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@Martian Don't forget to drop Dubuk into the character's tab and hop in the discord.
"Hmmm. A hunter, a cleric, and a sorcerer. I guess that would make me the vanguard."

He took another drink. There was plenty of it to go around with Fay part of the group, it seemed. There was a comfortable atmosphere as the low-quality, low-potency alcohol tried its best to make him feel something.

He wasn't exactly a prototypical warrior, so, with Fay's prompting, he figured it made sense to more thoroughly define his role in the group. "I may not look it, but I know a bit about Druidry. I'm a bit more inclined towards fists than fireballs, but the cleric here isn't the only one with healing magic. You guys familiar with the Goodberry spell? I'll prepare a bunch of them tonight."

He spared a sheepish smile towards Edgar. "Greater Restoration is a bit beyond me, though."
I think there's still a misunderstanding here. Fay just said she didn't need up-front pay, and would agree to help the man without it, so the 200 gold the man paid up-front would be split between the other three instead of all four of them. (66 each instead of 50 each)

After the job is done, since the three of them got paid 2/3rds of their final 100 gold share, they would only get the remaining 1/3rd, while Fay would get the whole 100 gold share at the end of the job. She would not be paid more.
Fay turned down the initial pay, hence 66/67 gold for the other three, and how Fay gets 100 afterward while the others only get 33.

Just wanted to ask before I jumped to conclusions in-character about how he wasn't a real merchant or something.
Kaison & Jon
Dad didn't show up. It wasn't surprising. He was busy as hell with his work even before his kids were put on an island, so this was nothing new.

Caleb & Lexa
Caleb and Lexa likewise did not seem surprised to see that neither of their parents showed up. They didn't do any more than share a meaningful glance before splitting up separately.

Chris seemed to get a phone call in lieu of a visit. He smiled as he talked.

An elderly woman stepped off the boat, wheeling an elderly man off it in a wheelchair. Both were wearing similar clothes to Haruko's, and just as they appeared, were apparently Haruko's relatives. Their relation was unclear, however, since they both began chatting with Haruko in a foreign language.

Her mother stepped off the boat and smiled warmly as Sina ran into her open arms. "Mom!"

She hugged her daughter tightly. "Hello, dear. How has school been for you?"

"Great! Just a couple of days ago, I got possessed by genocidal duel monster ghosts! I got saved by a friend before being I started plotting world domination though, so it all turned out okay!"

Her mother's smile didn't so much as flinch. "That's nice, dear."

"I even got to save one of my friends afterward, when she collapsed. This place really makes me feel like I'm getting closer to becoming someone like Yugi Muto."

Her mother began fawning over her only daughter. "Oh, my baby's growing up~! Just don't forget to visit your dear old parents when you become a big, famous duelist, okay?"

"Of course!"



They simply stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Miles looked annoyed while his father, who bore quite the resemblance to him, looked like he was expecting more. When he didn't get anything, he sighed, looking annoyed himself. "Come on, show me around."

Miles turned and led the way wordlessly.

A man in a luxurious white suit wearing sunglasses and smoking a fancy cigar walked off the boat. Roché ran up to him and they began chatting animatedly. The man seemed to be perfectly capable of talking while keeping the cigar between his teeth, which was a bit odd, but not as odd as when he suddenly exclaiming "THAT'S MY GIRL!" before laughing heartily like he was in on the grandest joke in the world. He was loud enough that nearly everyone at the docks turned to look, though Roché didn't seem to mind, laughing along with her father.

Like Roché's father before her, Melony's mother proved to be visibly rich, stepping off the boat wearing a dress one might describe as gaudy and dramatic. It was poofy, like a fairy tale princess dress, but about half of it was cropped off to reveal purple-black thigh highs that matched the woman's lipstick. She was bedecked in similarly almost-gothic black and purple jewelry and her hair was a complicated series of braids and loops while somehow remaining long enough to reach past shoulder length.

Melony took small, sullen steps towards her mother with her eyes affixed to the ground. "Hey, mom."

"Oh, dearie, what's the matter? You look terrible!"

"I... it's..." Melony looked like she was about to cry in public again.

"Oh, baby, don't worry, mommy's here for you." She crouched down awkwardly in her heels to hug her daughter. "Why don't you show me where you've been living, and tell me all about it there. Mama will make it all better."

"I don't... I'm not sure I even..." Melony covered her face with her hands again.

Melony's mother leaned in and whispered something in a curt tone. "Not in public, dear." She gave Melony a push while maintaining her bright smile and they began the walk back to her room.

Rin's father wore a black suit and carried a black briefcase. He had short black hair and didn't particularly stand out among the other parents. He walked up to Rin, who greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, Rin. How have you been?"

