Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud

Oh don't you worry there'll be enough ShogcakesTM for everyone. Even cute little Sam~
Someone has to make sure the incredibly rare male demon is weeellll taken care of~

@Dark Cloud
Greetings! You've signed up for daily delivery of Shogcakes TM! As per the EULA you absolve all rights relating to suing, being upset, bonking shoggo, or otherwise blaming this cute bundle of hugs and gooey goodness of any ill affects or thoughts of cute cuddly shoggos that Shogcakes may induce.

What? You want to opt out?

Ahahaha There is no option of opting out.

Nope that's fine. She'll just have to make sure to give Kyouko lots and lots of aggressive...'hugs'...whenever she gets a chance. Also probably aggressively hug everyone else. And feed them her special shogcakesTM which have no Ill affects whatsoever*

*shoggoth is not responsible for any random mutations, hallucinations, insanity, blood worship, thoughts of cuddleble shoggos, being spoon fed by shoggos, comfy shoggos to lay on, that shogcakesTM might induce.

I'll prolly get a CS up tomorrow.
Oh hey paul
You know

I love me some monster girls

I'd ask why you didn't invite me, but considering I flaked out on the other one two times I get it lol

Thaaaat said...

Okay hear me out.

Lady Kyouko needs a maid
@Crusader Lord@Cu Chulainn@PKMNB0Y@VitaVitaAR@Erode@Cu Chulainn@PaulHaynek@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99@Crimson Paladin

And so, this little project of mine comes to an end. Two years, huh? I hope you all at least, had fun with this little imperfect project of mine. I've wrapped it up, and hopefully given every character as proper a send off as I could have here. I'm sorry for cutting things short, but I've already mentioned in the discord all of my reasons for doing so...but not to fret, after some time to think about everything and give the RP a fresh coat of paint, I'll certainly be restructuring and giving it a second attempt.

Thank you all for being part of this and putting up with my amateurish attempts to tell a story here. Really, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people. Thank you all and stay tuned for the future.
Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

Od tore into the approaching bandits once more, the arrows impacting her flesh but otherwise not being too harmful considering her vitality and the fey blood that seemed to run through her veins. Needless to say, her opponents were both intimidated and completely shocked by the sight of a madwoman with an arrow stuck in her eye tearing them to shreds with ease.

More arrows would lob themselves at the knights and the Militia on the wall as the Bandits still made their advance - only saved by the combined efforts of Lunalel and Fio whose shields would block the volley and who would both launch a massive sword of magic and spear of light towards the trees. In cover as they were, they weren't likely to do much damage - ah.

Fio could sense it before she could see it. A burst of magical power as an arrow sailed through the air, cloaked in a shroud of quick moving air. Once it reached the same height as the spear of light it'd burst open, creating a vortex, sucking in the spear of light and knocking it off course along with her blade. It was hard to tell what exactly magic was used from this distance, but it felt like something similar to a spirit.


The ground shook - causing the entire row of militia atop the wall to stumble, the bandits backing off slightly as they'd too feel the disturbance.

"Fall back! Don't get in the bosses' way!" One of them would shout.


Across the plains was the sound of heavy footfalls, slamming into the ground faster and faster, as if whatever it was, was picking up speed - after a few seconds the knights could see it, coming into view just out of sight from the nearby forest. A massive beast, at least eleven feet tall, a long trunk and a set of four bony tusks protruding from the front of it ready to impale anything it ran into. Its body was covered in a thick, white and blue-streaked fur, and its legs were covered in thick armor while the upper part of its face was covered in what seemed to be hard, crystalline and icy growth. And atop it? A Tuatha man sat in a saddle. Long braided red hair, a cloak of fur being all he wore on his upper torso and in his hands, was a large axe seemed to be made primarily from steel and decorated with some sort of bone.

"Ahaha, you guys put up a pretty good fight!" He'd shout, the gargantuan beast not slowing down. It was making a beeline for the gate! "Means you probably got some pretty good loot in there, huh! Alright break down that gate of theirs, Shabbi!"

It...was a Tuatha man, riding an Elder Beast, that seemed to be leading these brigands.

Airedale Forest
@Crimson Paladin

Breaking away from the field, Ethelred would find himself thankfully mostly left alone by the arrows, whoever was doing the firing being more focused on seemingly preventing either of the spears or the ethereal sword from reaching their intended targets. Upon reaching the treeline, he'd find his targets. About five archers. Initially, they hadn't seen him approach from their flanks. All of them were focused on the job at hand - focused on suppressing the knights and giving them trouble from the sidelines. Didn't seem like they had a trap ready.

