Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Just inside the forest

Amidst the foliage in an otherwise quiet forest, a small group of men had gathered. Most were rather rough looking, armored in leathers and simple armors indicating likely someone not of actual knightly origin, but rather someone that had simply taken up a weapon and set out to cause either trouble or look for fortune elsewhere.

Normally, one of them would have been chatting up a storm.

Now though, there was dead silence.

"He dodged..."

"It missed..."

"She missed..."

"...Ugh man, I don't need the chorus of failure, thanks!" The woman in question would click her tongue in a bit of annoyance, a look of mild exasperation and resignation forming as bells from the town indicating that their little ambush to take out the watchers quietly failed. "And I just wanted to lay down at the hot springs today and drink the fancy wine we got from the dwarves...guess we'll go meetup with the boss man..."

@Crimson Paladin@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor

By the time Fio had made it back into the city proper, the streets had been emptied. The only ones left were the Militia manning the walls and running to their positions. Vyrell had taught them well, it seemed. The only one that wasn't a militia - was the familiar face of Lugh.

"Lady Fio!" He'd wave the small girl over. "Bandits! North gate! Others should be there already!" He was speaking quickly, and more or less what was only needed to get the immediate point across in his opinion. "Lady Luna's informing the Queen!" well, that was that then. What were presumably bandits were attacking the city. Before Fio could ask for further clarification, the young Tuatha would bolt off back towards the ramparts himself.

Following him, Fio would be greeted by the sight of the towns Militia standing atop the wall, Vyrell shouting orders. Really, none of them were trained soldiers. Most were just people that felt like they had to do something to protect the city they now called home. They only took volunteers, of course and the queen at least ensured they had satisfactory compensation.

"Steady men," He'd say to one of the militia near him atop the ramparts. "Just focus on sniping any that come close to the walls." Noticing the young mage approaching, Vyrell would shout the situation to her from his vantage point.

"Lady Fio! Bandits. About fifty of them from what I can tell!" He'd turn his head towards the outside of the walls. "No time to talk, they're almost here! The other knights have already gathered!"

Reinhardt would be the first on the scene, not long followed by Od showing herself. The Unbreakable took the time to position himself for an ambush, using the tall grass of the plains to his advantage. Od, would take a much more defensive stance, peering towards the trees of the nearby forested area to the west, though it would seem most of the bandits were simply attacking from the plains.

Armed with swords, spears, axes, shields...it didn't seem like they favored any type of weapon, nor did it seem they had any specific formation in mind as they'd rush towards the city. No doubt they simply thought a small city like this would be easily taken - not having taken much stock of the rumors it could be assumed.

Reinhardt would get his opportunity. It seemed they were too busy focused on their target, and most weren't bothered with checking the tall grass for traps. No doubt as soon as he'd ambush them, they'd quickly catch on, so he should hopefully make it count.

Running past him, about five would instead seemingly turn their attention to Od, weapons drawn and prepared for a fight. They didn't seem to think she'd be putting up much of a fight. The others, would seemingly be heading for the gate in an attempt to breach it. No doubt letting them in would be ill-advised.

This, would be the scene Fio and Ethelred both find themselves arriving upon.

Fifty decently equipped bandits that didn't seem like surrendering, versus four well armed and skilled knights.

The Queens Chambers

The queens chambers, were indeed where the queen currently was. Everyone had some idea of where it was, within the wood and stone fortress. Getting through the mass of people it was currently sheltering though, proved to slow her down just a bit longer than she'd have likely liked. Her room, was located above the throne room, up some stairs and across a large balcony that she could use to address a large number of people gathered there, if she needed to.

Normally, it was off limits to anyone but the knights.

There was no response upon her initial knock, and the large wooden double doors would open fairly easily. The queens room was surprisingly extravagant when you took her insistence to go for practicality on most other matters. A large, canopy bed with red and gold colored covers, a similarly plush carpet woven from the finest of silks. A few hunting trophies as well as a fire place.

...it would have looked better if her armor, a few clean plates of food, books, and some other articles of clothing hadn't been haphazardly left laying on the floor.

The sight of the queen herself that greeted Luna within, though, was definitely something...excessively unqueenly to say the least.