"I've been doing alright. Welcome to the island, dad."

"Good to be here; good to see you. I heard from the school that you'd be giving me a tour?"

"Sure, dad. Though, I don't know much about places other than the main building and the Ra Yellow Dorm."

"Why don't we start with your room, then? Students of all dorms are paired with roommates nowadays, aren't they? How's yours?"

"She's great. I feel like I didn't understand her that well at first, but she's very nice."

"That's good to hear."

They continued to make idle conversation as they walked back to Ra Yellow

He's here. Donte grit his teeth.

"You're still wearing that all that?"

The bespectacled man in a neat black suit walked up to Donte looking irritated. "Nice to see you too, dad," Donte deadpanned through gritted teeth.

"Maybe you'd be nice to see if you didn't look like a thug straight out of juvie."

Donte glared at the man. "Why'd you come?"

"What kind of question is that? You haven't even been here that long and you're already failing everything but P.E. You're the one who wanted to be a duelist."

"No. I said I liked dueling once and you enrolled me without telling me anything."

"You've got to do something with your life, and since you refused to decide where to go, I decided for you, like any good father would."


"HEY. Don't you talk back to me! If you want to go to a military school, just say the word, boy."

Donte put a hand on his face and let out a deep breath. He wasn't any stranger to corporal punishment, though his father gracefully avoided stuff like that in public in favor of other threats that were, to him, arguably worse. He considered making another remark, but the man before him had absolute control over his life. It didn't matter the context, talking back could mean anything, because it was just his dad's way of saying it was time to shut up before he got really mad. He crossed his arms and did just that. It was gonna be another one of those days.

"Show me your room. Now."

Donte turned and began walking back to Slifer Red, stuffing his hands in his pockets. His father lectured him the whole way there about his attitude, clothing, grades, posture and future. Donte tuned it out. He was used to it.
Vandernman's eyebrows stood up on his forehead "What? , I agreed to 400 gold total, half now, the rest when we reach Keth."

200 gold divided three ways is 66/67 each.

33*3+100 for Fay makes up the other 200 gold.

That's 400 gold total.

Was Vandernman's statement an accident or intentional? @HEAVY METAL
@Scarifar You're welcome to join. A new "episode" just started, so knowledge of previous events isn't necessary.

I've been pairing up player characters with NPCs in order to drag them off into plots, if needed. While this arrangement isn't mandatory, the open slots/freed up NPCs, from players who have left the RP, include:
  • Sina (Slifer Red female)
  • Miles (Ra Yellow male)
  • Jon (Obelisk Blue male)
  • Caleb (Obelisk Blue male)

Tentatively, Chris (Ra Yellow male) is also available (in that @WXer hasn't been online in a month) though I'll wait on @SSW's response before declaring Melony (Obelisk Blue female) freed up. I contacted them both on our Discord just now and am waiting to hear back.

Players can choose which NPC they want as their roommate, or just go without a roommate. No other player character is available as a roommate currently, so that's unfortunately not an option.

You're also welcome to join the discord if you wanna discuss your character and their deck.
Episode 3: How Far the Apple Falls From the Tree

It was just another day at school when Mr. Monoma dropped it on everyone. "Today's parent visitation day."

They were living on an island and no one had heard of this previously, so the class showed visible and audible confusion.

"Did I not mention it?"

A chorus of noes.

"Could have sworn I did... Well, whatever. Because Duel Academy is located on an island, not all of your parents have had an opportunity to visit our facilities in person, and now that you students have had time to settle in and get used to school life here at the academy, it's a good time to receive them. Of course, plenty of your parents are only coming to give you a visit."

Donte spoke up. "Did you forget to tell them about it too?"

"All of your parents or legal guardians were informed weeks ago, though only about half of them have RSVP'd. In any case, today's not going to be a full school day, and you'll all be dismissed at the docks once the boats arrive. Of course, you'll each be asked to give your own parents the tour. We simply don't have the staff to go around."

"Tch." Donte looked visibly annoyed. He muttered to himself, "don't tell me..."

Mr. Monoma seemed to hear him. "Mr. Lorenzo was among those who confirmed they would come to visit."

Donte scowled. He didn't mutter this time. "Fuck."


The school day proceeded much as normal, though the students took the surprise visit of their parents in different ways. Donte wore a facial expression that looked like he was on the verge of death and had a demeanor that emitted killing intent the entire time. About half way through the day, the school bell rang, and the students were lined up and walked to the docks.

They stood there, waiting for the arrival of their parents as a set of boats quickly approached from over the horizon.

@Crimson Flame@Darkmoon Angel@Eviledd1984@King Cosmos@Psyker Landshark@SSW@WXer

"Do you have any questions relevant to your job?"

