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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Skobeloff follows the group out of the cell and to the kitchen. "You three have a seat at the table and relax. I reckon you've earned a break after all that's happened here." Skobeloff said as he moved to begin gathering the ingredients he needed. "The tea will be ready in a few minutes." Having said that, Skobeloff fell silent as he focused entirely on making the tea. As the water boiled, the Trickster peered into a small bowl he had set down away from everything else. Skobeloff had placed the gem sand he had collected from the beach inside the bowl. Teleportation wasn't the only property it had. If one were to look down on the gem sand at just the right angle before talking to someone about something important, the light glinting off the sand would impart insights into how best to speak with them. After a moment, Skobeloff nodded himself before stowing the sand away and turning back to the tea.

A few minutes later, Skobeloff arrived at the table with a kettle full of tea and four steaming cups already filled. "I hope you all enjoy." Skobeloff said as he passed a cup to each dragon at the table before placing the kettle in the center and taking his own cup to the place left for him. "Once we're finished, we'll discuss the event that Fogdance cannot remember and what we are doing next. For now though, kanpai." For the next few minutes, Skobeloff sipped his tea and made pleasant conversation with the others, making sure they were all calm and relaxed. Then, once the kettle ran dry and the cups were empty, Skobeloff cleared his throat and turned to Fogdance, the smile that usually adorned his face fading away as he spoke.

"So Fogdance, you wanted to know what you were up to during the events you cannot recall." Skobeloff said. "Well some time during the course of your outing, the Darkness managed to get a hold of you and turn your normally nurturing nature into an over-protectiveness that bordered on possessiveness. This caused you to take... extreme measures to ensure the safety of your charges." Skobeloff paused then to ensure this revelation wasn't too distressing for Fogdance, taking a moment to calm her down if it was before continuing on. "When I got here, we managed to coax you back from your Shadowself." Skobeloff said. "But as for what to do now, perhaps it would be prudent to ensure the Darkness can't get to you the same way it did before... I get the feeling that you recall more than you let on, possibly something related to how you became your Shadowself. Anything involving that is sure to be a sensitive subject. But to have the best chance of keeping it from getting that bad again, it needs to be discussed."


Realizing that there would be no danger in revealing himself, Skobeloff opened his eyes and got to his feet. After taking a moment to stretch his limbs after lying still for so long, Skobeloff turned to Fogdance and spoke. "Strange is certainly one way to put it." Skobeloff stated while wiping the porridge sludge off of himself as best he could. "Another way of putting it would be... not the sort of thing you'd want to hear about while in a state of confusion. Perhaps we should have this conversation somewhere brighter and more relaxed than in this dingy little room. Perhaps also with something calming to drink. I happen to know the recipe for a lovely blend of green tea if any of you are interested."

When Fogdance released Skobeloff, the rawscale drake did not immediately end his charade. Instead, he lay still and continued to act incapacitated. Now that Fogdance had returned from her Shadowself, Skobeloff became consumed by concern. The mindset Fogdance needed to return was built on trickery and deceit. If Skobeloff revealed that, what if doing so caused the foundations supporting that mindset to crumble? All the work leading up to this moment would be undone! But at the same time, Skobeloff knew he couldn't keep lying on the floor forever. And so he wracked his brain for a way to drop the act without running the risk of bringing Fogdance to the conclusion that she had it right the first time because no one had actually been harmed.


Despite not knowing what the sedative was exactly, Skobeloff knew it wouldn't matter. His fox fairy teachers had taught him enough common symptoms among medicine overdoses that his act would be convincing regardless of what medicine Fogdance used. With the use of medicine confirmed, Skobeloff gathered up a few common kitchen ingredients and the drugged porridge he had hidden away earlier for use in his plan. When he had what he needed, Skobeloff snuck back to the cell.

"Alright, I have what I need." Skobeloff said softly as he entered the cell and quietly shut the door behind him. "With what I have here, I will be able to make it look like Fogdance gave me too much sleeping medicine. Now listen closely, because I'll need you're help for this next part." As he spoke, Skobeloff began mixing what he had gathered from the kitchen into the porridge. "When my performance begins, I'll need you two to start panicking and making a racket to draw Fogdance's attention. When she arrives, you must tell her that you were woken up by the sounds I'm making and that when you opened your eyes, you found me." Skobeloff finished mixing and looked into the bowl. The porridge within now looking considerably more half-digested than before. "Now comes the finishing touch: Once you've given the explanation, you'll need to ask Fogdance what she did to me. That should be enough to drive home the harm her measures have the potential to do. Any questions?" Should either of the twins have questions, Skobeloff would answer them then while hiding the supplies next to the door in such a way that they would be out of sight when the door is open.

Once any questions were answered and all things were ready, Skobeloff poured a puddle of seemingly regurgitated porridge onto the floor and also put some of the mixture into his mouth, taking care not to swallow it so as not to be effected by the sedative. With that done, Skobeloff hid the bowl with the rest of his supplies, returned to the puddle, collapsed into it, and began seizing and convulsing on the floor while making choking noises and allowing the porridge in his mouth to leak out and join the rest of the puddle.

The trap was set. Now the twins needed only to lure Fogdance in.


Do I need to make another roll to sneak back to the cell or does the sneak roll I've already made cover both trips?
@rush99999 Moved my char across, sorry for the xmas delay
Welcome back, Candy. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas.

You're sheet looks good, but there is still one issue I need you to address.

Look Disheveled
I believe disheveled is meant to go in Demeanor rather than Look, and Look is meant to have something like what the other players have put in theirs.

Also, I noticed that you are having trouble formatting your sheet. Worry not, I have fixed the formatting issues for you and have left a fixed CS below for you to move over to the CHAR tab.


"All according to plan." Skobeloff said to the unlocked door, before turning back to the twins. "Alright, here's what comes next. I managed to get an ear on Fogdance's heartbeat on the way here. From what I learned, the only way to bring Fogdance back from her Shadowself is to show her that the extreme measures she's taking to keep us safe are unnecessary at best and harmful at worst. Provided I can find what I need, I should be able to do a convincing enough act of harmful to bring her to her senses. When I arrived, Fogdance tried to give me a porridge that had something in it meant to make me fall asleep. With any luck, she used a sleeping medicine rather than a sleeping potion. Medicines, while easier to make, have a tendency to do more harm than good if too much is used. So if I manage to reach the kitchen and find a sleeping medicine tucked away somewhere, it would be a simple matter of gathering what I need, sneaking back here, and faking a medicine overdose. When Fogdance sees the 'harm' her measures have done, that should be enough to pull her from the Darkness." Provided the twins had no objections to the plan, Skobeloff would then instruct them to stay put, ensuring them he wouldn't be long. Skobeloff would then stealthily exit the cell and begin sneaking towards the kitchen.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Could Skobeloff reach the kitchen again without alerting Fogdance?
Alrighty then! It may have taken a little longer than I thought it would, but we're finally ready to begin the game in earnest!

The CHAR tab now has a 0th post with list of NPCs that have been created by your character creation processes and Session Intro moves. Feel free to peruse any or all of the NPCs listed therein.

I'll try to have the first IC post up before the end of the year. For now though, a word from our sponsor...

My apologies for not posting on Monday like I said I would. The post is taking longer to write than I anticipated. I'll try to get something up before the end of the year.
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