"Nnnhn?" The queen, was splayed out on the bed in a show if rather incredibly bad sleeping posture. She'd give a yawn in response, lazily waving at Luna as she'd sit up, half asleep. "Vyrell...five more minutes...or bring some mead..." She'd yawn, some of the covers slipping off her body, revealing in fact, she was completely unclothed under them.
"Hm...you want to know about that old legend again? Well, alright! Lets see...where did we leave off last time?"

"Oh, oh, just after the king finished his training!"

"Right right..." His father cleared his throat, motioning with his hands as he'd start speaking, the warmth of the campfire warming the cold Albion night as his mother began cooking dinner. "Well. After the Wise Sage saw to the kings training and teaching, and that he was fit for ruler ship...he gifted the King with a blade. A very, very special blade. A gleaming gold hilt, with a blade that shone with moonlight and could repel the lands curse...but in doing so, the sage left, their job done."

"Now that he was trained and possessed a blade that repels evil - he had to make the land itself recognize him." The woman responded with a kind tone as she'd hand her son and husband freshly cooked meat. "He first ventured to Mt. Sliabh, to earn the blessings of the Tuatha and to seek out some clue from our druids as to what he should, or could do."

"So they told him, "The land already recognizes thee. It is the 'demons within peoples hearts which does not'". So they sent with him their youngest druid, and the king went out into the land - determined to make people recognize him. Along the way, many, many knights would eventually flock under him. Sigurd, the dragon slayer. Gerainth the valiant, the saint of the sword...many other would come and go from his side in these years, but eventually, after gaining the respect, admiration, and acknowledgement of the people - they built a massive castle of gleaming white."

"Alright, alright, that's enough. Your foods going to get cold you two..."

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99
-The First Cycle: Reclamation-

Slowly, the sun rose over the sea, its glistening early morning rays bringing light upon the coastal village, nay, the now coastal town of Airedale. The bustle and sounds of humans waking and starting their day was slowly starting to build. Hammer on steel as the blacksmith set about working. The shouts of woodcutters and loggers as they got to work just outside the towns new walls, cutting trees and carrying them to the sawmill for further expansion. Farmers, land now untouched by the lingering curse of the Betrayed God, getting to work to provide. Guards, recently trained by her majesty starting their patrol of the quickly growing town and the outskirts of it.

The village, this same time last year, was barely getting by. When the Fomorians ransacked it under the command of a terrible half humanoid, half equine beast? There were only a handful of survivors. If it had not been for the queens timely intervention, it'd have been quite literally, wiped off the face of the map. Many people in the northern and eastern lands of Albion, hearing of this, soon came flocking and seeking protection.

Another king might have turned them away, but the Queen? She refused none that sought sanctuary.

Of course, keeping the village safe was no easy task. While within the walls were safe...the outside of it? Well...bandits, Fomorians, Unseelie that sought to be actively malicious. The recently trained militia and knights however, did their best to ensure safety and people were kept alive. Didn't stop an occasional Unseelie from slipping past the cracks, though...

"...so this is the the city that queen's supposed to be in, huh? Looks like a pile of dirt to me, ahaha!" Skirting around the edges of the town, was one such troublemaker. Really, this was probably bad. A single Unseelie by themselves could cause some pretty devastating trouble if they put their minds to it. Usually they didn't go near extremely active towns, but...there were some exceptions.

"Heheheh, lets see...what dumbass can I mess with today." The fey, small as they could be were oft difficult to see unless they themselves wanted to be seen, and this troublemaker was no exception. Flitting behind houses, away from people, across the ground and garden, she was doing a good job of being unseen. For a few seconds, her eyes would linger on what was obviously the largest building - a recent construction. A wooden and stone castle - not the most defensive or glamorous construction, but the queen had demanded it be as such.

She could go there, but something was telling her that it would be a very bad idea.

"Jeez, what in the feywildes are that place-weh!" Just as she had let her attention wander, a feline made an attempt to pounce on what it thought was a flying little pest, causing the fey to spiral off her flight path and slam into the bottom of a lookout tower. "HEY YOU DUMB FELINE! YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM!? Guh, whatever I don't have time for you. Laters stupid!" The fairy would instead, focus on the lookout tower and the lookout stationed there. She'd quietly fly up, peering over the wall of the lookout tower.

