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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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So by my reckoning, we currently have complete characters from six out of the nine players signed up for this. Who are the final three that have yet to post their PCs?
@rush99999 Just a note, Shieldwing, Stargaze and Rudrick are not in a classroom, they're in a corridor looking into someone's living quarters (aka Coryn and his roomate's)

Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. Edits have been made.

"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen." Skobeloff declared before laughing evilly, calling upon his connection to Shieldwing, and using his tail to throw some gem sand over himself. Once more did Skobeloff turn into sand upon contact with it. And once more did he fly swiftly and unerringly to Shieldwing's location, where the Trickster then returned from sand to scale.

"I have returned!" Skobeloff declared. Then he noticed the situation in the living quarter and tilted his head in curiosity at the sight. "And it looks like I've arrived just in time." The drake continued. "What's going on in here then?"


It didn't take long for Skobeloff to realize that convincing Garrock to speak with his family would be a nearly impossible feat. The grumpy Warrior gave off the distinct impression that he would rather single-handedly take on an army of giant spiders than do that.

Well if an army of giant spiders was what he seemed to want, then an army of giant spiders would be what he seemed to get.

Skobeloff emerged from hiding and entered the room in earnest. "Ah. Right where I left you." Skobeloff said to both Garrock and Fellwing. "Have you heard the news? Distressing things are afoot at the Snouthold. When I caught that updraft on the way here to impress that gliding class we passed by, I spotted an abandoned mineshaft a short stretch away from this place. Well word has just come back that an entire army of giant spiders had been discovered gathering in there. Shocking stuff, am I right?" With the carrot in place, Skobeloff then turned to address Garrock in particular to deliver the stick. "Oh by the way Garrock, your brother is looking for you." The little Trickster continued. "He had a very serious look on his face and mentioned that he had something reeeally important to talk to you about."

If all went according to plan now, Garrock would make a beeline to the mineshaft to occupy himself with fighting the spiders as a way of getting out of having to speak with Rudrick. Then it would only be a simple matter of sending Rudrick the same way, which would lead to him cornering Garrock in the mineshaft. At which point, Garrock would have no choice but to speak with Rudrick.

"I'm more worried about what're our two little friends are up to."

Oh Gabriel. If only you knew.
As am I.
... Brutrumukk took that way better than I expected, I'm impressed.

His frustration at the truth was quelled by the fact that he'd already killed those responsible.

Brutrumukk looked at Jub in confusion. "I ain't actually a weretiger?" The bugbear gnome asked. "What're you on about, booyagh? O' course I'm a actually a weretiger. You saw me turn into one during our last two fights. I even still 'ave the needle those darklings stuck me with what turned me. Look." Brutrumukk removed the backpack from his shoulders then, opened it, and began rummaging around in the part of the backpack where he had stored everything he looted from the darkli- "GAH!" Brutrumukk yelped in pained surprise as he quickly withdrew his hand from the backpack to reveal the needle was now stuck point first in the side of his hand.

The barbarian regarded the needle with an annoyed expression at first. After a few moments though, his expression changed to confusion. Then to realization. Finally, Brutrumukk's face settled on a look of anger. "Those fuckin' darklings!" Brutrumukk growled in fury before plucking the needle from his hand and glaring at it. "I should 'ave known bein' turned into an actual weretiger as a way of payin' fer incense was too good to be true. They must've thought it'd be a great laugh to 'ave me thinkin' that was what 'appened though." A vengeful grin replaced his anger then. "Well I 'ope that laugh was worth dyin' for." Brutrumukk chuckled at the thought before sticking the needle into the belt of his jester's outfit in such a way that it wouldn't be able to prick him by accident again. "Either way, this mightn't be a total loss at least. Maybe we'll find a use fer a needle what makes folks think they're weretigers."
Although given his condition, I am tempted to have blurt out that Brut is not actually a weretiger.

This would be wise.
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