Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Three people that didn't know they were dead yet, huh? Should be easy enough to handle them. Hopefully it wouldn't kill all of them, she at least wanted to ask one where exactly Thrasher was holed up in Bison Steve. Approaching slowly, Lizzie pulled a firebomb from her belt. Quickly, she ignited the fuse and held it for just a few seconds before tossing it in between the three of them.

Immediately after, she pulled her rifle, taking shots at two of the gangers head, with the third getting some in his kneecaps.


I was looking forward to calligraphy lady, but I understand that feeling all to well. Good luck in other things, friend.
Its okay, Mitsumi definitely means it with endearment. Definitely.
There we go, and a post.

Lets see if I can't make Mitsumi completely insufferably smug to everyone else.


"There we go...nice and healthy." A gentle, pale hand brushed lightly against a the green underside of a large flytrap looking plant. Its head swiveled to face the girl addressing it, a fresh coating of fertilizer and water dusting the ground beneath it. The disproportionately large 'head' of the plant wobbled back and forth slightly, seemingly tilting its head in an inquisitive manner as Mitsumi finished wiping off its body. "Mhm, I think that should do it-Gweh?!" Suddenly, the plant opened its mouth, a large human tongue reaching out and giving the girl a full-body lick with it. "Okay okay, I get it! You're welcome! Really!"

Taking care of these plants was a pain sometimes, but their beauty and usefulness was completely worth it.

The massive plant retreated back to its natural position, becoming seemingly nothing more than a stationary, motionless, plant. The rest of the garden soon joined it, the soil and roots returning to quiet silence. Ah, she could spend all day here, just doing nothing else, but she had already decided she couldn't do that, even if she wanted too.


"Ah, Vanita." Mitsumi walked away from the garden's edge, having finished most of her routine. She might have been attending Black Babel, but taking care of the families garden in their estate was something she was partly responsible for. "Thank you. And where have you been this morning, hmm? Shirking work as usual?" She pulled the towel off of the serpents back, starting to lightly dry herself. Hm, she'd need a shower.

"Hmph, I was doing some sunbathing. My petals were starting to wilt a bit. Stress, I imagine."

"Fufu, is that so? For someone whose name comes from the Latin word for Vanity, you certainly are more suited towards indolence."
"I am offended." The serpent hissed. "The great -me- is always working hard."

"Of course, of course." Mitsumi replied with a light chuckle, placing a hand on her hip, not too convinced of her familiars whereabouts. "Well, no matter. Vanita, is my uniform ready?"

"Indeed. Though I still can't possibly fathom the logic of joining the Xcursion regiment." The serpent sighed almost reminding her of an exasperated old man.

"Is it really that hard to understand?" She responded nonchalantly, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Well, it doesn't matter. Stay here if you don't want to come along, my indolent little serpent."

"Th-that's not what I meant!" Vanita hastily replied. "And do you have any idea what your parents would do to me if I let anything happen to you?"

"Then stop complaining, and get ready." She could hear Vanita internally bashing his head against a wall.

Not long after, a single witch had risen from the air. They rose from the estate, higher and higher until they were above most of the buildings in Other-Tokyo. Ah, such a wonderful, whimsical sight. She loved it. The Daemons, smells, everything. Compared to normal Tokyo, this place was an absolute circus, and she loved every second of it. Vanita was wrapped tightly in his usual perch, head resting on her shoulder, a single coil wrapped around her neck with his tail dangling off her back.

Still...as much as she'd love to hang around here, she had to get to Babel. She gripped her broom with both hands...doing a nose dive right for the gates. She could almost hear Vanita internally screaming as some of his petals were ripped off from the sheer speed. Coupled with the rather abrupt halting at the gate, he probably would chastise her later. She gave the gate keeper a wave, quickly being allowed in.

"Now then...where would they be?" Mitsumi unsummoned her broom, taking in a few of the sights. Thankfully, it wasn't hard to pick out who her teammates were supposed to be in this crowd. A rough looking girl and a rather forgettable looking highschool kid. "Ah...that's probably them. Do try and be nice, Vanita." The serpent didn't respond, merely stared at the two with a small glare as she approached.

"And you must be Saejima-san." Mitsumi gave the two of them a friendly smile. "Shinkai Mitsumi, if there was any confusion." She said, as if she should have been recognized upon sight.
Woop, I'll get a post up tomorrow


That was a lot of food that one servant was getting. In fact, chances were Beni-Sensei was going to be focused on that instead of her. That was good. In fact, that was great. She was going to live!

"Quick, master, lets blow this joint before Beni-Sensei realizes we're still here." Suzuka grabbed mana's hand, quickly pulling her from the fast food place and out onto the street. Now...where she was going to be going? She wanted to visit that one salon, but she was basically just fleeing the scene of a crime at the moment.

Which meant she had no idea where she was going at all.

Not that she'd ever admit that.

"Wew, I think we lost her." Suzuka said with a grin, after dragging Mana seemingly halfway across the city to the shopping district. "...Ah. Hey! There's another thing I wanted to do." Once again, before Mana could say no, she found herself being dragged into an expensive looking clothing boutique.
Ah whoops.

Yeah, removed that little debuff then.

Fricken did it

Wew man.

Alrighty, do tell if I need to change anything. I shouldn't have any problems with that. I'll also make it prettier later, but this should do for now.

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