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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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No problem.

The affinity clutch that brought Skobeloff into the world was made up of six dragons. All of whom are Bearded Dragons now.

Quillfeather (He/Him): An Academic and a fellow member of House Myndoth. The books he carries with him are Dagon’s History of the War with Darkness, Fafnir von Grimtooth’s Famous Moments in Dragon History, and Dewlash De Golderin’s Guide to the Creatures of Adulare. Skobeloff has a Doc and Marty sort of relationship with him.

Shifter (They/Them): A Trickster of House Tessith. Skobeloff is engaged in an ongoing prank war with them and also inherited the vagueness of his appearance from them, though they have no concrete features or colors like Skobeloff has.

Colorspray (She/Her): A Daredevil of House Semscale. Her beast companion is a parrot, which has left Skobeloff unable to see any difference between monsters and beasts. She takes part in the prank war between Skobeloff and Shifter as a mercenary of sorts.

Redwing (He/Him): A Rebel who used to belong to House Brynback before renouncing his allegiance to it. Skobeloff used to aid him in his rebellious activities, but then he got it in his head that the Council of Elders and the Great Dragon Houses simply had to go. Soon after, he then became his Shadowself, went on the run, and is now plotting to feed Yves to the Cloudstalker.

Greenclaw (She/Her): A Nature Adept of House Tessith. Skobeloff only met her once, during which she taught him how to tend a small garden that he has kept to this day. After that first meeting, she decided that dragons and nature don't mix, became her Shadowself, and fled into the wilderness to make ready for the day she leads the wild to 'take back' the Moonlit Isles.

Screwfix Cogjaw (They/Them) (It): A Crafter of House Kebros. They lost their bottom jaw during their first Rite of Aging and crafted a replacement out of wood and steel. Upon seeing how much better the replacement was than the bottom jaw they lost, they began replacing more of themself with machinery. Skobeloff had a Frankenstein and Igor relationship with them for a time, then they became their Shadowself, renounced their dragonhood, changed their name, and retreated into a Darkness-haunted ruin of ancient and long forgotten technology on the edge of the Moonlit Isles to prepare a campaign of mechanization against all Adulare.
It didn't fail the second time when I used it on the Lornling.

When it comes to being used on teammates I mean.

The Lornling has left by now.

Even though she was tied up and Brut was holding the rope?
Failing a save against Tasha's Hideous laughter means that Brut's dropping prone. Will Jub be needing to roll to avoid being pinned under a collapsing bugbear again?
Oh. Whoops. I've been feeling a bit ill today, so that must be messing with my head and had me misread the DC. Sorry about that.

You're probably right about that. Because both times you've used it for that purpose, it's failed.

"It's a good thing I've come now then." A voice spoke up. "It would have been a bad look if you left here empty handed after doing all you did for us." The one speaking these words was none other than the leader of the highwaymen, a sack hefted over one shoulder. Mixer, the goblin who had been giving out those energy potions before, trailed along behind the simic hybrid. The goblin was holding a potion bag and eyeing the party warily, especially Flicker and Rala.
Oh no.
Skobeloff has also leveled up, he now has the View From Within move.

Also, when I upgraded my signature move when I last leveled up, I forgot to mention how Skobeloff learned his new trick from an enemy. So I will mention it now.

The creature of Darkness that had haunted the island wielded the secrets of its victims like weapons, and so Skobeloff has decided to keep an eye out for any useful secrets from now on so that he might wield them as weapons against the Darkness.
I'd like Shieldwing to still be part of the Clutch.
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