Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Honestly, same, friend. Just about a month or so ago I started feeling rather burned out of RPing in general.

Honestly, pretty much everything is done except deciding on what exactly I want her abilities to be in terms of curses/charms/crafts.

Why that's being difficult for me to figure out, I dunno. I keep flopping back and forth on the matter.

I was hoping trying to make something would get me out of this slump, but it seems I'm failing to even do that. I have plenty of ideas, but nothing seems to be particularly engaging or fun to play.

That is to say, don't wait on me to make a CS. I'll still try, but no promises at this point. I can't seem to write anything I like.
"Wow sounds like a party." Lizzie mused, stepping across the bridge, wary of the mines. Really, she could respect a good explosion or two but blocking off an entire bridge just seemed excessive. That was bad for everyone! Just keep a fresh supply of grenades or set up some sort of sentry or something if they wanted to make a choke point.

Not that it'd mattered. If the Gangers wanted to attack them, they could just try from a different position.

Now, did she want to take care of everyone else or simply go after the big bad guy? Wasn't like she'd get paid for taking out the rest of them. Her bounty was just for Thrasher, no one else. Eh, couldn't hurt to take out a few of them. A bit more info and maybe a few supplies, but nothing more than a few.

Wasn't there a mail station or something in Primm?

Lizzie made her way towards the station slowly, rifle at the ready and sticking to the shadows in an effort to get the drop on anyone that might be in her way.
She was starting to get an idea of what was going on here. A woman kidnapping children? That ruled out quite a few of the youkai previously discussed. In fact, that only left a handful that could be responsible. Perhaps she was being a bit quick to judge here, but she liked to think she knew her way around happenings such as this. She had been around awhile, after all, even if she might have normally been the culprit of such things.

"Hm, in cases like this coincidences are unlikely." She replied to the spirit, releasing her grip on Mugi now that she probably understood she wasn't in any danger of being eaten by the ghost. "Tomo-chan, this doesn't sound like something like me." Taking everything into account, it couldn't be. Someone, though, had made a suggestion that could be something of a similar nature. "Something a little more recent. Something from what you might call an Urban Legend."

Kaori sighed, frowning lightly.

"I do hope she hasn't harmed them. I might be angry if she did." Despite the languid tone with which that was said, there was a certain edge to the words. "But to confirm...was there anything odd about this woman? Maybe her height, or the way she was dressed?"


In a similar question, before I go through with the idea I want to make sure its doable.

Instead of a imp-class familiar, I was wondering if it would be possible to have either a Golem or Dragon class daemon bound to my character as a familiar - probably a witch family has the Daemon bound to their bloodline - and would be a main source of her fighting ability, using Crafts and perhaps a few Charms to augment its fighting ability and such.
@Rune_Alchemist Hey, it's been a while. You're definitely welcome to whip up a sheet :)



...oh damn, it has been awhile. Hell man, I haven't been in an RP with you in while. I thought your name was familiar.

Anyways. I surprisingly, have a few ideas I'm tossing around. If all goes well and I actually can make up my mind, something should be up tomorrow.

For now I'm about to pass out cuz I'm hella tired so I should get to bed.

This seems like it might be something I could get into.

I'll see if I can get out of this rut and make a CS if you're still looking for people.

~Temporary Campsite~

Fast rate of skill progression? Excellent. That meant she was doing something right.

Ash focused more on the spell in front of her. It was staying together, but it wasn't quite 'connecting' just right. The Kobold made a thoughtful hiss, trying to determine what the next step would be. Easiest would be to simply fire it off and see if it replicated in the exact same way. Assuming it'd work similar to Mana Slice, it'd be an excellent poison delivery method.

hmm, no one step at a time. Make the base then refine it into something better later. Cutting corners made something weak, and theories shoddy.

Still, perhaps there was one more thing she could do. Ash stopped the dual cast, focusing all of her attention on the one spell she was attempting to create. She began spinning the 'edge' of the liquid, attempting to rotate it faster and faster, trying to make the 'edge' itself sharper through the movement of the liquid poison itself...and then attempted to fire it at the nearest tree.

She'd watch the outcome of the spell, and regardless of the outcome she'd then turn her attention to her companions.

More could evolve, too? Hm, excellent. She gave a nod towards Oberon, noticing Digbie had likely already began. Torrent was...what was Torrent doing?

Ash curiously looked on, using her Mana Vision, Magic analysis, and Mana Sense on both Torrent and the Air around her. What exactly was she attempting to do there?
The spider simply followed along, not particularly minding the way things were going. Mostly, because this Yuki-Onna was the definition of adorable and she was fairly certain she had made a good impression! Fufu, this was good. All she'd need to do now is just invite her to her den and play with her a bit.

"You don't have to force yourself, dear." Kaori said as she stood to follow along behind the Yuki-Onna, a bit sad that Yuuto had beaten her to Asahi's offer. She'd have very much liked too, but alas, she had her own umbrella anyways and three was a crowd. "Hmm, if anyone wants to share with me too, even if you have one, by all means." Kaori offered with a smile and headed out after the others.

Kaori followed along, humming a quiet song to herself as they traveled through the rain, keeping a close eye on the surroundings herself. Even if they didn't see anything, knowing what was currently happening was always a benefit, and soon, they arrived at their destination. A playground. They were summoning a spirit here? Hm, that made her feel somewhat conflicted. Not that she had any room to talk, but really what sort of spirit was haunting a playground?

And as expected, the adorable Yuki-Onna was scared witless. Kaori had to suppress a laugh as she was clung to. She patted Mugi's head, using one arm to pull her in closer.

"Fufu, don't worry my precious little ice-woman. I said I wouldn't let anyone lay a fuzzy little hand on you." Kaori smiled, glancing towards the spirit girl. Hm. "A friend of yours Tomoko?" She gave a light bow of her head towards the ghost. "I am Kaori Shimizu, and my, aren't you quite the adorably scary thing." Still...a playground? How distressing. Why was she even haunting this place? She looked fairly young. "We are merely here looking into some disappearances that happened in the area. Tomo-chan thought you might have seen something."

@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

"Mmmf?!" Suzuka's eyes widened as she was pulled into the same dangerous weapon that Beni-sensei had barely managed to escape from. Jeez, she actually sort of felt bad now. Ugh. The fox pulled herself free of Mana's grip rather easily, a serious, troubled expression worn on her face as she rethought her actions. "Jeez...master, if you look at me like that I'll start feeling bad-"


Her face turned a shade of white that could have made her mistaken for a ghost.

Remedial lessons?!

"Master! Don't let Beni-Sensei take me!" Suzuka hid behind Mana, intending on keeping as much distance between her and Beni-Sensei as she could. "I'll like, totally definitely not do it again! Pinky promise!"


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

"Erm..." Charlotte quickly pulled back her hand, giving Yuriko a light frown, lips pursed in a disapproving fashion. "Charlotte. Er, Charlotte Velemyrus."

A silence followed, unsure of how to continue this conversation or if she even wanted too.

Wait, idea! She was too focused on attempting to get away to have thought of it before, but yes, that was a natural thing to ask, wasn't it?

"...Uhm...perhaps it may be a bit forward, but if you regularly attend that shop earlier, perhaps you could show it to me? I was, as I said, looking for high quality material earlier and well, the clothes here aren't exactly bad, but...uhm, well." the more she spoke, the faster the words came. It was likely becoming increasingly clear Charlotte just wasn't use to these sorts of interactions.
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