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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"A little risky to be using moon magic in such a shaded area, I know mine hasn't been working so well since we got here." The nervous dragon said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Skobeloff acknowledged before shifting his gaze from the set of keys hanging from the older dragon's tail to the room they were in as he tried and failed to find a reason for why it seemed like the nervous dragon wasn't truly looking at him.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The nervous dragon then said in that same tone everyone used when they were about introduce themselves to somebody. "I'm Fogdance. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Skobeloff is my name and trickery is my game." Skobeloff introduced himself in kind. "Are you the only dragon here or is there anyone else about?"


"Whoa!" Skobeloff exclaimed as the Storm Moon cut the power a little earlier than the rawscale Trickster was expecting, sending him tumbling to the floor. "Yes yes. Very funny, Storm Moon." Skobeloff chuckled as he picked himself up off the ground. "Very funny."

"What in the Isles...?" Skobeloff then heard a voice call out. "Hello? Is someone there?"

"Nope!" Skobeloff called back blithely.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." A nervous looking pale grey dragon said as she appeared to investigate the disturbance Skobeloff had caused. "Are you alright, deary? Looks like you took quite a fall."

"Have no fear and be of good cheer." Skobeloff replied happily. "Even the youngest of us need a fair amount more than quite a fall to not be alright."

"How'd you even get in? Did you climb through the window?" The dragon asked as she begun brushing away at invisible cobwebs on Skobeloff's form. "Don't you know how dangerous that is, given that your wings are still developing? Oh dear, oh dear..."

"It's a good thing I didn't do that then." Skobeloff said. "With a little help from the Storm Moon, I managed to slip through the cracks in the bark as a gust of wind. I would have stayed that way for a time longer, but the moons can be quite the pranksters sometimes." As he spoke, Skobeloff eyed his skittish superior in that same speculative way he eyed everyone he met for the first time as he tried to get a read on her. Specifically, he looked to see if she had anything to hide. The Darkness had a tendency to come in many forms. Especially the forms one would expect the least. So needless to say, Skobeloff was taking any comforting presence or friendly face he encountered with a grain of salt.


Knowing that he was about to face the Darkness alone, Skobeloff decided to try and appeal for aid from on high. After taking a brief moment to prepare himself, Skobeloff reached out to the moons above. More specifically, Skobeloff reached out to the Storm Moon and called out an incantation in a mystical tongue known only to dragons. "Meyz fin ven!" These words roughly translated into the common tongue as 'to become the wind'. Skobeloff's intened to use the Storm Moon's connection to the elements to become one with the air, transforming himself into a gust of wind to pass through the halls of the stronghold without fear of being seen or struck by any foul creature that lurked within. All while still being able to carry the gem sand and the pixie dust with him using his breezy form to hold them aloft in the air...

Unfortunately for Skobeloff, the Storm Moon was not feeling very cooperative at that moment.


I will allow this. However, Rala will have disadvantage on the attack roll due to the time she takes switching weapons leaving her with less time to properly line up her shot.

If you'd rather not have Rala attack with disadvantage though, you can spend your inspiration to cancel that out.

Back to you, Birdie.

The time once again as come for you to post a post.
"Archers! Give me a volley! Cover the adventurers' escape!" The warforged leader called out. The highwayman archers did as commanded, launching a volley of arrows that killed three of the attackers and left the rest ducking for cover. As the archers prepared to fire again, the archer that had dragged Paxton away returned and took up their place in the defensive line again.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Orbital Boop Cannon charging sequence initiated...
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Back to you, Haru.
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