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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Upon realizing that he was standing over the corpse of a Red Marshal, Sir Shane dropped respectfully to one knee, crossed himself, and bowed his head to the dead man. "God rest your soul, Marshal." Sir Shane said softly. "I will see to it that your body receives the proper rites."

With that said, he took the preferred medallion and stowed it in his backpack to return to the Red Marshal barracks at Barleytown once his investigation of the western barley fields was complete. Sir Shane then took the Red Marshal's sword and sheathed it in the empty scabbard on the dead man's hip. Having done that, Sir Shane wrapped the Red Marshal's cloak around the corpse as a makeshift shroud and picked the body up.

Flutter whinnied in protest as she saw her rider approach with a corpse in his arms.

"I know I know." Sir Shane said understandingly. "But we can't just leave him here... You won't have to endure him long. With any luck, there'll be a church we can leave him at near the fields. If not, Barleytown will definitely have one."

After taking a moment to express that that didn't mean she had to like it, Flutter eventually relented and allowed Sir to put the Red Marshal on her back.

"I'll be sure to get you two bushels of apples for this." Sir Shane promised his horse while giving her a few comforting pats, before mounting himself and continuing the journey.
"If - as your titles imply - you make your home in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, then I'd say you are a few steps off the beaten path." Luka said with a nod of confirmation. "Right now, we're in the middle of New York City. As for how you got here, I only know the last few steps you took. At some point, someone who doesn't like you decided to try and make you explode. He chased you into a diner where my friends and I frightened him away. After that, I calmed you down with some music and brought you into my limo. Which brings us to now..."
@Digizel @Guardian Angel Haruki

Orbital Boop Cannon fully charged. Locking onto target...

Target locked. Firing sequence initiated. Orbital Boop Cannon firing in five.. four... three... two... one...

Caught off-guard by Mister MegaTen suddenly gaining the ability to speak, Luka spent a few moments blinking in abject confusion at this sudden turn of events. It didn't take him long to regain his mental footing though. Straightening himself up, Luka cleared his throat and then spoke his reply.

"I am Luka Durand." Luka introduced himself. "And we are currently in my limo. Please do not worry. You are quite safe here... Might I know who you are?"
"Well spotted, Flutter." Sir Shane praised his mount while giving her a few congratulatory pats as he brought her to a halt. "Next chance we get, a whole bushel of apples are coming your way." With that said, Sir Shane dismounted and went to inspect the glint coming from the mound.
Worry not. I understand completely.
I shall start this downtime off with a Tie Scene between Luka and Mister MegaTen.
Luka was had just shrugged his shoulders and carried on to the limo when Ashley and Emily both declined his offer. If they didn't want to ride in a limo, that was their loss. As he stepped out of the diner, Luka saw his ride waiting on the sidewalk where he had left it. As he made his way over, Luka saw Montague sitting in the driver's seat and staring at him with as much wide-eyed shock as he could manage while covering his eyes from the blinding light his charge was giving off. Seeing this, Luka flipped his star shades up onto his forehead and willed them to stop glowing.

This surprised Montague even further than he already was.

"Y-Young Master?!" The butler sputtered as Luka opened the limo's door and climbed inside to be greeted by and equally surprised Jesse.

"Montague, take us to the Column's underground parking lot... Via one of the more distant secret entrances, if you'd be so kind." Luka said, like everything that had just happened was the most mundane thing in the world. After a moment of nothing happening, Luka looked to see Montague struggling for words. "I'll explain everything once we've returned to my penthouse." He added.

"I... Yes, Young Master." Montague tried to start, before eventually lapsing back into his servant's instincts for the time being and driving off to one of many secret tunnels that led to a subterranean parking lot beneath the Durand family skyscraper that was reserved only for the family's personal use.

When they were back in the parking lot, Luka had Montague and Jesse go and wait for him in the penthouse for his explanation. "I just need to figure something out, then I'll be right up." Luka reassured them. Once they were gone, Luka willed the limo to become bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Once Luka had created enough space that he felt confident Mister MegaTen wouldn't start feeling trapped, he took hold of the pan that had been obscuring his new pet's vison and lifted it away.
Sir Shane sagged slightly as he left the Goatbeard. He had taken on this quest to avoid offending people, but now he had done just that. To someone who had helped him no less. Sir Shane couldn't help feeling terrible as he made his way over to the post he'd hitched his horse to. Flutter looked up from the water trough and the remains of the carrots that had been brought out to her, exhaling audibly through her nose when she noticed the distress her rider seemed to be in.

"I'm fine, Flutter." Sir Shane reassured his steed as he unhitched her from the post. "Just had to talk to people while I was in there, is all. Either way, we have our next destination: The barley fields west of here." A moment later, Sir Shane was on Flutter's back and the two of them were away. As they rode out of Barleytown, Sir Shane began to relax as the chance of him running into a social situation reduced considerably. Sir Shane began to look around at landscape. Taking in the idyllic view, familiarizing himself with the new surroundings, and keeping an eye out for anything that could potentially help or hinder him.

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