"And what does your cargo exist out of? As in are there objects that we should keep an eye of in particular should we get 'troubled'?"

Akio chimed in, "it would be good to know if we have to carry goods that could attract the attention of wildlife by the smell alone."

As the girl stated her disinterest in the initial pay, Akio reached over to take his share of it. Edgar had only taken a third of it, as if to save a third for the lady, despite how she declined. It felt awkward holding onto her share and giving it to her afterwards, but it worked out as a fourth mercenary - a half-orc, if he wasn't mistaken, had arrived to join. More people meant less pay, but the wisdom of this venture was still dubious in the first place. He took a third of the original amount, adding it to his funds and tossed the rest to the half-orc, indirectly accepting him in place of Vandernman. The man didn't seem particularly discerning anyway.

"So, once we get to the other side, that would be 33 more gold for us three and the full 100 gold for the lady." He frowned at the word. It wouldn't do to be calling each other by appearances the whole trip. "My name's Akio, by the way. How should I address the three of you?"
The next day, everyone went about their business as usual. Pine, Haruko and Helena all managed to make a full recovery without the involvement of the school faculty, which handily avoided landing any of the students out past curfew that night in hot water.

None of the other students at school seem to acknowledge the blinding pillar of light or supernatural weather phenomena of last night, though it was completely gone by daybreak, after all. As the school day came to a close, Haruko came up to each of the students who were there for her rescue, one by one, to thank them, offering each of them a gift.

"I want to give you this, for helping me through... last night. Just take it. If you don't, I'll get angry."

@Crimson Flame@Darkmoon Angel@Eviledd1984@King Cosmos@Psyker Landshark

Cassandra, Helena, Leo, Mina, Pine and Valerie can each edit their deck to include one of the following choices:

Kaison, Haruko, and Melony
Things had gotten awkward between Kaison and Pine. He'd quietly left a game key on Pine's laptop last night, after putting a bandaid over the bruise from Pine's seed cannon. He confirmed Pine was okay the next day, though he didn't have the nerve to broach the things Pine had said while possessed, and decided to go to school early. He seemed to assume he had thought Haruko ruined his date, though he didn't even think of the possibility. He didn't like thinking of that night at all, in fact, because of how embarrassing he acted in front of his girlfriend. That he was taking responsibility for it was... upsetting, to say the least.

That it was because he was apparently interested in Kaison was... what's the word... overwhelming? Surprising? Awkward?

He'd never really given much though to relationships to begin with, much less sexuality, and luckily he doesn't have to start now. He's already in a relationship with Melony, and she's been nothing but cool, so while he feels bad for Pine, he isn't about to dump her to make him feel better.

Still, his words weighed heavily on his mind all day, so when Haruko came by to give him a card in front of the school as thanks, he decided he needed to grill her for information.

"I'm not sure how much you remember last night, but Pine admitted to ruining my date."

She looked relieved for some reason. "Oh? That's good." A look of realization dawned on her soon after, and she scrambled to correct herself. "I-I mean, it's good he told the t-truth, not good that your date was ruined! Honesty is the best policy, I a-always say. I'm not just saying it's good because I'm selfish. Hahahahahahaha..." She laughs awkwardly, for a little too long, in a way that is a little too stilted and forced.

"Yeah, about that. I didn't know what happened that night, and I didn't do much asking."


"Yeah. I know you were outside that night, if I remember correctly, but I don't know why he and you assume I thought you had ruined my date."

"M-me? W-when d-did I-"

"Just now, you said you weren't saying it's good because you were selfish."

"T-that's... u-um..."

"And another thing, what were you doing out that late yesterday, anyway?"

"O-oh... that... I was... uh... trying... something..." Haruko looks likes she's trying to fold in on herself and disappear.

"Please, tell me about it. I want to know."

"I w-was... uh..."


"L-laying a curse..."

Kaison blinked. That hadn't been what he was expecting at all. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't more supernatural shit. "A... curse?"


Kaison tilted his head. "Why would you want to lay a curse on someone? Who was it?"

"T-that... uh... uhhhhh..."

Having watched the scene unfold halfway, Melony decides now would be a good time to interject. "Hands off, man-eater bug!" Melony wrapped herself around Kaison possessively, and it was Kaison's turn to stutter.


Melony, still holding him close, rubbed her face against his shoulder. "My poor, innocent Kaison. Haven't you heard the rumors? You've got to be careful around girls like her."

Kaison raised an eyebrow. Haruko seemed to have gone dead silent, though he couldn't see her eyes past the glare on her glasses. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of his gut. "What rumor?"