A single human was standing watch, lazily gazing out over the northern plains for any signs of trouble.

"Heheh, a lone human. Peeerfect. Lets see...what curse am I gonna give you. You're life's gonna be miserable from, kehehehe!" Raising her hand, the Fairy would start chanting in an otherworldly, long forgotten language speaking in words that were incomprehensible to human ears. Eyes, glowing emerald. An ominous breeze would blow.

The human's face would scrunch, as if uncomfortable. He'd wiggle his nose, rubbing it a bit as if trying to scratch some invisible itch.


"...wait that's not right-Yeeeek!" Before the fairy could attempt further shenanigans other than giving someone a mildly uncomfortable sneeze, something whizzed through the air, right where the humans head had just been and embedded itself into one of the walls, right where the Fairy's head had just been. A sharp, extremely deadly, arrow. "Nope nope dangerous I'm out not happening bye village of deaaaaaath!"

The man, was similarly sweating bullets.

If he hadn't just sneezed, his head would have been the recipient of that arrow. His face would contort into a frown, scanning the area it had come from. Whoever had done it, must have been an extremely good shot - wait...there! Just over the northern fields!

"...bandits!" He'd shout. His hand would immediately go towards the bell that had been installed on the tower. Almost instantly the other lookout towers situated within the town and on its walls would take up the alarm, too. The militia moved instantly upon hearing the bells and receiving confirmation from one of the Knights that were on duty. Civilians would all rush out of the streets, towards the large keep as the Militia directed them. Shouts of urgency would fill the air as warning beacons were lit with fire.

A white haired young man would calmly walk up the ramparts along with a Tuatha child. In all, the response had gone as well as they could have hoped. It had barely taken five minutes to get the major streets clean of civilians, the western gate closed and the northern gate secured. Some were being stubborn and remaining in their homes, but there was little they could do about that for now.

"How many?" He'd ask simply, eyes scanning the horizon.

"H-hard to say, sir!" A nearby soldier would shakily respond. "We counted at least twenty, but they're moving fast and there's more of them coming over the hills and out of the forests!"

"Hm..." The silver haired boy would narrow his eyes. "...fifty. Fifty and whoever leading them. A simple raiding party? Or organized assault?" He'd exhale, a small smile appearing on his face. "Well, we can figure that out later. The peoples and village's safety comes first. Lugh!"

"Y-yes?!" The Tuatha youth would stand at attention.

"The other knights should have heard that - go make sure they have. Tell them to Assemble at the North Gate quickly if they're not on their way here already. We only have a few minutes before the bandits make their likely assault. Also, tell Lady Fio or lady Lightsword to check on the Queen. I've not seen her up this morning. I get the feeling she'll want to be here for this."

"R-right! On it Vyrell!" The young Tuatha would bolt off, electing not to take the stairs but to vault off the ramparts with surprising skill and dexterity as he'd run through to the most visible spot in the street, hoping to catch the other Knights if they still needed direction and to catch Lunalel or Fio before they headed there themselves.
Alright well, I said I'd let five in and its been a week, so...

@A Lowly Wretch
"Od, is your name then? You seem to carry the scent of fairies upon you...Ahahah, a fairy wants to be a knight? Even if you're not one, I'm not in any position to refuse! Very well, I knight thee. Swear upon your honor and name to serve faithfully."

"I suppose having an advisor on magical and otherworldly means would be a good idea. I must thank you for looking after that blade...hm? What do I mean? Well...Its nothing to worry about. You may not be a knight, but I welcome you all the same so long as you swear to serve faithfully."

@Crimson Paladin
"Ethelred, Ethelred...hm, the name is familiar, but unfamiliar. Not a family name I am familiar with, then. Still, I have heard of your family and their plight. Now then, swear to serve faithfully and so long as your vengeance is just I will aid you as you aid me."

"Sigurd? Sigurd?! You're still-Ahem...no, sorry, I just remembered something humorous. You must be the one from house Reinhardt...I have heard a great many tale of you. You carry your families name well...hm, but do I sense the magic of an Elder Beast on you...? Well, so long as you serve faithfully it matters not."