One among them, seemed like she might have been the source of the magic from before. a woman, dressed as though she was someone from some noble family. Blond hair tied up, a pointed hat with a feather in it on her head with a darker skin tone. In her hands was a green bow whose string seemed to shimmer lightly.

"Haa, there he goes." He'd hear her grumble. "If he was just gonna do that anyways we could've stayed at home and get pampered...nnhn? Seshaeal?" Her head would immediately turn in Ethelred's direction, immediately knocking an arrow and firing it in his direction - for such a hastily fired projectile it was fired with nearly uncanny precision and power, tearing some leaves off nearby branches as it whistled through the air.

"Guh, of course we get the scary looking knight guy too!" She'd shout.

The rest of the other archers would immediately turned towards Ethelred, some dropping their bows for axes or a sword.

"Don't suppose I could ask ya to leave nicely and we'll do the same, huh?" The woman would ask with a rather cavalier attitude.
A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Alright, alright, we get it.” One would defensively shout. “No funny business!”

“A good hunter knows when not to take on something stronger than them.” Another would say with a shake of his head. “We’ll give him a burial later…” A silence fell as Novak’s words would at least start making them think about the implications of what he was saying. If that was true, then…they were being taken for fools, weren’t they?

“...r-right its uh, over here.” The third would start walking. The torchlight was enough to keep the fog at bay, though the hunters bearing emblems from the illuminator seemed to protect them. Finding their way through it was easy enough thanks to them, too - though as they came upon it one would nearly stumble over the edge of the sinkhole.

“Here. Its there…probably. Don’t have any idea what else this would be.”

Where the temple had been previously, was now a wide, deep hole, the edges of which were rocky and uneven. The only way in seemed to be a jagged slope that was in the direction of the hunters old hideout, it seemed. Probably had been revealed and destroyed when the Kyrnith had ripped the place to shreds.

And what lay at the bottom?

At the bottom of the pit, the floor was smooth carved stone as if someone had taken some form of sandpaper or other tool and cut the entire floor to be smooth, shiny granite or some similar stone. The only blemishes were indentations that seemed to mimic the phases of the moon, starting with what seemed to be a new moon at six o'clock and a full moon at twelve.

In the middle of the dias a stone altar sat. Carved from a blue-tinted stone, a light fog seemed to slowly waft from it, slowly coming from under it. The altar itself seemed to depict a broken moon, two halves held on either side of it by some sort of twisting, spiraling stone. Extending from the bottom of the altar to the engravings of the moon phases, were smooth ridges and carvings seeming to extend to each of them with the one depicting the full moon having eleven gathering in it.

“I don’t like lookin’ at it. Gives me the creeps.” One of the hunters said.

“Its where that fog is coming from, see?”

“That uh, old temple. We were told the Illuminator put it there to sort of…block it? If you say you met the Hag there…she might have been trying to do something to it.”

A Traveler

“...no.” The wolf girl replied with a dismissive, slightly annoyed seeming huff. “Its one of the laws from the Goddess. The Goddess has no power out of the underworld, so her Maids are the ones she sends after those who break her laws.” She’d look out the only window in the cabin. “...if it were any other law, maybe…but I broke that which should not be broken. ‘Do not use the dead to harm the living’. ” That was all she was going to say on the matter, it seemed. She’d get up from the table, half eaten bowl left behind.

“...I’m going out. You stay here.” She’d say, not elaborating on what she was doing. It was getting pretty late. The sun starting to dip over the horizon, painting the wintry dead forest in colors of twilight, the snowy ground being cast in long shadows from the leafless trees. “If I don’t return…well, then the maids probably got me…” There was a very good chance she wanted to be left alone, and there was no telling what would be out there at night and she could probably handle herself.

Might be best to get some rest.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“...someone has a flair for an entrance.” The fox would snicker, fairly unimpressed with Nomura’s entrance. The display of acrobatics looked less graceful and more like a drunk pelican, but perhaps with a little practice he’d look like the elegant peacock he was desiring to be. “To answer your question though, no he still has it.” She’d huff, tail swishing back and forth in the snow. “Wasn’t much of an opportunity to pilfer it without being seen…”

She’d glance over her shoulder back towards the cliffs and obelisk.

