Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I now have this image in my brain of Kendra, Trinity, Aliss and Grace all in a car like that scene from Mean Girls, and I will probably have to draw that at some point.

What were these spells and why did Nephren-ka need them?

Also, who is Misty's very knowledgeable assistant?
Sorry for taking so long. I'll try to have something up before the end of Monday.
And posted. Didn't get it out as fast as I wanted to, but better late than never as the saying goes.

You won't have to wait much longer. In the meantime, would you mind telling us who it was that Misty stole from and how it was that she got herself stuck in the joint?
You call upon your powers and your powers answer, granting you visions of the deck's past, the secrets it has been in the presence of, and the feelings it has been saturated in.

The first vision is of the cards sitting on a table in a living room devoid of people. After a few moments of nothing happening, a small goblin in a threadbare dress crawls out from under a sofa, radiating feelings of entrepreneurial eagerness as she begins to search the room. The goblin eventually stops to look at the cards on the table, letting out a very impressed "Ooh." as she radiates curiosity and a strong desire to possess the cards. The goblin then reaches down to a satchel that is hanging across one shoulder and begins rummaging around in it, eventually pulling out a handful of poker chips which she then proceeds to set down on the table before taking the cards, slipping them into her satchel, and crawling back under the sofa from whence she came as she radiates a feeling of satisfaction at a good deal done.

The scene of the vision then changes from the poker chips sitting on a table in an empty living room to the cards sitting on a table in a simple hovel with two people in it. One the goblin from before. The other a homunculus in business attire tailored specifically for its small size. No strong feelings can be detected from the homunculus, but the goblin is still radiating that same entrepreneurial eagerness she had back in the first vision. "Now just to be clear, my master isn't interested in the cheap imitations that have become so common on Earth." The homunculus says. "He wants genuine tarot cards. The kind that can be used as prophetic tools. You will be rewarded handsomely for every deck you find. Do you find this deal to be to your liking?" The goblin nods her head furiously, the eager grin on her face more than enough to show that she feels that this is an exceptionally good deal.

There is one last change in scenery then. This time, the vision begins in darkness. After a few moments, light shines down from somewhere up above, revealing that this last vision has begun inside the goblin's satchel. Still radiating that same feeling of entrepreneurial eagerness, the goblin pulls the deck of playing cards out of her satchel, revealing the interior of your apartment. The goblin is standing over your tarot cards, which she proceeds to pick up and replace with the playing cards. The goblin then stows the tarot cards away and crawls under a nearby sofa, feelings of satisfaction at a good deal done and excitement for another big payday fully detectable even though she is a good distance away from the cards now. As the goblin crawls though, an eight ball falls out of her satchel without her noticing and rolls under a foot stool as the goblin disappears into the darkness.

Once free of the visions, you would easily be able to find the eight ball and realize that you could use it to track down the goblin. Misty Starbuck, a wizard indebted to you, knows a tracking spell. All she would need is something that belongs to the goblin, something like the eight ball, and she'd be able to point you in the right direction.

The King of the West grins at your command and subsequent request to speak plain. "I merely spoke a greeting to you just now. Something hardly important enough to warrant repeating." Paimon states, speaking now in Hindi. "What is important is that I have a task for you." At those words, a scroll sealed with the sigil of Paimon materializes floating in midair in front of you. "You are to take this scroll to the wizard known as Misty Starbuck with all haste." Paimon commands you. "She lairs in the abandoned Shakes dance studio on the outskirts of the city. I would suggest beginning your search there."

@Guardian Angel Haruki
"Don't you worry yourself a moment about Kendra and Chandra." Mr. Dialtone says reassuringly. "Mrs. Singh's son-in-law, Mitra, is one hell of a hindrance to any would be assassin. Her life's in good hands. Her career is a different story though. Farley's fixin' to have her replaced. I don't know how he's gonna do it, but it involves findin' the right set of tarot cards. Kinda like the ones Kendra just had swiped. You help them find the thief, I'm fairly certain it'll set Farley back just enough that he'll hold off on goin' after Chandra for the time bein'."
Glad to see that you are interested! Do you have a character concept in mind?

I'm thinking about playing as an Anzat Noble.
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