"Lunalel of house Lightsword. I have heard quite the tales of your house. I must thank you for protecting the land and living honorably. You will be a fine asset and knight to have at my side. Swear to serve faithfully and no matter what happens, I shall do the same to protect this land."

Everyone has been accepted!

With that out of the way! Hopefully we'll be starting in the next day or two after I finish up some misc. houskeeping and other things
~Map of Albion~



Legends Arceus came out yesterday and I completely lost track of time lol

Anyways a post has been made a day late.

As Alasayana's teeth sunk into the flesh of the creature, it let out one final hoot before finally going limp. It merely twitched a few times afterwards, before stillness completely took it. This did allow the goddess to get a sense of the texture of its meat and the possibility of any toxins. The neck meat was definitely fairly tough, but it also did not appear to be poisonous in any way.

Well, not poisonous in any way, then. Even if the creatures were strange and unfamiliar, they could serve as some form of sustenance then. The tough meat might need a bit of tenderizing, though. She was a bit wary of the birds that seemed to take note. Scavengers, most likely. They didn't seem hostile just yet, but no doubt they were hoping for something themselves, that was at least what she was thinking as she'd settle next to the others.

"I had a taste of the creature, Trinneon. Tough meat, but not poisonous or dangerous to my senses." She'd respond to the ocean god. "I'll leave the cooking to you two then." Did she want to say she had no knowledge of how to cook? Well, maybe she could put together something simple but most of her more lavish meals had come in the form of offerings and festivals put together by people on the occasional chance she decided to mingle more directly with mortals. "The meat needs a bit of tenderizing, I think, but it should be fine to serve once skinned. I'll keep watch for now. I should be able to hear anything dangerous approaching."

Its fine with me

As well, I'll be posting tomorrow
A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

It seemed the axe man overestimated his confidence.

As the blade pressed against his neck, he’d make a move to pull away, but Nobunaga was far faster and far more dextrous than the larger hunter. The Katana, if she so wished, would easily slice right through the man's neck. His body would instantly go limp, crumpling to the ground with a heavy thud.

“H-he’s dead!”

“Right through his neck!”

“Alright alright!” The three hunters, while seeming mostly unfazed by the death, did seem a bit perturbed by just how easy and how fast Nobunaga had dispatched the larger man. It seemed if nothing else, they recognized someone with actual fighting skills instead of their own skills better suited to hunting and tracking animals. “L-look we’ll talk.”

“The Illuminator can’t normally come to the mortal realm, y’see.” One would begin. “We don’t really know why. Something about it being really bad if he did and the fact that…what was her name again? The one that doesn’t like being spoken about.”

“Rifelshka. The Goddess of the underworld…she doesn’t like it when gods meddle in mortal affairs. Gets real angry. She and the Moon Goddess had a fight once over it.”

“R-right, anyways…so he uses the two Faces he wears. The Old man and the Hag.” The third would continue. “N-normally they’d have stayed put in the temple, sleeping until the Illuminator had needed us. But…it was a long few years ago now? Probably when my father was just a fledgling hunter himself - the Hag was just gone one day. Vanished! The old man woke up later…I think my father said he ranted about ‘one of his terminals being hijacked’.”

“We were told to hunt and find her otherwise some bad stuff would happen. The old man would leave after that, too, but he’d occasionally show up and tell us something else. Soyala has been the only one to really meet with him recently, but the rest of us haven’t seen him in awhile. That’s all we really know. She says Lazhira is the one that is the root of these problems and if we get her we can fix the seal.”

“Dunno anything else, honest.” The first one would say again, raising his hands in a defensive fashion. “The orbs are sort of the key to it. If we can get both of them we could fix it…we only know one key is a crystalline orb but…someone stole it from the temple before we could do anything with it. We thought it was Lazhira, but it doesn’t seem like she has it.”

Well, that was hopefully some helpful information from the hunters. Seemed the root of this whole problem might have been the Hag, Lazhira, and Soyala herself.

