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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Is anyone planning on multiclassing later on?

I'm not.

"Oh? Is that a drake? How cute!" Vansel said.

"I know, right?" Brutrumukk agreed.

"Aw, shucks you guys. Stop it" The drake said bashfully.

Brutrumukk then opened the door and beheld the Dining Room that lay beyond. More specifically, he beheld the two head mounted over the doors he could see from looking into the room.

"Brutrumukk!" The head of Hruggek boomed in joyful greeting from above the door opposite the one Brut was looking through. "Good to see ya, lad!"

"Yeah, always 'appy to see you, Brut." The head of Grankhul agreed happily from the door off to the side. "Come on in. Come on in."

"Hruggek! Grankhul!" Brutrumukk greeted his gods as he stepped through the door. "Good to see the two o' you as well"

"Skobeloff! Am I glad to see you!" A girlish voice cried out from above the bugbear.

"Stargaze!" The drake on Brutrumukk's shoulder cried out in turn as Brutrumukk looked up to see another drake. This had white scales and caught in the mouth of Skiggaret, whose head hung above the door Brutrumukk had just walked through.

"Can you help me down? I'm stuck!" Stargaze implored before squeaking as Skiggaret bit into her for speaking. "He won't stop biting!"

"Don't worry, Stargaze!" Skobeloff reassured. "We'll save you!"

"Yeah, don't you worry." Brutrumukk said. "Mean as 'e is, Skiggaret ain't all that tough when you ain't about to die." With that said, Brutrumukk reached up, poked Skiggaret in the eyes, and pried Stargaze from the jaws of the bugbear god as he recoiled in pain. "There ya go." Brutrumukk said as he brought Stargaze down to eye level with him. "Yer alright now."

"Probably not" Skobeloff murmured, an uneasy look settling over his features as he was reminded what awaited dragons that grew too old. Neither option for ascension sat well with Skobeloff. To the Trickster, becoming a Mystic meant becoming a prisoner within your own body and becoming an Ancient meant spending the rest of all eternity as a voiceless, near-invisible slave to one of the moons. Skobeloff shuddered at both prospects. Eventually, the drake pulled himself from those dark thoughts and tried to drive them back into the recesses of his subconscious with memories of the time he dreamed about a drunk bugbear carrying him around a hag's cottage. "We're almost there." Skobeloff said. "We'll be able to see it once we're make it past that rock formation over there."

Brutrumukk took one look at the waterskin that Jellybean Starfish had offered him before bursting out laughing. "Hahahaha! Oh you silly bean." Brutrumukk said. "You can't drink cheese."

"I mean... you can if you melt it." A voice chimed in.

"Yeah, but you need fire fer that. An' there ain't any fire in 'ere." Brutrumukk replied. "...'Ang on a moment. Who said that?"

"I did."

The voice drew Brutrumukk's attention down to where he had put the barrel he'd emptied, where he found a small dragon-like with scales some strange color between blue and green staring up at him. "Weren't you a barrel just now?" Brutrumukk asked.

"Bob was went from snail to starfish, what's wrong with me going from barrel to drake?"

"Fair enough." Brutrumukk said. "Wanna come explore the other rooms with me?"

"Sure!" The little dragon said eagerly.

"Let's go then!" Brutrumukk said before hoisting his new draconic companion onto the shoulder that Jellybean Starfish wasn't sitting on and stumbling off to B16.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Am I free to make up my own alcohol induce hallucinations for Brutrumukk to see?
Jellybean Starfish and Panache were used as nicknames for Jub and Gabe by pixies back at the Witchlight Carnival. And now Brut's using those names for them in his drunken state and tacking on similar names onto the others based on what they look like from his way of seeing things.

Once Brutrumukk had drunk every last drop of hooch in the barrel, the bugbear slowly lowered the barrel and gazed blankly into space for a time.

"How do you feel?" Brutrumukk heard a voice ask.

Brutrumukk's simple reply was to let loose a long, thunderous burp that echoed throughout the cottage, shook the building to its very foundations, and filled a eighth and one third of the room with pink bubbles. Brutrumukk giggled giddily before looking at source of the voice with a big goofy grin "I feel great, Jellybean Starfish!" Brutrumukk drunkenly exclaimed before watching as the starfish that held Jellybean Starfish together waved at him.

"Hi Brutrumukk!"

"Hic! Oi oi!"


"Hic! 'I to you too!"


"Hic! 'Ey there!"


"Hic! 'Ello!"

"Yo, I'm Bob!"

"Hic! Nice to meet ya, Bob... Wait a sec... Bob? Weren't you a snail earlier?"

"It looks like Brutrumukk enjoyed our creation, ladies!" The Contraption spoke up before bob could answer, sending the entire room into a musical number.

Brutrumukk giggled and hiccupped as he danced along to the song. Stopping only when ne noticed those present at the door. "Oi oi! Shadowflowers! Panache! Tick-Tock! Goat!" Brutrumukk called out. "Come join us! The party's just gettin' started!"
@Guardian Angel Haruki

A backstory involving both Agdon Longscarf and Strahd von Zarovich? Cool!

Are you sure you want her to have been in Icewind Dale for years though? Going years without advancing past level 1 seems a little odd to me.
As for the d100 roll result: Brutrumukk regains 14 HP if he had lost any to begin with. ^^"

Brut is already at full health. Could he possibly have these as temporary hit points?
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