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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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Rolled a 15 and a 16. That's better than their previous religion checks xP

In that case, Flicker also recalls the following: Deep Sashelas knows almost everything due to the fact that almost everything finds its way to the bottom of the ocean given enough time. Deep Sashelas is very generous with his knowledge, often sharing it with those who visit his temples and shrines. It is a tradition among sailors to throw treasures overboard as tribute to Deep Sashelas in return for favorable winds and protection from storms.

"I mean, I do offer my prayers and follow the tenets of Deep Sashelas. Plus, it's probably common for Deities to come visit and ask new clerics and paladins to become clerics and paladins!"

Oh how she had no idea...

Probably should have mentioned this sooner. Deities in this setting are actually a lot more active and come to the Material Plane a lot more often than those in other settings. So it actually is pretty common for gods to personally recruit clerics and paladins. One of you has also met a deity in the campsite before gathering in the feasting tent.
What's the advantage for?

Flicker was raised by elves and is a blessed of Corellon. I think it's safe to say that they know their Seldarine trivia.
What would Flicker know about Deep Sashelas?

Without rolling, Flicker would recall the following: Deep Sashelas is the elven god of creativity, knowledge, and the sea. His domains are Knowledge, Nature, and the Tempest. And his holy symbol is the dolphin.

Flicker would need make a Religion check with advantage to recall more than that.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Just so you know, Cao has been offline for the past four days. Tsak might also need to be NPC'd.
If Brut just entered a barbarian rage, wouldn’t he deal more damage than that? Just going by the modifiers you put there Rush you robbed yourself of two damage! Oh, the Humanity!

No no. I accounted for that when I rolled.

Brutrumukk had dealt with smaller constrictor snakes before, so he knew what to expect from them and how to avoid it. As the bugbear slipped clear of one snake's attempt, Brutrumukk dropped his handaxe and drew his morningstar as he watched his companions unleash their attacks on the snakes. The scent of reptilian blood and burning scales brought a murderous grin to Brutrumukk's face as the heat of battle instilled within him an intense desire for bloodshed. A desire he acted on when Jub's firebolt momentarily distracted the snake to his right. "HRUGGEK!" Brutrumukk roared as he lunged for the singed serpent and brought his morningstar down upon the overgrown beast.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Did Bob do anything this turn?
Which ones in particular do you mean?

Anything Zavakri says when she starts speaking in mathematics or when she decides that giant constrictor snakes or other stuff like that shouldn't be possible.
@Fading Memory

How did you come to know all of these academic terms? Do you study this sort of thing IRL? Did you look these words up specifically for this game?
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