A Traveler

“...you’re naive.” The young woman replied, finally pulling down her hood, revealing the rest of her face to Nicholas finally. Two white furry wolf-like ears poked from the top of her head, her mostly pale skin on an otherwise pretty face though, was horrifically scarred on one side as though the entire left side of her face had not only been horribly burned but someone had attempted to take a sword to her head, too having once left a deep wound that left a scar across her cheek.

“Why…even come here if you didn’t intend to?” She’d quietly question, seeming a bit confused. She didn’t seem hostile at least, but she still wasn’t being overly friendly either. The apparent wolf? Girl would quietly walk over to the fireplace, getting a ladle and dipping it into the stew. “But if you…want to know…well…its the Apostles.” She’d say with obvious disdain. “The village…used to worship the Goddess of the Underworld, Rifelshka, but the Apostles…well…they didn’t approve. Turned the village against us and killed my parents…tried to kill me too, but…I was good with…magic.”

…well, she didn’t seem like she was lying and Nicholas didn’t feel in any sort of danger here…well, yet.

“...I’ve used the goddess teachings to just do what they deserve. Not like I’m living…either the villagers will get to me, or the Apostles will…if…they don’t…the Maids will.” She’d fill two bowls as she talked, placing them on the table quietly. “...If you’re not going to leave, then I guess I can let you stay here tonight.”

Well, it was a generous offer, but she did only seem to have a single bed.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Nomura strained against the blow, gripping his fan tightly as he tried to take in the sheer force of the Oni’s strike. The parry had worked, but the strength of his foe had still done a number on the weaker Nomura. Still, he had a good enough gauge of his foe’s strength from that attack. Seeing that a simple strike from the Oni could do that much damage, Nomura at least confirmed the obvious about his foe: Getting directly hit by him should be avoided at all costs.

Nomura didn’t have much time to think on this, however, as the Oni’s jab had almost caught him by surprise. He quickly bent his knees and leaned back, impressively dodging the blow at the expense of the tip of his mask’s beaky nose. The merchant likely wouldn’t have pulled off such a maneuver if not for the various team building exercises he encouraged his followers to undertake in a past life, specifically a game that gauged the rare ability of how low one could go.

Seeing that his knees were already bent and to recover from his currently disadvantageous position, Nomura would spring backwards as he utilized the momentum to perform some sort of flip. Sadly, backflipping was not something a cult leader would normally practice, so as he began his descent, he would pray for a miracle. Luckily for Nomura, he had accomplished the miracle of flight two days ago, so it wasn’t too hard to imagine, taking much less effort to actualize once more as ethereal wings shimmered from his back. The pale man would gracefully land, earning his footing once more with the aid of his wings. He held his fan outward as he shifted himself into a more defensive stance, allowing his empty hand to actually grip his blade as he awaited his opponent to approach.

“Ho. Strong and quick.” The Oni would say, having watched Nomura’s display of both strength and agility. He’d wrap both of his hands around the hilt of the large Katana again. Seemingly intrigued by this human, the Oni rushed forwards with a deep, guttural roar in an effort to seemingly intimidate but it’d do little more than send a few shivers down Nomura’s spine.

The blade cleaved upwards, but this time the Oni would follow it up with a kick, using the momentum to shove his foot against Nomura’s chest.

The rhythm of combat slowly came to Nomura, likened to that of divine insight. The more he fought this Oni, the more he was able to notice his foe’s very movements. Of course, he had been playing on the defensive this entire time, watching and waiting for his foe to make the next move. The more Nomura thought of it, the more he began to see combat similar to how he would go about meeting new people, those he was interested in. It was simple communication skills, the ability to read one’s body language and other non-verbal queues. To Nomura, the lines between combat and communication began to blur.

You flatter me, truly. But you are mistaken.” Nomura chuckled nervously for a brief moment before his grip loosening ever so slightly. He would appear to falter briefly, as if he was truly shaken by his opponent’s attempt to demoralize Nomura. And why wouldn’t it? He held the advantage in terms of strength and experience. As the brutish swordsman made his charge towards Nomura, it would be rather apparent that his grip on his sword had been abandoned entirely. Nomura’s will would appear to be crushed. If only the Oni could see the look underneath his foe’s mask…

… Of course, Nomura knew that he couldn’t. Otherwise, he would see the deterministic grin underneath. As stated previously, Nomura had a good grasp on reading others down to even the slightest of movements. He was not a trained warrior, so he could not dare attempt to deceive his foe with any standard feint. Instead, he used his lack of training to his advantage, allowing his apparent fear to grant his adversary a sliver of confidence in his next attack, one Nomura would easily see in his movements.

