Avatar of RumikoOhara


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4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
5 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
5 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

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sorry bout the miss post

LOL silly me
Run my little Bunnies or it's the pot for you

Zero Post is up and if you miss this then you're not paying attention

Benny as his friends called him and they were few in numbers as he knew too much had too much and still he tried to play the game fairly and it pissed them off because it made them look like shit in comparison; the powerful were big on perceptions and they spent time cultivating it. Benny didn’t care about perceptions as they did, he didn’t hide his true self but he did hide those treasures of his with care and he treasured his Toy most of all.

She was his Masterpiece and Insurance all rolled into one and even if they discovered what she contained it would do them no good her true self was hidden in the flow of technology and the physical her meant as an access point, destroy it and she would shift priorities an alter mankind to accomplish it. He had thought so much on just going ahead and completing the Shiva protocol but Toy had asked him not to and he loved her too much to deny her.

One day they would make a mistake and she would become the mother of the new Man.

I’m headed to the Sammie, I’ll be at the Sammie, I heard at the Sammie common words about a common place that some thought was a franchise but was actually a forgotten and uncounted string of Guild halls for those who made their money the hard ways. Gun, Smart Gun or Code Gun it was the violent world of Solos, Street Samurai, Netrunners, and Fixers or about anyone else willing to risk their often brutal company.

This Sammie was like every Sammie and hell even its regulars looked as they all bore the same stamp of production. Drinks were Cheap and Nasty, food as in three types of Kibble was cheap but the dam things were rationed so the bartender didn’t just hand over an edible bag filled with vanilla, chocolate or pizza flavored Kibble to anyone unless you counted Pizza Flavored which most said was like vomit….they feed it to squats outside the bar for a laugh.

The Bartender Droid was well Maintained because in a way she was dating as in letting him do things to her a very good cybertech. Her name was Mavis but she’d answer to anything and while she was no powerhouse bruiser she ruled her roost with the ability to close it down with a thought and make your mates punish you to see it become active or all of the troublemakers get bored and drift away before she reopened and the crowded Sammies nearby send their overflow to her place.

It was a night like any other in the downs. The walkways were damp with...well they were damp and thank god you were either used to the smell or it didn’t smell. The Sammie was the Sammie with patrons nursing their cheap alks and nibbling either the kibble or bowls it came in as they talked openly or by close link.

It was a hole but it was their hole and the regulars sought to keep it and keep it the way they liked and how Mavis liked it as well.

@Polaris North
Smart man because she has discovered some suffer rashes ask Jain about Summer's miracle Repellent that works on everyone and gives only her a rash
@Polaris North

Summer has decided to redefine her perceptions of reality, to think outside of the fear most people suffer under

I have shown many times that she's sort of touched, whether it's in her head or actual epiphany remains to be seen if it isn't apparent to others she's a genius. She consumes every book she comes across and has an extraordinary retention of it as well even if she can't understand it. She could quote you and decently accurate description of a washing machine even though she has no idea of what some descriptive terms mean.

She sleeps somehow in the saddle her Appaloosa following the column with a gentle gait and her ravens circling as they watch over her and those she travels with. She can tell you what new plants are useful for by sight, smell and eventually taste

Summer's name is actually Summermoon and the funny thing is she's not given a tribal name but named after a book about the last and greatest native American War Leader Quanna Parker, that book is "Empire of the Summermoon"

I was going to say Amir was busy with a prisoner's head wound...He died

Don't worry though I do plan on him trying to chat up Summer....feel her out for a possible connection and he'll be shot down because she doesn't engage in even kissing...then she'll point him to Elsa's tent saying she wants lots of babies and would make a good wife

You though Summer finds interesting because you want to understand animals
@Polaris North

You're a Doc...among the Troopers to Jain you are an asset like Summer and she would only get angry if you endangered someone when you had a better choice

Jain is actually a sweet woman who cares too much, she's like the protective mom who threatens to kill her children for putting themselves in danger or getting hurt because they forgot what they'd been taught of the world.

So no worries and ask Summer when Jain grants some R&R for you....Summer believes Doctors should experience any of her wares that can't hurt them so that they understand the effect
@Polaris North

Love the Post North

Jain was so blasted you could have dug out the round with a screwdriver
I am still haunting

Hi all may be a bit longer before the post as I had to vent in my other RP so I am in a Bitch on Wheels with a Bloody Knife mode

I would like to ask that when this starts all characters be in a Sammie Bar (Sammie Bar is generic for Street Samurai Bar and they are a dime a 1,000....Yours is Sammie 2257-35ul....you guys can nickname it what you want)

The drinks are cheap, the kibble ain't got no mold and The Bartender Droid is well Maintained

No Shootin guns, carving yer names in tables or other patrons or you get banned

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in your IC are accepted but may be made fun of in the Discord
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