“That place was spooky. Felt like I’d stepped into some sorta…divine realm or something. Like some god was staring right at me.” She’d shake her head, pawing at it with a paw, before she’d end up sniffing the air and turning her attention from the fight that was happening towards Malphas. She’d walk around him, sniffing around him before pouncing on one of his feet.

“You smell like fish. You smell like rare fish. Lemme have it and I might be inclined to help with the slime since I can probably snatch the thing during then.”

The Roma Mob


Back to Roots
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

The spell pulsed in Leannah’s hands. The familiar feeling of heat, burning, uncontrolled power forming in her palm. It was already growing considerably, reaching the point it had previously within a manner of seconds and by then it was too late for her to stop its growth. The miniature sun grew and grew, sucking out every last bit of magical energy Leannah had.

The slime screeched in response, shifting its mass to its arms realizing that it likely couldn’t stop the buildup of whatever it was that was happening - so it opted for a defensive measure. Its arms formed a wall in front of it, its defensive, bony plating melding together to form a wall of slime and bone between it and the exploding ball of fire.

The ball of fire was nearly as big as a beachball, now. It was burning Leannah just from holding it, threatening to blind her from the intensity of its light. It had truly become a miniature sun by now, there was no denying it. In fact it was even starting to pull on her and seemingly suck in everything around it as though it had its own gravity wall, insatiably hungry for more magic to feed its mass.

And then she’d lob it towards the slimy creature.

A blinding flash of light. A deafening explosion. Heat that would singe and burn the people near it. The snow on the ground in a roughly 30-yard radius upon impact would nearly instantly vaporize. At 50 yards it melted, turning to water as the heat radiated from the area. A mushroom cloud extended meters into the air. The slime creature shrieked, gurgling as the impact would cause the creature to recoil backwards, the bones on its arms, its slimy defensive wall evaporating in seconds as it would lose its cohesion, boiling away as its body fell to the ground, being pushed so far that its tail would hang off the cliff.

It wasn’t out yet, but it had lost its arms.

Donovan’s hair would be lightly singed if he managed to take cover. Eirhild and Akando took shelter behind the Obelisk, preventing them from being hit from most of the blast.

The creature, would retaliate immediately. Slimy tendrils would grab Leannah by her ankles, lifting her high into the air. The act of making an explosion that big had completely drained her, exhausting any magical supply she had, and thus, was completely unable to resist as she was pulled. If Narkissa or Donovan did not intervene, she was likely to be its next snack.



“Haaa, I suppose you’re right. Sorry, I’m just a bit tired. All of this is really sort of getting to me I guess.” Lazhira replied, shaking her head solemnly. “But thanks for that. I’ll be glad when all of this is over and I can go back to just skipping history lessons from Enli and looking around the forest without worry about getting jumped by some animal-ah-”

It was in all honesty, fast.

A flash of steel from nearby.

Lazhira’s dress would soon be stained red, eyes widening as an arrow stuck out from her stomach. A second arrow would fall upon the fawn, though it wouldn’t hit anything vital, just hitting it in the leg, earning a pained call from the animal as it would stumble to the ground.

“She’ll be coming with me, fox.” It was Soyala, having caught up with them from the battlefield while the others were occupied with the slime. Misaki could feel the sharp edge of steel on her neck, probably a spear or some other sharp, bladed instrument held against it. “Don’t worry, she’s not going to die…yet, at least. The arrows coated in a sort of...lets say poison that'll stop her from bleeding out.”
Airedale Fields

@Crimson Paladin@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor

The bandits, were understandably unprepared completely for such a complete and utterly outmatched assault. Od was the first to engage. The five that had decided to attack what initially appeared to be the only one defending the gate, were soon dispatched in such a quick and efficient method they barely had time to even register what had happened.

Those that had used their number to push past Od, did not fare much better. Fio's blades, fifteen of them would aim for those that had gotten near the gate. Shouts of surprise came as ethereal blades would rip through them, though not all found their targets and not all immediately went down. Those with shields had managed to block a few, and more quick footed among them managed to evade - but what they were not expected was what initially appeared the grass at their feet to simply attack them. Those that were left, would find themselves quickly falling before one bearing the blood of a dragon slayer.

Those that hadn't quite made it yet were not quite safe either. While those at the front were being slaughtered by the combined might of the three knights, a fourth smashed into their flank. A Steed of rime frost tramped into the bandits, most men falling beneath his lance, a few more fortunate ones had the cries of their comrades to warn them of impending danger, dodging out of the way just in time.

