Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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*Due to a really unlucky random encounter rolls, instead of fish, he encountered two merrow.

Out of curiosity, what encounter table were you using for these rolls?
The work is slow but progressing. The biggest problem for this next chapter is that it was going to introduce the PCs of the players I had on the waiting list, but all of them have either lost interest or vanished from the site. So I'm trying to figure out how best to rework the story to not require new PCs, but it's difficult.
In my experience, just linking to images from a random site can be a little unreliable sometimes. The best way to stop that from happening is to save the image you want into your computer, upload it back onto the internet, and then link to that instead.

"Ah bugger." Brutrumukk cursed under his breath as he noticed more bullywug nobility too late to escape their notice as he passed by. Brutrumukk quickened his pace instead. With any luck, he'd be able to pass on by before any of them decided to- Brutrumukk's train of thought ground to a halt along with the bugbear gnome himself as he noticed the large book that the fat frog wearing the crown was reading. The sight of it dredged a vague memory up from the hooch murk that his first visit to Bavlorna's cottage had become in his mind. The bugbear gnome faintly recalled the hag speaking of a big book that had gone missing. Could it be?

"Have you no herald to announce your presence before King Gullop the Nineteenth?"

Brutrumukk snapped to attention along with the guards as King Gullop slammed the book shut. After a moment, he relaxed again and spoke. "The 'ag's missin' a book. A big book." Brutrumukk declared. "You wouldn't 'appen to know anythin' about that, would ya?"
I think it's time Jub proposed a new game: every time a character (PC or NPC) tells Brutrumukk not to do something, they put a copper piece in a jar. If Brutrumukk doesn't do the thing, he gets to keep it, but if he does do the thing, he has to give it back. This might be the only way Jub can teach Brutrumukk to have a little self-restraint.

If gold pieces were used rather than copper, that would actually work.

Wouldn't dissuade him from seeking out the hag, mind you. Brutrumukk genuinely considers being a gnome to be a fate worse than death.

"That is very kind of you. But please, do not worry about me. I can get myself out of the trial by combat,"

"Your funeral." Brutrumukk scoffed with a scowl, frustrated that Morgort wouldn't help him but also amused by the frog knight's belief that the hag would let her go. Best case scenario, Bavlorna had already ensured Morgort's trial would be a fight she couldn't win. Worst case, the hag would come upon Morgort after she'd won her freedom and subject her to a fate worse than death.

Either way, Brutrumukk wouldn't be around to see it. The moment he'd spoken his words, the bugbear gnome turn on his heel and left the cells, paying no attention to anything else the frog knight had to say as he made for D6 to continue his search.
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