Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Jub: Boy howdy, I sure do love being a normal, Maglubiyet-worshipping goblin with absolutely no scruples!

Brutrumukk: Yeah, bein' one o' Mag's lot is great...! That was a weird way to say it though... You doin' alright, booyagh? Yer sweatin' a like a rain cloud.

"I suppose yer right." Brutrumukk said thoughtfully, having also been forced to adapt to a change in lifestyle after his old gang was destroyed by adventurers. "Though I'm not sure 'ow forgettin' yer god an' yer tongue would 'elp you get by. Even in a place as weird as this." After a moment, Brutrumukk felt the fur on the shoulder carrying Jub begin to dampen. He turned to look at Jub and saw the goblin sweating bullets. "Uh... booyagh?" Brutrumukk asked in mild concern. "Is somethin' wrong?"

When Jingle Jangle clarified what she had meant, Brutrumukk's expression briefly shifted to shock before quickly turning to disgust. When the goblin the asked after the identity of her own god in confusion though, Brutrumukk's face became a masterpiece of murderous rage. The bugbear stepped forward, reaching for his morningstar as the beginnings of a bestial roar rumbled within his throat. But he stopped and went quiet when Jub spoke up to answer Jingle Jangle's question, reminding Brutrumukk that his companions were present and that the living trees outside didn't look like a fight he could win. With a frustrated growl, Brutrumukk stepped back and turned to leave before anymore could be said. "Jub an' I'll be at the raft." He said before storming out of the cave, taking his shoulder goblin with him.

Brutrumukk stomped out of the cave and back down the hill towards the raft they had arrived on, ranting to Jub in goblin as he went. "It just boggles the mind, booyagh! Absolutely boggles it! I know goblins can go a bit off track when bugbears or 'obgoblins ain't nearby to show 'em 'ow to be good an' proper, but I didn't know it could get that bad! 'Ow in the Nine soddin' 'Ells could the gods even begin to bring themselves to stomach such a pathetic excuse fer a goblin actually bein' real?!" Brutrumukk growled once more as they arrived at the raft. "But I suppose I should 'ave seen that comin'. What with 'ow weird this place is an' that weird key fetish she's got. Did you see 'ow many keys she 'ad? The fuck was up with that...? It just boggles the mind."
Gabe, a NG: *nervously laughs wondering how to difuse the situation.*

Does Gabe know goblin? That's the language Brutrumukk was speaking in just now.
As the saying goes, evil cannot comprehend good.

For a moment, Brutrumukk regarded Jingle Jangle and her words with a confused expression on his face. But after some thought, that confusion soon gave way to realization, before finally shifting to a look of impressed cruelty. "Oh I get what yer sayin'. Took me a moment there, but I get what yer sayin' now." Brutrumukk said in goblin with a nod of agreement. "Khurg's got you thinkin' that these rabbits'd do better as slave meat than as stew meat, yeah? Well I suppose if any o' them decide to surrender rather than go down fightin', I could spare 'em the pot an' bring 'em your way instead. I won't do it fer free though. What's in it fer me?"

"He's... outside of the cave." Skobeloff said, his smile having become incredibly strained the moment he heard those words. "Please tell me you didn't leave him on his own out there."
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Don't suppose we could convince you to give us a hint as to what this encounter will be?

Brutrumukk watched as Sir Talavar flew away before finding a place on his belt to hang it from and promptly forgot about it once he had. The bugbear then turned to look at Jingle Jangle just in time to laugh at her clumsy attempt at bowing to Jub. He then listened as Jingle Jangle revealed the location of the Bunny Brigands' base and who they could go to if they needed at guide to reach whatever 'Thither' was. Brutrumukk didn't care about the latter, but he certainly cared about the former.

"Guess we know where to start lookin' fer those lost dice then." The bugbear said when Jingle Jangle was done talking. "An' I also think I know what I'm cookin' fer dinner tonight. Always enjoyed me some rabbit stew."
Well I was going to say that Abberline had kicked down the door and is holding Misty at gunpoint for a tracking spell, but this knife juggler looks way more interesting. Who is she and why is she Misty's problems?

If you ever find time for a game, know that you're always welcome to join. I never would have discovered this game without you.
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