Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Or just have Brutrumukk twin cast Fist on Zavakri.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I seem to recall you mentioning that the Witchlight Monarch gets the ability to fly. Provided that I did indeed remember that correctly, how does Jub go about flying? I think I might have missed the part where that was explained.
Nothing like being pushed through a portal to brighten the mood. lol

Especially when you'd rather be sleeping.

"What the? Oi! Where the 'Ells are you lot all goin'?!" Brutrumukk shouted after the rest of the party as he watched them all charge through the portal the moment it opened. The bugbear could tell they were all just as tired as he was, yet they all leapt through anyway rather than sleeping now and traveling later as he had suggested. "...Gah! Fuckin' idiots! All of 'em!" Brutrumukk exclaimed in annoyance as he moved to go after them. "There better be a good spot to sleep on the other side."

"Mind the Rule of Three: Future, Present, Past," Mister Witch called after him.

"Find the alicorn and free the Dormant Queen at last!" Added Mister Light.

"Fuck you, Fatso! An' fuck you, Ponce!" Brutrumukk barked back before bounding beyond the border.

Brutrumukk arrived just in time to hear Gabriel suggest that they settle down to rest, causing the bugbear to growl in frustration. "An' why could we not 'ave done that before jumpin' 'eadlong through the mirror exactly?" Brutrumukk asked. "We could 'ave 'opped across after gettin' some shuteye where we know it's safe. But nooooooooo! We 'ad to go through right a-fuckin'-way, because reasons."
does anyone have a tinderbox? Y'know to start a fire?

I do.
I found the rule you are talking about.
However, I am going to stay with the PHB rule for exhaustion and stick with my ruling, because I was not aware of this rule until now. ^^"

I protest! This is an outrage! I demand my Xanathar given right to roll to avoid exhaustion!

I'm cool with it.
Does anyone mind if Brutrumukk is the last one through the portal?

Excellent! *Bill and Ted guitar riff*
.... Uh... does that mean Tsak gets sent to another plain of existence without her tattoo kit and sketchbook? Cause those are literally required for her as an Arcane Tattooist

If you want, I could have Brutrumukk clamp a hand over Zavakri's mouth before she can finish the rhyme and tell her to wait until everyone is ready.
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