Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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That is significantly sillier than I was aiming for, tonally. Not entirely sure I'd have the patience to write it.

Fair enough. How about this then?

The bioship would still be a pirate ship in the 'ship that is a pirate' as previously mentioned. But not a goofy caricature pirate. Instead its an actual pirate with the Vagrant Spirit mutation who died while standing too close to a bioship.
Are you looking for something specific? I can always make exceptions when they're interesting.

I was thinking of having a pirate ship. And when I say pirate ship, I don't mean a ship that is run by pirates, I mean a ship that is a pirate. A very stereotypical pirate, who constantly says "Avast!" and "Arr!" and other piratey things, is quick to break into musical sky shanties about plundering booty and drinking rum, and always eagerly advocates for making any and all captives walk the plank.
Bear in mind after-market customizations are encouraged.

Can after after-market customizations make a bioship even smarter than what you've described or is pig-level intelligence the maximum?

If bioships are alive, does that mean they have minds of their own? If so, are they on the same level as people or are they closer to animals in terms of intelligence?
I'll take the debt for better guns then.

Also, what sort of questions does getting a Stormhawk raise?
I'll wait until other characters are made before I decide on a ship. Having a ship that I don't have the right wizard for sounds like a suboptimal play.

As for the debt to Leadbelly Kira, would I get higher quality guns if I accept the debt? If so, I'll take it. If not, would you mind if I just have the guns and the debt is for a 'never have to worry about ammo again' sort of arrangement instead?
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

You tell me what you'd like, we work together to determine what you get.

I would like one airship, six of whatever the equivalent of the Tommy Gun is in this setting, and six pieces of protective gear to offset the goblin's abysmal defensive capabilities.
No rush

Well there is one, but he's fine with waiting.

How do we determine what our starting gear is?

Who are the typical speakers of the other languages?

(Other than Urd and Trollish, you've already established who speaks Urd and I think I can hazard a guess as to who speaks Trollish.)
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