Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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There are many reasons dragons mark Shadows. You may have to mark a Shadow because you got physically hurt

Would being hurt mentally or emotionally also call for making Shadows?

Also, on the subject of trauma, let me share with you this gem I got when messing around with the Incorrect Quote Generator a while ago. I got a few, but this was probably my favourite:

Fellwing: We call that a traumatic experience.
Fellwing, turning to Shieldwing: Not a "bruh moment".
Fellwing, turning to Stargaze: Not "sadge".
Fellwing, turning to Skobeloff: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".

Tamba: What if people had food names and food had people names?
Fogdance: Hey, spaghetti, we’re having Tamba for dinner.
Pleexem: What is wrong with you people?
Skobeloff: Shut up, chocolate.
This is going to be an interesting thing to answer, as I wasn't expecting you to study either of these two at this point in time xP

Did you really think I would allow you to gloss over the twins' presence in the scene? Let you just have them fade into the background? Guess again! Nothing escapes my omniscient gaze!

Skobeloff sat in silence and listened as Fogdance told her story. The tragic nature of the tale was quick to wipe the smile from his face once more. He knew all too well that some eggs simply didn't hatch. Skobeloff forced those memories back into the dark recesses from which they had reared their heads and continued to listen as Fogdance spoke of the two that did survive. Hopa and Aziri. the names were vaguely familiar, but Skobeloff found himself unable to attach faces to them. He likely heard their names in passing or passed by them at some point, but it probably wasn't a very distinct encounter to him. At very least, Skobeloff was fairly certain that neither of them were in House Myndoth.

Then Fogdance revealed the reason why she had sworn the drakes to silence before speaking on this.

The occasional Orphan or Rebel was one thing. As was the odd reservation regarding how things were run on the Moonlit Isles. Skobeloff was no stranger to such things, having become clutchmates with Stargaze, who was herself an Orphan. But an entire clutch raised away from the Houses? That sort of daring was rare enough to be practically unheard of. Regardless, Skobeloff gave no indication that he thought less of Fogdance because of her actions. When she paused for a moment after stating that her plan to raise a Houseless clutch in secret didn't pan out any batter than he first attempt at having children, Skobeloff gave Fogdance a warm smile. "I know this must be difficult for you. But you're doing well." He said reassuringly. "Take your time and continue whenever you feel ready to do so. We can wait."

As he waited, Skobeloff took a moment to glance over at the twins to see how they were reacting to things. They had been just as quiet during Fogdance's explanation as Skobeloff had been, so hopefully they were taking it as well as he was.

Would Skobeloff know how much trouble a dragon could get in for having a clutch of eggs with a dragon outside of their affinity clutch and raising the resulting drakes away from the Houses?
You may have met them. Their names are Hopa and Aziri.

Has Skobeloff met either of them?
I don't think I will in fact be able to join this game. Best of luck to the rest of you.

Beyond the fact that he's a radio host trapped inside the city's wiring, Kendra knows nothing of Mr. Dialtone

As for Abberline, Kendra had a vision about him shortly after they first heard about him. The vision foretold that his defeat will come at the hands of an alliance between all four factions.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Alrighty. I'm guessing I should do seperate rolls for both Mr Dialtone and Abberline?

You guess correctly.
As Candy so astutely pointed out, Put a Face to a Name is the move that determines whether or not you know someone.
"Much as I'd love to join you on this latest adventure, I promised Charity I'd help her with her homework." Aliss apologizes.

Trinity considers your request for a moment. You know that she likes to relax for an hour or so once she gets back from work. But at the same time, you also know that she's well aware of the fact that a vision coming to you while you're behind the wheel would end poorly more often than not. "...Alright. I'll drive." She finally concedes. "But you're buying drive through if you don't want to walk back."

@Guardian Angel Haruki
"There is one thing." Mr. Dialtone says. "That new hunter in town, Abberline Winchester. My sources say he's gunnin' for the Trader. If you want to help Kendra find their cards, you'd better do it fast. And be careful out there, child. This city ain't usually the safest of places durin' the night, but it'll be all the more deadly while Winchester's out there. Even for those who've died once already. See you around." With that said, the call disconnects.

"By the way, do be careful out there." Paimon adds as his musical procession forms up in front of the portal. "Between your mother-in-law kicking the hornets' nest, that enterprising little thief-merchant from Arcadia, and that new trophy hunter prowling the night, things are dicier than usual in this corner of the Earth... Give Ravi my regards when next you see him." With that said, Paimon's camel turns around and the musicians strike up another tune. Soon enough, you are alone.
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