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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor regarded the silver that Wynvere had placed in front of him with an accepting nod. "That will do fine." Fyodor said. "You have my thanks." His attention was caught then by a Mercykiller meowing at a cat perched on the shoulders of the woman who had already been sitting at the bar. As confusing as the sight was, Fyodor did not watch the interaction for too long. It was rude to pry into matters that did not concern him, especially when they did concern an enemy of the Bleak Cabal.

Fyodor waited in silence for the bartender to finish up with her other customers. When she finally turned her attention to him, Fyodor opened his mouth to speak, but paused when he felt a familiar pat on his back. Fyodor looked to the source of the pat and met Ulgad's lopsided grin with a nod of greeting before returning his attention to the bartender. "The four of us would like a pitcher of common wine and directions to the Wayfarer's portal to the gate-town of Ecstasy." Fyodor said as he slid the two silver pieces over to the bartender, maintaining eye contact with her at all times to avoid looking at the last coin he had brought with him from his homeland.
That'd be a good place to start. Though if by 'the D&D site' you mean D&D Beyond, I wouldn't recommend them. I'd suggest using DiceCloud or Mythweavers instead.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
I was just checking my notes and I found that Cascade has Inspiration. Would you like to use it to try and get a better result from your Religion check?
When Cascade expressed her distrust of Mar'a'gan, the imp opened its mouth to speak, but was cut off by Aura taking the scroll, asking a question, and then making an argument to the rest of the party. As Aura spoke, an eager grin settled onto Mar'a'gan's features and he spoke with a slightly giddy tone once Aura was done talking. "Well said." The imp complimented. "I couldn't have put it better myself... But to answer your question, no. You have to sign the contract to be bound. Feel free to read to your heart's sweet content." Were Aura to open the scroll and read the contract written therein, she would find it a remarkably simple read. Nothing like the overly complicated, nigh impenetrable walls of legal jargon that contracts from the Nine Hells are made out to be in all the cautionary tales. It's even written in common as opposed to infernal script native to Baator.

I'll take that as a 'No'... ^^"

Ah. My apologies. Sometimes I forget that some people don't watch Zee Bashew as much as I do.

Take it to mean that I'm keeping the answer secret for the time being.
"If course I don't." Mar'a'gan declared. "If I did, I'd be asking you to sign away your souls."
Would an 11 in Religion help?

"Indeed I am." Mar'a'gan replied. "Though I feel I should point out that the terms and conditions are mysterious only because none of you have read the contract yet." The imp wiggled the scroll again to emphasise its point.
Alrighty then. Commence work on a character now and I'll bring them in at the start of the next chapter.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Cascade wouldn't need an Insight check to know that the felidars did indeed die to make these fleeces.

She would need to make a Religion check to pray though.
"Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction."

Mar'a'gan heaved a sigh at Flickers words. "Alas, the bane of all merchant devils. Anti-fiend propaganda from the Upper Planes." The imp lamented. "Those angels have everyone thinking that our goods are bad. But I can assure you these gifts are good. As are all of my stock. No vendor worth their salt would knowingly sell things that hurt the customer. That's just bad business sense! I'd get no regulars with practices like that. And when all the first time buyers dry up and word of mouth wipes out what traces of good will I could still get despite all the celestial slander, that would be it for my mercantile ventures!" Mar'a'gan shook his head then. "No no. Honest dealings. Good goods. That is the way to go."

"There's another thing I would like to ask," Cascade spoke up then. "Those 'gifts' you brought for us. I'm picking up faint Celestial energies from them," She then narrowed her gaze and she asked, "Now, why is that?"

"That would most likely be due to their Celestial source." Mar'a'gan supplied helpfully. "Within these crates, you'll find the finest felidar fleeces farmed from the far off world of Ravnica. The warmth that they provide will be of great use to your Ohana in the trials ahead."
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