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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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The Huntsman

Seeing no indication that the violence was about to continue anytime soon, the Huntsman sheathed his shortswords and listened quietly to the conversation as it went on. When the men in black revealed that they were in fact little more than desperate, starving peasants driven to the ends of their ropes by the rule of their Emperor, the Huntsman sympathized with them. He knew what it was like to live under such rule. While it wasn't as bad as this in Ebenholm, the Queen ruling fairly and competently when in view of the common folk, the regular disappearances of young women beautiful enough to contest the Queen's spot as the Fairest One of All was a constant source of sadness for the people. And while he himself hadn't starved under the Queen's rule, it had been a long time since the Huntsman's dreams had gone untroubled by the guilt he carried from the part he was forced to play in those regular disappearances.

The Huntsman emerged from his thoughts when one of his newfound companions approached the man she had injured during the fight, asked if she could reclaim her dart, and then did so before the man could answer. Had he been a little more on his toes, the Huntsman would have tried to stop her. But as he had been lost in his thoughts only a moment ago, it had already happened by the time he realized it was happening. Fortunately, it didn't seem like the removal had seriously injured the man. But even so, the Huntsman tensed in anticipation of the act possibly reigniting hostilities.
How do I post the sheet once I've filled it out?
I just watched Snow White again for the first time in years and the ending got me wondering something.

Is the Prince in this timeline gonna turn out to be a cloud giant magically disguised as a human?
I just watched Shrek again for the first time in years and it's got me wondering something.

Are there any talking donkeys on the Moonlit Isles? If so, has one ever formed an affinity clutch with a dragon?

"Whoa!" Brutrumukk yelped as Shadowflowers put a hand on his shoulder, bringing him to a stop and causing the entire conga line to bump into him again.

"There's carrot toes back there I bet. It is too generous for us to go back without a pear thing." Shadowflowers said. "The room Shieldwing is in also has someone who is really disingenuous. You would want to be bailing Shieldwing by washing the feet of this pear sun do you? If we can lather a few rings we may be able to peel this pear sun but we need to move quickly. We suspect that they are really hare tour and are planning to sneeze before to long. It is likely the doors gave us an attempt to busy us with fleas. Perhaps we can stop by Charm's top and get surprise then return to the cottage."

Brutrumukk listened intently to Shadowflowers' nodding understandingly every so often. Then, once she was done speaking, Brutrumukk looked to Skobeloff. "Any thoughts on 'ow we 'andle this?"

"I have a plan." Skobeloff said. "Shadowflowers can head to Charm's top to get the surprise we need. Meanwhile, we'll head back and bail Shieldwing by washing the pear sun's feet before the hare tour has a chance to sneeze. You have that pinecone still, and it looks pearish enough to count as a pear thing, so we should be good on the carrot toes front. As for the doors and their fleas, they'll be no problem now we know what they're up to. Once we've got Shieldwing, we'll regroup with Shadowflowers and peel the pear sun."

"Sound's like a plan." Brutrumukk said before turning to Shadowflowers. "You go grab the surprise then. I'll see you once I've bailed Shieldwing. Conga!"

"Conga!" The conga line exclaimed in response as Brutrumukk led the conga onto the skiff and began rowing back towards the cottage.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is the guy any worse for wear as a result of the dart being pulled out of him with little time to prepare?
"Alcohol, food and water, tents, and fruit." The leader of the highwaymen listed off the group's requests. "Ok then. For that, you'll be needing the general merchant, the moonshiner, and the grocer. Head on over to the side of the camp that faces the King's Road. You'll find the vending stalls there. The vendors will join you there shortly."

Once the party reaches the vending stalls, it doesn't take long for the first of the vendors to arrive. "So, the boss tells me you want some drinks for the road?" The moonshiner - a dark skinned male dwarf with short black hair, a short black beard, and an eyepatch - asks. "Well despite our best efforts, we still have plenty to go round! We have all the stuff that you were askin' after. Only question now is if ye want the common stuff at two silvers per pitcher or the fine stuff for ten gold a bottle?"

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