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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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3 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Luka watched as the others began tapping into their powers, Emily rewriting the narrative of the world itself to clear out the diner, Ashley having some sort of vision, and The Crow exerting control over all things metal. Seeing all of this happen, Luka decided he wanted to get in on that. But first, he had to answer one tiny question.

Just what exactly was it that he could do now?

As he considered this question, Luka's thoughts drifted back to the card he had received. The Wheel of Fortune. An apt card for one so fortunate as Luka. And his depiction in its artwork was equally appropriate. On top of the world, sitting astride it as if it were a simple mode of transportation. Surrounded by many desirable things. And if something was wanted that wasn't there? Getting it was as simple as reaching down and claiming it from the earth.

And just like that, Luka knew what he could do.

Anything. He could do anything he wanted. The Fates were merely kind to him before, but now they would bend over backwards to accommodate his every whim. Luka simply had to will something to be so and it would be as he wanted it to be. Luka closed his fingers over thin air, and a watermelon popsicle appeared in his grasp. "Baseball." Luka said, finally responding to the question he had only half heard Ashley ask. "I know the rules, but I always preferred to a spectator more than a player. As he said this, a pale, almost featureless man with a baseball bat materialized next to the booth and took the baseball that Ashley had offered to Luka.

Luka took a lick of the frozen treat he had summoned and smiled in satisfaction at the taste. Then a look of realization dawned on his features. "It occurs to me that we should probably do something to conceal our identities." Luka mused. "It wouldn't do to have our enemies putting faces to names and names to addresses... I think I can at the very least reduce risk of that though." With a moment's flex of will, Emily, Ashley, and Luka appeared very different from how they were before.

Emily was now dressed fully in the holy vestments she had been wearing in part in her card's picture. The only deviation from the art being a ceremonial mask that fully obscured her face.

Ashley was dressed in the monk's garb that her card depicted her wearing. The hood was drawn fully up and over her head, creating an impenetrable darkness that kept her face from view.

Luka himself hadn't changed himself in terms of clothing. Instead, his star shaped shades had begun to shine bright enough to render their wearer nothing more than a silhouette in the eyes of onlookers. Emily and Ashley were unaffected by the light though, and could still see Luka through the glow.

"Now that our faces are hidden, I reckon pseudonyms would be a good idea as well." Luka said. "Hiding our faces won't do much if we're still throwing our real names around... What do you think of..." He pointed at Emily. "The Writer..." Then at Ashley. "The Reader..." Then at himself. "And The Reveler?"

Since Emily has a Tie to Luka now, what do you think of this as Luka's Tie to Emily?

1 "Emily must be shown that I am something far grander than some fraternity tribesman." 1

If Ashley's getting a new tie to Luka, can Luka get one to Ashley? Maybe something along the lines of...

1 "Ashley could be an entertaining source of drama." 1
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