Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I don’t understand Aspects and Stunts. Is there a list of existing ones, or do I make up my own.

You make up your own aspects. As for stunts, I believe you are able to make your own so long as you have GM permission, but I would recommend using the stunts provided in the core rules to begin with.

Speaking of, here’s that list of Fate Core related things that I've found useful again:

Credit to Martian for making most of this list a few months back.
How do I make the character sheet? 🤔

Is it the website that you're having trouble with or the game mechanics?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

This is finally moving forward if you're still interested.
I would very much like that. I too remember liking the idea.
It would appear to be so.
So did I. December can be pretty distracting, am I right?
All of Chwegwn's bodies looked on in confusion as Kira began to laugh in response to their question. The Goblin had no clue why the Council Captain found their query so funny. But that quickly changed as Kira spoke again.

"Oh that's a good one, Chegs." She laughed. "Tell you a secret for free - he's not a real Seer. Has some foresight from fuck knows where, but the best he can do before those guns is recognize in front of them as a bad place to be."

"Ah." The Chwegwn body Kira was focused on spoke in reply. "I see."

"But that's good - automatic forfeit, you win some gems." Kira continued after brushing aside an imaginary tear. "When the dogsbody comes back I'll tell them - that has to be good for twenty talents."

"Twenty talents?!" All six of Chwegwn's bodies exclaimed in unison.

"...Well." The Chwegwn body that Kira was focused on said after a moment of stunned silence. "That certainly answers the question of how I'll be paying my crew this month. And the nineteen months that come after."

"Twenty talents!" The Chwegwn body seated on Adrian's lap exclaimed again as it leapt to its feet on the Lybarim's legs and turned to face him. "Twenty talents, Adrian! And I didn't even have to lift a finger! Ha ha ha!" The excited Goblin body then backflipped off of Adrian and began to perform a merry jig.

"I didn't even have to lift a finger." A third Chwegwn body murmured quietly as it slumped in its chair. Unlike the more excited body though, this one seemed disappointed by the fact that victory had come so easily.

The rest of Chwegwn's bodies maintained their stunned silence until the food arrived and bets were called for. At which point, the bodies that had ordered food dug in eagerly while the one body that had abstained approached the attendant. "The combatants of the first fight, Tyesto and Edvard." The Goblin's body spoke. "What can you tell me about them?"
It is with a heavy heart that I must announce my departure from this game due to IRL matters beyond my control.

Best wishes to those who remain.
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