Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Brutrumukk waited for a while to see if Jub would respond. But when the goblin simply kept his hands clamped over his mouth, Brutrumukk shrugged, made his way over to where Gabriel was recovering from an alcohol theft induced breakdown and clapped a consoling hand on the bard's shoulder. "We'll get 'er back fer this" Brutrumukk told Gabriel. "An' then we'll find wherever she stashed the stuff an' drink until we drop, yeah?" Brutrumukk then patted Gabriel on the shoulder before letting Jub down off of his. "I'm gonna tie up the raft." Brutrumukk said to the two of them. "Plate up some stew fer when I'm done, yeah?" With that said, Brutrumukk headed outside to tie the raft to the inn.
Does Jub have anything to say in response to Brut's words or should I move on to Gabe's portion of Bugbear Therapy?
Would I be correct in thinking that you're trying to take Abberline's ability to shoot?

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Since you rolled an 11, you can pick 3 of the following:
• You create an opportunity
• You expose a weakness or flaw
• You confuse them for some time
• You avoid further entanglement
……How much total harm can we take? ^^”

[X] Faint: Leaking Corpus
[X][X] Grievous: Gunshot Wounds
[][] Critical:
Everyones gangsta until someone starts shootin'.

Everybody gangsta until they cross a prophesy protected hunter.
That would indeed be Unleash An Attack.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Oof. That'll be 3 harm then.
Just to confirm, he has +1 armor from being a demon and +1 from his tainted moves. Armor doesn't stack?

Whoops. My mistake. Mitra only suffers 1 harm.
Whatever he has loaded is neither blessed nor holy. Mitra suffers 2 harm.
I'm at work for two more hours. What stat do I roll with?

Kendra had a small premonition when she entered the room. The premonition revealed that is Abberline were to start shooting, someone would try and fail to distract him. If she were to take advantage of this failure in a way that put the one who attempted the distraction in the line of fire, Kendra would be safe from harm.

You can either suffer 3 harm or avoid the bullets but have Grace also Keep Her Cool to avoid being shot.
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