Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I've settled on the Supernatural Classification. I've had a few ideas regarding Stigma, but I haven't fully settled on any of those ideas yet. Is there a set list of Stigmas or can it be anything I want it to be so long as it's within reason?
He's going after Rudrick.

Skobeloff nodded in acknowledgement when Heliotrope mentioned that what Skobeloff had brought up was a little beyond her. He had known that would be the case, and he didn't mind that. Talking about the island hadn't been his goal, ensuring that Fogdance would be looked at after what she went through had been his goal. And from the looks of things, it seemed that goal would not be achieved in the presence of drakes. "I'm going to take a walk." Skobeloff said quietly to his clutchmates as Heliotrope began fussing over captives rescued from the darkness. "If you don't find me sooner, I'll wait for you where we landed when I've got enough energy back to continue on." With that said, Skobeloff made for the door, paused a moment to hear Heliotrope's answer to Fellwing's question, and then set off in the direction that Rudrick had left in.
Sleep has never come naturally to me, so I can relate. I hope you can get over your sleep shortage soon.
I'm doing good. You?
Ok here's the Initiative order so far.

Cascade: 16
Max: 15
Jørmund: 9
Hammerhand: 7
Aura: 7
Flicker: 5

So it looks like @Guardian Angel Haruki is up first.

Things had not gone the way that Brutrumukk had expected them too. The frog king's guards had come up on him faster than anticipated and the weapons they wielded were made of either magic or silver, despite the fact that they looked like neither. Now Brutrumukk was just one good hit away from death. Already he could feel Skiggaret's presence seeping into his mind, urging him to escape this lost battle by any means necessary.

"Going to need you to trust me on this one, Brut," An opportunity presented itself. One that Brutrumukk seized gladly.

"Anything! Anything!" Brutrumukk cried out fearfully, his mind now firmly in the grip of Skiggaret. "Just get us out of 'ere!"

Moments later, Brutrumukk was riding to safety on Jub's shoulder. He looked back as he heard King Gullop command the guards to chase the fleeing duo. Brutrumukk turned back to Jub with the intention of telling him to run faster. But before he could, his attention was caught by a sight that suppressed his terror and replaced it with pure religious awe.

Rows upon rows of severed heads mounted on spikes awaited the two escapees as they crossed the bridge. But while the sight alone was grand enough to the bugbear gnome's eyes, what he felt then paled in comparison to when the heads all started speaking. "The 'eads... They speak..." Brutrumukk whispered in wonder. "Messengers of Hruggek."

"Oh, Hello!"

"Hey, what's the rush?"

"We've got a whole musical number planned for guests!"

"Bit busy right now!"

As much as it pained him to ignore divine messengers, Jub had a point. They didn't have the time to stop for the severed heads. Not with the bullywug guards chasing them. "We'll be back fer yer moo-sick-all number later!" Brutrumukk called out as they continued on. "Tell Hruggek we're sorry we couldn't 'ear 'is message right away!"

"Hey you!" Jub called out then, drawing Brutrumukk's attention to the small figure on the bridge. "Sorry to bother you, but you really don't want to be on this bridge right now! In fact, maybe NOBODY should be on this bridge right now! After all, it looks like a real... fire hazard!"

Brutrumukk was unsure what Jub meant by that at first. But when the goblin wizard began reciting an incantation and making hand movements, everything clicked and the bugbear's gnome's eyes went wide with horror. Jub was going to burn the bridge before they could hear the message! "NO!" Brutrumukk exclaimed before grabbing onto Jub's lips to try and mess up the magic words enough to make the spell not work.
Because we are technically in initiative now, are any of us not in the fight allowed to post?

You can still post, but only to react to the situation. If anyone not in the Initiative order wants to interact with the fight, they'll have to roll for Initiative and wait their turn.
The boy was just about to pass by Hammerhand when the orc stood up. As the fighter voiced his defiance, the so called 'Bad Seed of the Sapphire Lake Hamlets' glared up at the orc, utterly unimpressed by what he saw before him. "Didn't know you were getting back into the leadership business, Gorgash." The boy said while glancing over at the orc that was still seated. "Either way, might I suggest you call off your idiot before he gets himself killed?"

"That ain't no idiot o' mine, Max." Replied Gorgash, who had been watching the confrontation up to this point with an ever increasing look of amusement on his face. "That thing ain't even one o' Gruumsh's lot no more. Do what ya like with 'im."

"So what, you are gunna fight a baby?" Aura spoke up then, earning her own glare from Max for using the word 'baby' to describe him. "Doesn't seem very fair considering you are what, four times his size? Though I suppose if the kid can back up his words and at least hold his own against you for a bit I would be a little more willing to move from my, very comfortable, spot."

"Y'know what? Yeah. I'm with you on that." Gorgash said with a nod and a grin. "If Max wins the fight, 'e can 'ave me seat. It'd be the least I could do fer a show that good."

"Okay, we are not doing this," Flicker muttered before trying to diffuse the situation. "Can you not start anything, please? This is ridiculous and not worth having an actual fight over."

"Well you're no fun at all." Gorgash commented. "Though I suppose that should be expected from someone what's been blessed by the ponce god."

It was then that Hammerhand decided to speak up again "Wot would breaking dis kids bones prove? Nothin' that's wot, sides' be a waste of time to fight such a scrawny lookin' lil pip-squeak. No honor in beatin' up a fee-bal child. I fink' your friend ere' has more an issue wif me..Ain't that right kin?"

"What? You an' me? Kin? HA!" Gorgash laughed at the prospect before shaking his head. "Nah, you don't got nothin' to worry about from me. Weaklings like you don't deserve death at the 'ands of a proper orc. Death at the 'ands of a kid what's been taught by an annis 'ag though? Yeah I'd say that's a fittin' death fer the likes o' you."

The sound of a sword sliding free of its sheath was quick then to bring Hammerhand's attention back to Max. Just in time to dodge a swing of the scimitar the now quite visibly enraged boy was now wielding. "I am not a baby." He seethed with ever increasing volume. "I am not scrawny looking! I am not a little PIP-SQUEAK! AND I AM NOT FEEBLE!

...O_O...That...reminds me of something horrible...

Which in turn reminds me of something funny.

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