In all, of the fifty bandits that had started, barely twenty remained. Those that did, were the furthest back. The ones that hadn't been close enough to fully engage. Of course, the bandits had something to say about the utter defeat they had just faced.

"Kings blood! what sort of monster is that thing!?" One would shout, getting to his feet shakily after just barely managing to avoid Ethelred's horse.

"Forget the demon horse, swords came out of nowhere! Some sort of fey-magic!?"

"That girl with the sword cleaved right through their armor!"

"Bloody stones, I don't think even boss could beat that guy in a fist fight...!"

"We had fifty men, how in the damned gods name did we just lose over half in five seconds to four people!?"

Atop the ramparts near Fio, Vyrell observed the field quietly, narrowing his eyes across the field. Well, no doubt this rabble would swiftly disperse if they didn't decide to suicide themselves against the knights...still, something didn't quite seem right about this. Surely someone wouldn't have attacked a fortified town like this without some sort of further plan? Or was this merely a test for their defenses for another assault later?

Then what about that archer that had almost taken out that sentry?

He'd turn his head towards the forest. There, a subtle movement!

"Knights! Archers in the forest! Someone go take them out!" Vyrell shouted. "Militia, take cover!"

On cue, a number of arrows would home in on the knights position, well aimed shots fired at quick intervals, at each of the knights directly. They would soon be followed by a volley of arrows fired in the general direction of the knights. From the number of arrows, there likely weren't many of them. Just enough to pose a threat if left to keep firing. One among them seemed to have almost pinpoint precision accuracy, however.

"...hit them while the archers have them pinned!" The bandits shouted, starting to run towards the gate and the knights again, emboldened by their perceived ambush.

The Queens Chambers

"...nnhn? Under attack? Who would be so foolish to attack-" Another yawn, and the woman on the bed would stretch, suddenly blinking as she'd realize she was in fact, no, not talking to Vyrell. "Gah! Lady Luna!?" She would sit up, stumbling out of her bed, tripping in a rather spectacular fashion, and fall right on the floor. Not that she'd wait too long before she'd scramble to her feet.

"Ahem," A color of red would color her cheeks as she'd sheepishly laugh. "Sorry, sorry, I was having a really nice dream, mhm." Her gaze would linger on Luna - a fact that was probably not helping Luna as the queen was indeed, still completely naked and didn't seem to mind one bit. Slowly, her gaze would turn harsher as she'd register Luna's words. "Who would be so foolish to attack my city? Luna, thank you." She'd grab the clothes from the night, and start pushing Luna out of her room. "But I should get dressed. Now go help the knights. I swear Vyrell doesn't trust me..." She'd grumble, not giving Luna time to get a word in edge wise as she'd be hastily shoved out of the Queens chambers.

"Oh, and," She'd quietly speak, a somewhat sultry tone. "If you mention annnnything you saw here, the Lightsword family will carry responsibility, yes?~ toodles and good luck, you can do it~!" The door would slam shut behind Luna, though she could hear the queen grumbling about the audacity of bandits attacking this early in the morning and ruining her beauty sleep. She should probably go join the other knights at the North Gate now.

"Hihi~!~ back with a new little guest." Kokoma would greet her companions, though not like they had been gone for too long really. While Eunice and the others started on the fire pit and discussing food, Kokoma was already checked out of the discussion and instead, focused in her own little world. Well, hers and the world of this little cat cub. Aaaah, she wanted to snuggle and cuddle and pet it all over but there would be time enough for that later.

"Oya? Hungry? Alright alright, you can eat something once I get this leg of yours fixed up." She'd say, putting the cub down on the ground, holding him tightly. No doubt this was gonna hurt a bit but well, it'd be fiiiiine. So she'd grab a few pieces of wood just the right size to make a splint...and then actually do the limb setting. "I'd say this wasn't gonna hurt, but its totally gonna hurt just a bit." She'd say with a grin. "Annnd-done!"

It was probably a good think Kokoma was busy with the cub and didn't hear Sefira mention something about needing to wash and change clothes. It was around this time, Tatlliya would return...dragging along behind her in a web, was the Arachne's prey. Her bringing something back was less unsual than what exactly she had brought back.

"O-oh? With as many fish I wonder if me bringing this was even worth it." The Arachne would sheepishly laugh...and what exactly had she hunt, you ask? It was a massive two-headed bird, about three times her size. Its entire body was covered in what seemed to be tough, coarse feathers and its neck seemed to be much longer than it initially appeared, with large talons about the size of your average human. "And if its washing clothes, I can help..."

