Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
5 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
5 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

I'll post soon.

@RumikoOhara Same to you, although I'm working on Cystra right now.

I posted there already
@NarcissisticPotato@Polaris North@Dnafein@Joker892@Poi@ReusableSword@Lord Orgasmo@DriveEMOut
I included you in this to offer you all a bit of an expansion chance

Looking for a little new blood

First off Hi and thanks for at least opening this thread I am Rumi the head of the asylum and we have a few empty jackets.

As so often happens in Forum RP we've had a few hiccups and a mutiny…..they’re adrift now and I miss them.

Well that means we need additions to our troupe and that means you

Presently we are on an expedition of exploration and our unit making temporary camp in What was once the town of Arlington Oregon as we wait for members to heal so that we may set of once more our goal another 50 miles before we return to our home of Lasthope to ready for the War with the Portland Pirates.

Lasthope is for the Walking Dead World a large City of nearly 3,000 people in Lasthope but affiliations with nearby human enclaves meaning an overall population of 5,000+.

Lasthope is Built along the Shore of Bullrun Lake using Shipping containers, Cinder-block, Concrete, and Brick using Mill Creek and Taylor Creek as barriers to the Dead and the Living. It’s fortification comes complete with earthen revetments and only one gate with a military watch system on all walls and 12 reinforced watchtowers made of concrete and manned by at least 4 reserve troopers each (reserve troopers are the oldermen of Lasthope, 45-65 and those in critical manufacturing and technology)

It is Year 14 in our new world and we are just beginning to manage the manufacturing of gunpowder weaponry so guns and their use carefully controlled due to the shortages inherent from the loss of local resources and facilities. Lasthope views the use of firearms as an important feature of defense so only specially trained personnel are allowed to remove ammo and guns from the township.

Quote John Sanders: “As the story continues, we’re going to see a lot more transfer to more melee weapons,” Sanders said. “Bullets are a finite instrument … and we need to make sure that each character can only use so many and that they’re thinking about it.”

By moving factory facilities from other areas we are presently beginning to manufacture our own version of the Henry Lever Action Rifles but are still looking at perhaps 3 to 5 more years before we can arm our patrols. Now I am sure you’re salivating over this little fact but remember they use black powder which means that in mass attacks the black powder they use can blot out the battle field and expose positions of firing Troopers.

I mention this to support my reason for saying if your CS has a firearm then it is running very low on ammo (30 average and maybe 100 rounds if it’s like a 22 or 9mm the two most common caliber). I didn’t need to read that Mr. Sanders said the writers of WD were thinking this because if you ever watched the old school Mad Max you’ll remember he was always scrambling to have a few rounds for his guns; logic is a bitch.

Forget cars it’s either on foot or horse most people travel on land because all the fossil fuels have gone bad after exceeding their self dates and even Bio diesel is a pipe dream; where do you get all that veggie oil from?

There are no more Army Rangers in their Prime the youngest of them perhaps in their mid 30s and Lasthope saw early the loss such trained men would be in a world where men wear the skins of men over the hearts of beasts. Oh I also feel it necessary to add that the Elite soldier types were also the ones who suffered the greatest attrition rates as they were the risk takers over the years; it is a sad fact supported that the most common state of the receivers of medals is Posthumus.

Lasthope is a preserver of resources and the skills of those men and women in their population their greatest recycling effort.

Lasthope is a proud land that treasures Democracy and operates in a Socialist environment where necessities of life are evenly spread among the people and luxuries won in respect show by getting enough people at the monthly councils to vote you deserve them. No one goes hungry in Lasthope so long as there is food, every man has a home and a bed and everyone is expected to work or expect their neighbors to vote them out at the next meeting.

Well I could babble more about it all or answer questions….I choose to answer questions


I am now opening up the story for Outsiders to join our group

You may follow us and eventually come to Lasthope and in 3 years become a voting member of the Council, even a councilman if you’re crazy enough or your friends hate you that much.

(Optional Picture Here)
Description:(Height, Weight, and any other details you'd like to include though I will insist on more detail without a picture)
History: Please include if you are an Orphan or Familied
Skills: 3 things you are really good at (I will ask for explanations and reserve the right to refuse; I have to or my players will kill and eat me)

Now to my players who are looking at this I open up to you the same offer to make an Outsider

Hmm... I was hoping some of the others would have posted

Abby was in heaven as she felt the music move her as it always could, oh how she wished she could find a lover that moved her as powerfully as she explored both grounds and the depths of music.

She had always loved music and couldn’t be tied down to any genre finding the love in almost every corner of the art form and proof of that the music she was presently hearing over her headphones

She couldn’t explain it but this tune by a man who’d called himself a Punk Gypsy’s enthusiasm infected her sometimes and made her want to throw away all the labels the industry had tried to place on her in her career. She was a novelty because of her size, a Lollie Queen, Metal Maven, and the “Mouse that Roared” the later she actually thought of when in the studio and the producer and his gang kept focusing on her size calling her a Pixie, or a Fairy.

She had suggested the title as if boredly tossing a one off and was surprised when Rupert went for it and even had a bit more fun insisting she be called Gloriana Duchess of Grand Fenwick; they eventually called her Glory which amused her to no end as they had no idea of the true source of her inspiration. That should have been her first warning that these fools had no souls and were content in calling themselves clever for their ability to siphon off a living made through the efforts of artists but she had been about the music not the cash.

Sure she loved having the money she needed to buy instruments, rent studio time, and indulge herself in sound but beyond that the world could play sit-n-spin and leave her alone. She did love that tween and teen fashion had indulged itself in a more adult look and that kids grew so fast as it gave he a wide selection of secondhands to choose from at boot sales and charity shops. She never bought fashion current and had taught herself her own methods of clothing alteration giving her an almost harajuku loli look that screamed sex kitten because her curves were not those of a child.

She had listened to the speech made by Kurobasan ….she hoped that was the proper address but she let is slide as she considered his words noting he hadn’t mentioned Fame nor Money and hoped she could take that as a good sign. She was here to reinvent herself, to push her boundaries, to see if she was more than a tiny woman with a powerful voice. They talked about film and while it interested her Abby was sure her size as it had so often would limit her chances once more fitting her into the “Oh isn’t she adorable...just like a Doll” exclamations mold, a novelty. In her heart Abby was Godzilla and ready to topple skyscrapers.

Then her odd and neurotic search machine popped up with a classic for 1974 forcing her to join the Cult a slave to the bass beat and the echo chamber effects so as she danced in a courtyard oblivious to the world she belted out

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
He pulls the spitting high-tension wires down
Helpless people on subway trains
Scream, bug-eyed, as he looks in on them
He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

she felt free lost while singing in tonal parallel with Buck and Eric and nothing else mattered


Slow night
@RumikoOharaSo Basically it's shag central.

Not so easy but I am enamored

I'm presently running my own Cyberpunk RP and was showing my support

I understand the small group and can wait or act as a guest star if you need

again sorry misposted it

reminds me I need to check my citadel
No ...sorry I'm floating on air at the moment lol

I just met a man who is both poet and man without the needy needy vibe


He's new to my uncle's company...young....interesting....well he's young to work for my uncle lol 3 years older than me

Thom McNicholas]

Now there's a pretty man

Mispost Forgive me

Sorry for the silly mistake but it stands he's still a pretty man
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