What was left was simple physics. The Oni’s attacks relied primarily on the momentum of his massive blade. All Nomura needed to do was move accordingly. As his opponent approached, Nomura veered to the side opposite of his foe’s rising leg as he quickly shifted the grasp of his fan into both hands before swinging it at the Oni’s sword. However, rather than directly clashing with that steel behemoth like before, he would instead perform a more proper parry, stepping forward and directing both the blade and its wielder slightly off course, just enough for Nomura to hopefully avoid his opponent’s kick.

I’ve no doubt your strength surpasses mine. As for speed, I only appear faster due to our choice of weapons and differing builds.” Nomura stated as a matter of fact, taking a step closer as his gambit had worked. He would once more focus his magical energy into his arm, like he had done just earlier. However, rather than holding onto the fan, he would let go and pull his arm backward, winding up for an unarmed strike.

I am not strong, nor am I quick.” It was true. Even if he were blessed with such an astounding body, he was bound by the physical limits of the human form. Instead, he had to rely on the power within himself, to draw it out and actualize it into a tangible form he could use, in order to match the Oni at all. To Nomura’s understanding, in order to use this power welling within him, he had to believe he could accomplish such things. And in this very moment, he believed he could defeat his opponent.

I merely have faith in myself!” Nomura concluded, launching an outstretched palm for the swordsman’s face. The magical energy within his arm surged forth, once again granting him strength he normally would not have.

It happened fairly quickly.

The Oni’s powerful kick merely met air, the sword was pushed aside, its momentum directed away from Nomura. The Oni was merely grinning as the white-haired man would wind up a blow, perhaps finding some bit of enjoyment in this. Nomura’s palm struck the Oni right across the face in what could only be called the biggest bitch-slap in history.

The Oni’s body would be physically pushed to the side from the strength of the blow. The muscled warrior would, for the briefest of moments, be stunned from the impact…though Nomura’s hand would also now be stinging as though he had just slammed his hand as hard as he could against a massive slab of steel.

Might as well have been what he did smash it again. There was silence as the rest of the Oni seemed to look on in mild shock and perhaps, a bit of awe that would shortly be followed by loud, raucous laughter.

“Hm…” The oni would straighten himself, spitting blood out of his mouth with a grin. “You talk almost as hard as you hit, human.” He’d heft the blade onto his shoulder, extending a hand to Nomura. “Chōhei.”

Nomura stepped back at his attack, momentarily caught in surprise at how effective it actually was. As the adrenaline began to fade, he would then realize just how much in pain his hand was. If not for his mask, the Oni would likely see Nomura wincing in agony. He would look at his hand for a brief moment, actually worried that he had broken a nail.

Of course, all these worries faded away when Nomura had realized he actually “won” the battle, having been snapped out of his worrisome trance by the laughter of the other Oni. He clenched his fist in victory, having properly proved that his resolve would overcome the mere brute strength of these Oni. Nomura would look on to his opponent in question, watching him with curiosity as his hand would extend outward.

I’d hope so. I do pride myself in my silver tongue, after all.” Nomura would chuckle, before extending his sprained hand to Chōhei and doing his best to mask his pained wincing. “Shigenaga Nomura. You honor me by not underestimating my abilities.

“Underestimating someone, gets a warrior killed.” The larger humanoid would grab Nomura’s hand, the powerful grip threatening to crush the already likely to be bruised appendage, but he’d “Lady Mie’s already told us to train you.” He’d say. “Good to know we won’t accidentally kill you.” With that he’d release the human from his grip, sheathing the blade at his side as he’d turn and start walking away.

“I think you impressed them.” Mie would make herself known with a laugh of her own. “Haven’t seen Chōhei interested in someone in awhile, either, heh.” She’d pass Nomura a small bottle of what seemed to be some sort of medicinal salve with a grin. “Should help the pain in your hand. The Oni usually train in the evenings or mornings. You’ll be happy to know I’ve told them to drag you there if you don’t show up. If you don’t need anything else though, I have some business to attend to myself.”

