Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Your turn has arrived once again.
Oops! Forgot to mention whose turn it is.


You're up.

"Oh good. It's just a well." Brutrumukk said with a sigh of relief. "Thank Mag fer that. Though we was 'eaded fer a waterfall fer a moment there... Well the moment 'as passed. Let's get a move on." With that said, Brutrumukk set Jub back down on the raft and took up his makeshift oar once again. "Next stop, Telemy 'Ill." Brutrumukk said as he made ready to row... but then paused as he realized he didn't know how to get there. "Which way was that again?"
"Somebody smother those flames!" The Ignan voice called out in response to Jørmund's challenge. "I'll show that snow-lover what a bad idea really looks like!"

"Stand down, Yoseph!" The Terran voice commanded. "Remember the Sultan's orders. The rest of you, get those fires out and overrun this paltry resistance! FOR THE SULTAN!"

"FOR THE SULTAN!" Far too many voices to count called out in reply.

As Cascade moved to assist Flicker, one of the attackers stuck behind the genasi paladin's Marine Layer calls out to the rest. "I see a gap in the fog! This way!" The sound of rapid footfalls would then be heard as the attackers moved towards and through the gap. They wouldn't get far though. As the first two of the attackers made it around the fog, they were struck down by a volley of arrows, as were the two attackers harassing Jørmund, Rala, and Paxton.

Reinforcements had arrived. Eighteen highwaymen had emerged from deeper within the camp, the nine in front forming a pair of shield walls while the nine behind rained arrows down on the attackers. "Open the way!" A voice called from the highwaymen once the volley had landed, causing the shield walls to open enough to let the party through. "We can hold the attackers off for now! The boss wants every other able body to muster at the bonfire!"

Move: None. Ready to fight some baddies.

You'll need to do a bit of moving I'm afraid. Cure Wounds is a touch spell, and I don't think Flicker is in touching distance from where Cascade is.
Sorry I have been moving, who are are on?

We're on Cascade right now.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
I've found the map again. Unfortunately, Cascade isn't as close as you remember her to be.

Jub: This is... so dumb.

Brutrumukk: No it ain't. The 'igher you are, the better you can see.

Jub: I can... I can fly.

Brutrumukk: Shut it, booyagh! You is searchin'!

A survival check might help you figure out where the water's flowing. XD

Would a 10 do it?

"Guess that take care o' puttin' out the fire." Brutrumukk said as the tide came in. "Everybody on the raft!" Once everyone was on the raft, Brutrumukk took one of the stilts out of the stilt pant he got from the Witchlight Carnival for use as an oar. But just as he was about to start rowing, the sound of rushing water met Brutrumukk's ears. "Er... booyagh?" Brutrumukk asked nervously as he set the makeshift oar down on the raft and lifted the goblin into the air. "Don't suppose you can see what's makin' that noise from up there?"

Upon learning this fact, the group also notice that they can hear the sound of rushing water in the distance.

I remember Cascade was pretty dang close to Jormund.

I've found the map again. Unfortunately, Cascade isn't as close as you remember her to be.
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