nicely with each other, and his inventory has a lot of details. The only thing I would add is some more motivation; what horrific act did Fibu witness the Empire commit?

As for his callsign, the generic "Doc" works just fine. Something like "Buzzer" or "Plug", referencing his sound sensitivity and less-than-spectacular music talents, are also fitting choices.

That's all from me. Let's see if @Zoey White has anything to say.
In the third episode of Discord Hall of Fame™ trilogy, @Dervish shows us how Do'Karth should have made his exit.

Hello there, @The Elvenqueen.
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