She’d walk off, leaving Nomura to find something to do in the meantime himself…assuming he didn’t want to stick his nose into Mie’s business. Perhaps he could get more acquainted with the Oni? Seemed he had their begrudging respect at least, for now if nothing else.

The Roma Mob

“Lotta help you are.” She’d snarkily reply with a huff of frustration. “Just cuz I hate this job doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.” Defensive tone aside, the young elf pointed towards some goods that seemed less useful for stabbing and more for cleaning. “Whetstones, oil for blade shining, cloths for cleaning.” Octavia would stand on her hind legs, leaning up on the counter and looking up at Raelzeth, her furry ears just poking above the counter.

“Uh...forging though, uh, definitely not my thing.” She’d somewhat sheepishly admit, before turning her head in the direction of the forge. “HEY DAD!” The sounds of hammer on metal would trail off, a grunt of effort followed by the sizzling of steam as a blade was quenched. A few heavy steps would follow as a Elf that was built more like a dwarf would walk out. Short, at about only five foot five, head full of swept back silver hair, with a full beard that was braided with a few decorations and dressed in full apron and thick leather gloves and boots. The rest of his face seemed covered in soot, ash, or oil. He’d heft the forging hammer over his shoulder.

“Hm? What’s up, Rael? Customer giving you problems?”

“Nah. Guy wanted to know about forging stuff.”

“Anything specifically? Or you want something special made?”

Back to Roots
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

Sensing that those flanking them weren’t the immediate threat, most of the hunters had turned their attention to the slime, now that they had been made aware of Narkissa’s own ambush, they seemed to be more or less able to defend or deflect the potshots she was making at them. Instead they’d turn most of their attention to the slime creature that was currently assaulting them.

“Trust me, I’m trying!” The girl would shout in response to Narkissa. She’d narrowly avoid getting grabbed by the slime, ducking and rolling across the ground as the slimy tendril would swing overhead, one of the hunters barely able to slice it off before it grabbed them. Soyala seemed to be having no difficulty surviving herself, but the other hunters didn’t seem to be fairing the same. The slime had already seemingly taken out quite a few of them.

Still, with the initial panic wearing off they were making some form of comeback.

Soyala’s eyes narrowed as the creature would lash out further. Being able to form as many tendrils wherever it wanted on its body, made it difficult not only to get close, but to even restrain the beast.

One had to wonder how they had gotten it in the crate to start with.

Still, a hunter would only see this prey as something to conquer.

The huntress would avoid the tendrils, slicing through them as she’d weave her way towards the creature's body. They just had to get close enough to crack the slimes ‘brain’ a bit in order to subdue it. In this case…A tendril she hadn’t seen wrapped around her ankle, pulling the huntress right into the air.

With a snarl, she’d lash out with her spear as she’d hover over the creatures body, and let herself fall. Her spear would be the first to hit the creature, impaling the human part of its gelatinous body on her spear. It screeched in pain, another set of tendrils grabbing Soyala and throwing her off of it not seconds later as the slime started to lose some of its cohesion.

Soyala would roll across the ground, cut, bruised, but otherwise not seeming much worse for wear as she’d get to her feet.

And this, would be the scene Donovan, Leannah, and Eirhild would find themselves coming back too. A ripple of magic in the air felt by most of the magically attuned present, as there was a small flash of light from the obelisk, just barely visible as the group would find themselves standing at a precipice near the cliff edge.

“Stones, what’s goin on here!” Eirhild would shout, reigning in one of the beasts before it simply barreled on through carrying the cart with it. The dwarf would immediately draw her hand to her sword, intending on getting herself involved if she had too.

Lazhira would take the momentary lapse in the slimes senses and the distraction made by Donovan and crew to quickly flee the scene.

"Guh, that was terrifying." Lazhira would say, panting and making an attempt to catch her breath.
@Dark Cloud

Righto. One reservation with a bit of haggis. I'll keep ya in mind if we lose someone.

And if any good king needs, its an advisor and court wizard. As discussed, she look a-okay. guess we'll just waiting two days or until the final CS is in now.
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