Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Will I need to roll anything to pull the raft out of the mud?
@Cao the Exiled tiny cars, puny fashion police

Oh no, they're not tiny. You're just seeing them from a distance. They're a lot bigger up close. You'll learn this first hand soon enough. (⇀‿‿↼)
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Out of curiosity, what other lost things were there on the rolling table other than being able to keep secrets?

Brutrumukk perked up at Jub's words, the goblin's points restoring much of the bugbear's self confidence. "Yeah... Yeah! Yer right, booyagh!" Brutrumukk exclaimed confidently. "They didn't escape because I was greedy, they escaped because o' this stupid fog! Well that won't stop me next time. I'll be ready fer the fog, an' they'll be dead before they can reach it!" Brutrumukk stood up then and grinned down at Jub. "Thanks fer that. I feel much better already." Brutrumukk said happily. "Come on, let's get back to the others." With that said, Brutrumukk reached down to pick Jub up. However, the bugbear paused just before he did so as he noticed the raft he had been sitting on for the first time with a clear head. "Wait a minute." Brutrumukk said as he straightened up and turned to the raft. "What's this wooden thing stickin' out o' the mud?"
@Dark Cloud

Out of curiosity, why do you post stuff before it's done and then edit in the rest of it?

Brutrumukk made sad bugbear noises in response to Jub's words before speaking in reply. "Yeah I know we will, but..." Brutrumukk managed to say before pausing to have a crestfallen sigh. "I got greedy. I coulda just chucked me javelin at the leader to finish 'er off. She would 'ave 'ad enough meat on 'er fer me lunch, and 'er 'ead woulda made a good offerin' to Hruggek an' Grankhul. But I wanted more corpses worth o' meat an' more 'eads fer me spikes. And because o' that, I ignored an easy kill an' they all ended up escapin'. One o' the rabbits even took one o' me javelins with me after I got 'im in the ankle with it." Brutrumukk let out a groan and stared down at the ground. "Today jus' ain't me day, booyagh." Brutrumukk despaired.
*Sad Bugbear Noises*

Brutrumukk continued to laugh as he ran through the mist in pursuit of the Brigands. The laughter eventually died down as the trail Brutrumukk's prey left in their wake grew thin. Then, when the trail reached its end altogether and with no Brigands to show for it, the smile on his face faded away as well. Throwing his head back, Brutrumukk bellowed his frustration to the sky above. He had been right behind them. He'd been hot on their heels. How could he have lost them? Walking over to the mud-bound raft, Brutrumukk sat down on it and sulked. His disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.
@Cao the Exiled

What is this dip you speak of?

"Good advice!" A voice from the mist called back.
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