"Hm? Washing Clothes?" Kokoma would tilt her head, of course having picked up on something her friend was saying. "Who needs clothes washing?" She'd look towards Sefira, seeming mostly unfazed by the Arachnes kill.
A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“No idea.” One of them replied.

“You…think the Hag is behind this whole thing?” Another would question. “We were told if we saw her to kill on sight, but Soyala told us to focus on recovering the orbs and since she’s the one in contact with the Illuminators’ Face…”

“...hey you don’t think with the seal weakened they wouldn’t need both to undo it?” The third remaining one would chime in. What followed was a heavy silence between the group as a concerning realization perhaps, started to fall into place. "Well if we don't know where it is, is, it shouldn't matter right? But then what about the second one?" Didn't seem like the hunters may have any more immediately relevant information unless they were pressed further or had anything else specific they'd want to ask.

"Oh...uh...we could show you two to that pit with the seal in it. That's where you're heading, isn't it?"

A Traveler

“...Necromancy.” Baba replied with a passionless voice. “The faithful of the goddess of death are given the ability and permission to use Necromancy to both punish sinners and use them to protect people.” The younger girl would shake her head. “Most people always found it…repulsive…they just wanted an excuse. The Apostles gave them that.” She’d take a few steps towards Nicholas.

By now a few alarm bells in his head might be going off.

“The maids marked me for death. Even if I run to the furthest lands, they will pursue.” A smile, would form on her lips, slowly turning into a wide, toothy almost excited grin. “So if I’m going to die…I’m going to take as many of them as I can with me, simple, right? They deserve it, just as I do. As for you…” A pale hand would reach out and grab Nicholas by the chin. “I could. Do you want me to?”

Yeah, maybe he should be careful about his words now.

“...You’ve not done anything to insult me. Yet. So you can stay. Until you do. Are you planning to?” She’d release him taking a seat and starting to eat. Well, she didn’t seem like she was going to harm him, but he was getting the sinking feeling the longer he’d stay, the more in danger he’d be if he let his words run completely unchecked.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Breathe in. Breathe out. The waves lapped upon the shore, then receded, rhythmic as Nomura’s breathing would slowly become as he meditated upon the shore. He could already direct his mana into a specific part of the body, that was fairly easy to do now and honestly not too taxing as long as he didn’t continuously do it.

Strengthening everything at once though, did seem to put some strain on him.

First his arm again. It was hard to tell how much of an effect it was having as he wasn’t actively applying the force when he was strengthening it, but there was definitely some change. A bit like a coiled spring - tension forming in his muscles perhaps.

Next his legs. As the energy shifted, leaving his arm it’d feel a bit like being drained of energy. Fatigued, a bit. His legs would feel much the same as his arm did. Moving it back to his arm, the fatigue would vanish entirely as it’d resettle into its resting place. It seemed he could roughly keep the strengthening up for about a minute if he focused on one limb, and only thirty seconds if it was two, while enhancing more at a single time seemed completely out of reach for now.

Perhaps, he’d need a way not to just push or test his limits - but find a way to actively break them.

The gentle waves upon the shoreline was broken by the sound of something splashing in the water, though if he looked he’d see nothing immediately unusual.

The Roma Mob

“Oh? Most warriors don’t care for the process,” The half elf dwarf would say, a tinge of curiosity in his voice. “Well, I’m not one to turn away a lad who wants to learn.” He’d say with a hearty grin. “Alright, Isidore. Asvar. Lets show ya the forge, then. Rael, bring out some of the iron and a suit for Isidore here.”

With a wordless signal of affirmation, Rael would head into the back store room. The Blacksmith, would lead Isidore into the forge, a noticeable shift in temperature from the burning furnace where arms and armor were made. The room itself had all the trappings a blacksmith might need - a large forge where ore was blasted with heat to make them malleable. Anvil, to hammer said ore into shape. A grind stone on which to sharpen the blade to a fine point. Table and materials to make repairs to armor and weapons.

“I’ll assume ye don’t have any knowledge whatsoever, eh Isidore? So we’ll start from the basics.” He’d say, grabbing a nugget of raw Rubell ore in one hand and Iron in another. “The ore itself. Each is different. Each has different strengths and weaknesses. Rubell ore that’s common here in Gloomhollow, soft. Easily worked, but is good at conducting magic. Iron is harder. Needs a firmer hammer and more heat, but sharper and harder than Rubell ore. Knowing what you’re working with, and what you want to create with it is important.”

