Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

lol well
If you're finally done with yours
I'll start finishing up my post
He's hecckin down to be tied up by the spider, obviously.

Ey, don't worry
Shoggo will make sure to get ~veeery~ close with everyone at least once. After she hands Sam the cake though she has to go say by to Lady kyouko, though.

hope Lady Kyouko is used to wandering tentacles by now

Well now she can tackle him from behind and cause him to faceplant into the shoggo, and thus, be sandwiched between them.

its the prefect plan
@Dark Cloud

Ask and you shall receive the ara-ara

To answer your other question
They taste ɨ̴͔̱̜̓̈́ռ̵̤̫̩͊ͅɖ̷̨͍̫̙̦̊̈́̎̌ɛ̸̹̠͈̎͆̎̑̈́̕̚ֆ̴̨͉̳͍̩̙́ͅƈ̶͔̺̫̠̒͆̿͋͛ʀ̶̧̛̱̼͎̪̅̀̓ɨ̵̼̍͗̄͗̒͑ɮ̴̡͓̤̦̂̍̊̾̀͘͜ǟ̵̧̛̓͝ɮ̷͉̘͎̳̭̫̓̈͜ʟ̸̧̦̲̼̿̀́̎͂̍̃ɛ̸̡̢͈̉͐͝ good. Promise~

@Dark Cloud

Aaaah, so much work todo! Cleaning a ship really took a lot out of a girl, didn't it? Aboard the vessel was someone who had been there early in the morning, and likely had spent a good portion of the night there. She had to make sure the entire vessel was spotless, after all. Not a spec of dust, dirt, grime, though maybe just a tiny bit of slime here and there. She had managed to clean everything from top to bottom currently, but had decided to leave the passenger cabins for last as she had deemed she wanted them to be the last thing she had done so they would be extremely freshly cleaned by the time anyone boarded.

"Oh dear I hope its not getting too late. It'd be terrible if the guests had to endure such a grimy ship. Let alone Mistress-sama's name being sullied by it." Thankfully this was the last room and she was almost done. A feather duster, dusting away all the dust and a broom sweeping away anything that couldn't be classified with spotless. Oh and of course...one last little present for the occupant. A slice of lovely purple cake...that she had left in every cabin.

Placing the cake on a table in the room, she'd move to the door where she'd turn to look at her handiwork, feeling quite pleased.

"Fufu, there we go everything looks good...Ah." She'd click her tongue as she'd notice a small scrap of paper on the floor. Now she could have used her tentacles to pick it up...but instead, she'd bend over and reach for it.


"Wah~~" Some little something had just bumped into her butt. As most people know, Shoggoths tend to be incredibly sensitive to touch, so even a simple act like that might make her make some weird noises if she was unprepared. "Fufu, someone's a bit eager aren't they~?" She'd say in a fairly sultry tone as she'd turn around to see who had just accosted her, quite surprised to find not a monster girl, sailor, or some other person...but a tiny, little, demon male. Nyla blinked, standing up fully, holding her hands in front of her, head cocked to the side slightly in surprise. "Oh dear me I am terribly sorry master, I was doing the finishing touches on the cleaning. I do hope you were not harmed when you rammed my but-ahem-I mean, ran into me. Can I offer you some cake as an apology?~"

A tiny tendril would reach out and offer him the cake that had been placed on the table earlier.

To celebrate, everyone shall be getting free shogcakes!

I shall get to making a post after I finish mine.
You know I'm realizing
That by making her give 'Shogcakes' to people
And also describing her as 'Thicc'

Well I definitely intended that totally

A smug grin would form on the Shenke's face as Sefira would explain her predicament. The Arachne would ask if Eunice needed assistance, so she'd help the other woman with it if needed. The other mounts were lounging idly near the camp.

"Huhu, well as the only other girl here," She'd say with a giggle of dubious intent. "Obviously it's up to me to protect your maidenhood while Eunice takes care of the fish." She'd plop the young cub on the ground, taking her attention from the elf just long enough to give it a pet on the head along with a stern look. "You stay here. Don't cause any trouble, kay? Don't worry I won't be gone long!" She'd run over to Sefira, grinning and pushing the petite elf along. "Just long enough to get some eye can-ahem, help Seffy here~!"

Regardless of how much the elf would struggle, the Shenke would push or pull and otherwise drag the elf along towards where the river had been indicated. Of course, she would make doubly sure to drag her away from the boys. Couldn't have her modesty threatened after all, of course! She would protect that modesty!

...after making sure she got to experience it herself of course.

"Eheheheh, Alright, off with the clothes!" She would then...proceed to strip the Elf. An expected outcome of events really. "Oh also we'll wash them and get you all squeaky clean too." She'd add almost as an afterthought.
Sam: Proving Cam's theories

Meanwhile, a certain Shoggo: Proving the theory completely wrong in every way possible.
Cam's gonna have to watch that she doesn't switch any food he eats with shoggo food lol
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