![]() _______________________________________________ Jennifer Amber Vandermeyer _______________________________________________ 31-10-71 | | Caucasian _______________________________________________ Single | ♀️ | Heterosexual _______________________________________________ Mather's Memorial Student | Defiant to the end _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________ • Height | 5'3" • Weight | 111lbs • Build | Lean • Hair Colour | Jet black • Eye Colour | Deep brown | Appearance Details ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Jennifer expresses rebellion in every way she can sink her claws into; her stubborn and bullheaded nature bleeds into her demeanor, walking around with a puffed chest and locked shoulders, a defiant frown plastered permanently across her face. Her long black hair, wild and unkempt, flows back and down her back, the most thought given to it a rough brushing every other day; it breaks a stark contrasting line across her ghost-pale skin. Her fashion sense further cements the image she seeks to cultivate: embedded in punk culture, she wears blacks with provocative slogans and imagery, chained jeans cuffed above heavy boots and always, always, a ragged leather jacket that is a wearable example of the Ship of Theseus, at this point more hap-hazard threading and safety pins than the original garment. Character Synopsis ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Jennifer was born Halloween '71 to Micheal and Barbara Vandermeyer. Micheal, her father, worked in a bank, and her mother made a good home for her husband and new daughter. The family diligently attended church every Sunday, and many other days besides, and had a simple, satisfactory life, if somewhat humdrum. Micheal was able to adequately provide any material needs, and Barbara wanted little besides; they were a simple couple, devout in their beliefs. Jennifer first met Vanessa at 3 years old after the Vandermeyers moved to Crestwood following her father receiving a promotion, sent to the city to run the new branch the bank had just opened there. The Bordeaux's were their new neighbours, and little Jennifer was delighted to have a new friend so quickly after what little life she'd gotten a grip on had been so rapidly uprooted. Vanessa and Jennifer quickly became the firmest of friends in the way only growing little girls can manage, and their bond blossomed further as they entered education, being the two best friends either girl had had in their short lives thusfar. As they grew, so did their parents; while the Bordeaux's were a well-respected family in Crestwood, Jennifer's parents picked up a reputation for being overly preachy and judgmental; while Jennifer herself had stopped attending church since she turned 10, her parents were still devout, perhaps even zealous believers at times, and in their deepening age relied more and more on their faith as a cornerstone of their values, and their daughter as the cornerstone of their future. Jennifer began to slowly realize her life was being planned and curated for her, and the seed of resentment found root in her core. Jennifer turned to music, as did so many young girls and boys; the world around her was alive with all kinds of new sounds, but where Vanessa, her best friend, fell in love with Disco and the elating, motivating sounds found therein, Jennifer was drawn to the messy, defiant catharsis of the still-young Punk Rock movement. Punk reveled in sticking two fingers up and damn the consequences, a philosophy Jennifer adopted with frightening speed and ease; everything became about rebellion. Jennifer forged a new identity in punk: Vandermeyer no longer, she was Jenny Venom, and she used this persona to divorce herself from her family's reputation, and her parent's plans for her. As Jennifer and Vanessa approached high school, they had drifted apart significantly; Jennifer had fallen in with her new spiky-haired, leather-wearing clique, and had derided Vanessa's love of Disco, spurning Vanessa's attempts to reconnect and rekindle the friendship. Vanessa kept herself graceful enough to never retaliate, allowing Jennifer the space to explore this new self she had constructed. Vanessa's death shattered Jenny's world, despite the distance she had deliberately made between her and her once-closest friend. The tragedy cast into harsh light exactly what life is and can be, and what it means when it is taken away; but these revelations have only triggered a further retreat into the persona. Jennifer was a little girl, her life being lived for her, path forcibly laid out ahead of her, naive and foolish. Jenny Venom is fearless, and tough, and survives everything. Hyper-Human Abilities ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Jennifer's hype-gene has mutated specifically alongside her immune system and fight-or-flight response. When presented with physical trauma or sudden terror, before adrenaline floods her blood supply, a unique secondary 'hype-hormone' is secreted from her adrenal glands that blocks the receptors at her nerve endings, completely shutting down the nervous system pain response and instead replacing any incoming trauma signals with a direct signal to the endocrine system to produce further and further adrenaline. The mutated hype-adrenaline then bonds with her muscles and completely replaces the aerobic/anaerobic respiration function, eliminating lactic acid buildup and allowing indefinite function without exhaustion. Finally, the bonded 'hype-hormone' and adrenaline floods her skull cavity and passes through the pia mater into the blood vessels of the brain, and signals the activation of an extremely intense, subconscious form of auto-biokinesis, allowing her low-level brain functions to take over the immune system response and rewire muscles, organs, blood supply systems and bones on-the-fly to adapt to endure any and all incoming trauma without ceasing function. Once trauma has ceased or has been escaped, the 'hype-hormone' stops signalling, and the mutated adrenaline floods the immune system entirely, expediting recovery of injury, the body drawing adrenaline from its various appendages and organs working from the bodily extremes inward in order to necessitate quickened recovery while allowing maximum up-time of the unconscious biokinesis to aid natural physical recovery, before the adrenaline is drawn from the meninges entirely and disseminated as the final healing 'booster'. All these processes combined result in Jennifer being able to sustain intense physical trauma well above and beyond what would be typically fatal for a human, without feeling pain, losing motor or organ function, or slowing or shutting down - and then being able to recover from the trauma to full-functioning capacity at an increased rate after-the-fact. |