He’d let Isidore have both of them. The Iron was hard, rough…and well, exactly as he’d expect of Iron. The Rubell, was similar to the previous time he had felt the blade. Sharp, but soft. He could likely break it with his bare hands if he had enough force on it.

“You can add other metals and things to strengthen it. Normally Rubell blades are made with a bit of iron, to make them not so brittle.” He’d move over to the forge, grabbing a hammer as Raelzeth would appear with a box of a few pieces of iron ore and an apron for Isidore to wear. “Put it on lad. Best way to learn is to do. The forging process is simple enough. Once the metal is heated, start by shapin’ the metal into a shape that best fits the tool or weapon you want to make, making sure it stays up to temperature while you hit it.”

A hammer, tongs, and a variety of other tools were laid out near the anvil. Asvar would hand the hammer to Isidore.

Back to Roots
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

“Don’t have to tell me twice lass! I didn’t sign up to get eaten by some sorta slime!” Eirhild would yell back, as she’d hop off the cart. A certain little fox would use this time to flee the scene, heading back into the direction of Mie’s camp.

Donovan would surge forward, divine speed carrying him to his target. He’d leap into the air, intent to smash the creature with a heavy blow to its supposed head. The hunters were still too disorganized to respond properly, the creature though - was already recovered from the blow Soyala herself had just dealt.

Slimy tendrils would latch onto his leg, a hardened bone weapon impaling his shoulder. Pain rippled through the point of impact as it would pull the blade upwards in an attempt to sever Donovan’s arm from the rest of his body.

Leannah’s timely intervention, may be the only reason that it wasn’t. The blast of fire would slam into the ground behind the beast, causing it to recoil forwards - right into Donovans hammer. The sound of glass shattering. A myriad of colors as the creature's head seemed to fracture into multiple fragments. The creature would toss Donovan aside with a pained shriek, he’d land on the ground, a large gash in his right shoulder and bleeding profusely.

It’d lash out at everything in fury, its body starting to lose cohesion as slimy, oily liquid dripped onto the ground along with a number of bones and the weapons it had taken into itself.

“Kkkkrr…gggrrrrk-” Pained, furious gurgles as its body began shrinking. “Mmrttthher…hlllk-hhhrrrst….” Whatever it was communicating was difficult to tell, but though the blow it had been dealt was fairly staggering, it wasn’t completely losing its cohesion just yet - no, instead it would lash out for more of the hunters, grabbing them by their ankles and bodies, pulling them into itself more. Consuming, assimilating as its body would stabilize.

Of course, the water bolts being slung towards the creature would have done more damage - had it not used the bones from the hunters it had recently consumed to create more armor for itself, the bolts of water not able to penetrate it, it appeared. As the chaos settled, the remaining hunters were few in number. The slime’s body bubbled and rippled, morphing and shifting into a larger form as the bodies it had consumed were serving to further its own growth now.

From one side of its lower body, two large slimy hands would form, tipped with bony claws and covered in painful looking spines. Armor made of more bone would form upon its upper body. No doubt getting near this thing was going to be tougher.

Soyala herself, would take this time to bolt from the scene, deeming the ambush lost and the goal at the moment, not mattering as much as making a swift exit. Narkissa would at least be able to note she was fleeing back towards the forest. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow her? She was still far enough away from the slime she could flee, but at the same time the thing looked like it wasn’t going to be going down as easily as the others.


“Right.” Lazhira would exhale, still seeming a bit on edge from the situation. “Be safe, Narkissa.” Lazhira would start making her way back towards the village. It’d probably be safe enough there for now, back at her house. The deer would follow, prancing along beside Misaki seeming awfully pleased that it was able to help in the situation.

“Jeez, i’m not cut out for playing hero, am I?” Lazhira would say, trying to lighten the mood just a bit as they’d walk. “You and Narkissa are really good at this sort of thing, aren’t you? Well…I suppose you didn’t really do much…sorry rambling because I’m nervous.” She’d chuckle sheepishly.

A few moments would pass where Misaki could reply if she wanted.

“Whew…I’m tired after that. Hey…Misaki? Can I use your tail as a pillow to nap on once we get back?” She’d innocently ask, seeming as though she still wanted to get a chance to since she hadn’t really since they’d arrive.
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