Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Indeed he is.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
What strain of lycanthropy does Brutrumukk think he's got now?
I will [...] answer everyone's questions, as soon as possible.

Any chance of us getting those answers before the year is out?
Each of Chwegwn's six bodies reacted differently to the sight of Kira's hand unfolding into a set of tools. One body looked on in fascination at the tools and their seemingly impossible precision and elegance. One body winced and looked away from the unsettling sight. One body tried to hum along to the almost music of the tools' clicking as they calibrated the weapon. One body was looking down at its own hands with a thoughtful expression on its face, imagining all sorts of useful gadgets that one could have at quite literally the palm of one's hand. One body was standing at the edge of the box, looking out across the arena. And the last body, the one that Kira had chosen to focus on, watched Kira work with the casual neutrality of someone witnessing something completely mundane.

"I'll give you this fix for free. Can't go selling faulty guns," Kira spoke up after a moment. "and I'll split you cut from the bag when I'm done."

"Thank you kindly." Chwegwn's casual body spoke with a grateful nod of its head.

"What's next for Kontina's only Goblin captain, and my uncharacteristically restrained cousin over there?" Kira asked after some more silence. "Good card for today, if you want to stay and try to double your earnings. Celebrate a fruitful trade with me."

"Oh yeah, we're definitely staying for the fights." The body Chwegwn had looking out over the arena answered eagerly. "It's not everyday you get the chance to enjoy a show from the private box of a Council Captain."

"And I'm sure a few wagers here and there wouldn't hurt." Chwegwn's unsettled body added as it tried desperately to focus on anything other than Kira's unfolded hand.

"After that... I imagine we'll be setting sail soon." Chwegwn's fascinated body continued as he moved to get a better view of the tools. "Now that I've found myself a ship's doctor, I feel confident enough to go out and do some proper piracy."

"Unless, of course, you already have an idea in mind for that last job I owe you." Chwegwn's thoughtful body finished up.
Chwegwn did as instructed, producing the gun that jammed from the jacket it was hidden within and handing it over to Kira.
So something I don't remember us clearing up, did you pick up the good doctor before or after your last job?

Do you have a preference?

Also so excited for so many new characters!

The feeling is mutual.
"Of the six guns you gave me, five worked perfectly." The five bodies of Chwegwn that Kira wasn't looking at replied in perfect unison. The body she was looking at then patted the spot on its jacket where gun it carried was hidden beneath before speaking alone. "This gun jammed for about four seconds though." Chwegwn informed her. "But by the time I noticed, the Magus and everything behind him was already sporting a staggering amount of holes."
Hope everyone had a good Christmas, or Holiday, or whatever you do or do not celebrate!

Same to you.
"Right. Cheeky fucking thing. Loot, then; you have it?"

"Indeed I have." One of Chwegwn's bodies confirmed while another came forward, bearing a sack that was half the body's size and twice its weight. "One small ransom of gemstones. Pried from the death grip of that obese Magus that you suggested would be the perfect target practice for the new guns." Chwegwn placed the sack down before Kira as they spoke, and opened the top to reveal the shimmering stones stored within.
Awh man you don't actually know how much that means to me to hear.

I'm happy to hear it.

I thought you and I weren't on good terms.

What? You mean because of the sleep spell? Nah. That was ages ago, I've gotten over that. Barely remember it even. Besides, everything worked out in the end.

Have a merry Christmas.

Same to you, Cloud. Same to you.
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