Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"If you're planning on hijacking that boat back towards the cottage, you're going to be sorely disappointed," Jub said, earning a questioning glance from Brutrumukk. "It's got some sort of enchantment on it to make it go back and forth between the two docks."

"Fuck." The bugbear gnome cursed un frustration. "Nothin's ever simple, is it?"

"I heard somewhere that gnomes are apparently more magically attuned than most other folks so I'm surprised you can't sense it. Maybe that's something they have to train themselves to do..." Jub added.

"Maybe." Brutrumukk said. "Managed to figure out a lot o' what a gnome can do by just thinkin' about it though. I'm smarter now. An' I can talk to small animals. An' like you said, I got some magic in me now. Don't know what kind yet, but I will once I find a bit o' fleece." As he finished his sentence, Brutrumukk noticed a look on Jub's face that suggested an idea had come to the goblin. "Somethin' on yer mind, booyagh?" Brutrumukk asked.

"Look, if I really can't persuade you not to go to that cottage, there is perhaps another way. Jub said. I still have a couple more uses of that charm the Witchlight Carnival gave me when I was crowned monarch. Now that we're about the same size, I could try and carry you over there."

"Nah, let's save those wings fer a rainy day." Brutrumukk dismissed the idea. "It shouldn't be too 'ard to find a boat. An' from what I can remember, those things only attacked 'cause they were 'ungry. Now though, I reckon they're full fer the time bein'." With that said, Brutrumukk waited for the boat to arrive at their side and stepped on when it docked.
On the bright side, this way you'll only have to wrangle one player rather than a whole party.
Love it, but I don't think I am getting any other takers

Do we need any other takers?
Sorry for the wait. Bounced between ideas for a while before finally settling on this one.

Alright. And when you say 'per meal' do you mean 'per person'? Or does one meal cover the whole party?

I do indeed mean per person. Sorry for the confusion.
Has it been mentioned how long it will take for the group to get to Cascade's village?

It'll take a day or two to reach Zephyr. Long enough for two small encounters to happen before the party gets there.
@Cao the Exiled

As Plasm made her way through the campsite towards the merchant stalls, something strange happened as she passed through a quieter area of the camp. The skull in her head suddenly became three pounds heavier.

@Guardian Angel Haruki @XxFellsingxX

"Observe the shelves." Grocer said as it stood to one side and made a gesture of presentation towards the shelves that stood behind it. Each shelf was stocked with an assortment of different foodstuffs and culinary components. Everything from meat to fruit to candy to kibble. "You will find the cheaper groceries on the lower shelves. The higher quality items can be found on the upper shelves." The warforged stated as it allowed its customers to shop.

Unpleasant indeed. Though not nearly as unpleasant as the honkening that would inevitably follow.
I suppose I will be a swords bard, sorry guys. I saw clowns and made a bard

Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong.
This sounds like a good time. Count me in.
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