"Well, I hate to spread it when I don't know if it's true," she started. A flagrant lie, given how she started the conversation, though one Kaison could still overlook as carelessness. "But there's a rumor going around that she lures men in with her cute facade, gets them to break school rules, then blackmails them afterwards! I've even heard that blond Slifer friend of yours was one of her victims!"

Haruko spoke. "Bullshit."

Melony hid behind Kaison, with a sardonic smile on her face that Kaison couldn't see. "Kyaaahhh~! Protect me, Kaison! The cute ones are always the scariest~!"

Haruko was breathing heavily. She let out a growl and pointed at Melony with fury in her eyes. "IT'S HER! I WAS TRYING TO CURSE HER! THERE'S NO ONE ELSE THAT WOULD SPREAD A RUMOR ABOUT ME AND THAT WEIRD BLOND GUY!"

Kaison was bewildered, caught in the crossfire and utterly confused. Passersby, startled by the commotion, started to watch the drama unfold.

Melony put on her sickly sweet 'innocent' voice. "I didn't start the rumor. Even if I did, how would we know you're not just lying to get out of trouble?"


"When we were kids? Haruko, we used to be friends! Sure, I was mad after what you did in that old abandoned house, but that's ancient history!"

Haruko smirked, looking at Kaison. "She got mad because I scared her so bad she pissed herself."

The peanut gallery laughed. Melony gasped dramatically. Kaison was starting to get uncomfortable that this was a public event.

"You also promised you'd never talk about it! Liar!"

"I didn't promise shit! You never talked to me after that, just started spreading rumors and making jokes that I was some freak who only had ghosts for friends!"

"CAN YOU BLAME ME AFTER YOU LIFTED OFF THE GROUND AND STARTED MAKING CREEPY GROANING NOISES!? I wasn't the only one there! Everyone was terrified! My parents thought I was crazy! Even my friends started thinking I was crazy after everyone convinced them it was fake! Even I started thinking it was fake, but you know damn well it wasn't! I did talk to you after that, too! I asked how you hid the wires, or who helped you do it, but you wouldn't tell me anything! I only realized it was real when I asked your parents and they said they didn't do anything! They even said they didn't have any rope or wires in their house!"

"Fuck you! That's no excuse to turn everyone against me!"

"You're the one who refused to say how you did it, or even that it was real. You turned everyone against yourself! I didn't start a single rumor then, and I didn't start a single rumor now!"

"Pine's fucking gay!" She said it so abruptly and with such certainty that it caught everyone off guard. Though, when Kaison caught the eyes of some of his classmates in the crowd, all they did was nod. It didn't seem like a revelation to them? It made Kaison feel like an idiot. He had only noticed it last night, and yet everyone was talking about it like it was obvious?

Haruko continued, "He hates the rumors maybe just as much as I do, and there were only five people there that night! I've never interacted with Pine before then, so unless Kaison or Ms. Hibiki started it, WHICH I FUCKING DOUBT, it could only have been you!"

"Pffft. As if. The walls in Slifer Red are paper-thin, you know? If Ms. Hibiki heard us from her room, I bet the whole dorm could have heard it."

"Why would any of them do that!? You're the only one with a motive!"

"Motive? Haven't you ever heard of the suspension bridge effect? If anything, I should be thanking you for ruining our date. It only brought us closer."

Melony leaned in to Kaison again, but Kaison gently pushed her away this time. "Wait, wait, wait. Say that again."

Melony looked genuinely hurt to have been pushed away. It certainly made Kaison doubt himself for a moment. "I was just saying that scary experiences ought to bring us closer. I know you don't like them like I do, but-"

Kaison shook his head. "No, I meant the part about ruining our date."

Melony's face brightened up, like she was just told some very good news. "Oh, that. Haruko here was the mastermind behind our ruined date. I caught her snooping around outside, and, as you might have gathered, she has a history of messing with the supernatural. Our date was ruined by fuzzy dodgeballs thrown through a closed door, and I can't think of anyone else who could do something so ridiculous but Haruko." She turned away from Kaison again, such so that he couldn't see her sneer at Haruko. "I think she just did it because she was jealous. You are quite a catch, after all."

Kaison stared at Haruko. "..."

Haruko lowered her gaze. She felt like she had been defeated. "..."

Melony gently pulled on Kaison's arm, ready to ditch Haruko. "Come on, let's go back to my room. You said I was getting close to the end of the game, right?"

"Hey, Melony?"

"Yes, my sweet?"

"I think we should break up."

The crowd erupts like Kaison just ended Melony's whole career. Kaison visibly cringes from the commotion and a nearby teacher decided that it warranted investigation, so Kaison gently tugged on Melony's arm, a nonverbal request to come with him so that they could talk it out, but she just stood there, frozen, until, as the center of the crowd, they were approached by the teacher and asked what was going on.

Kaison realized that trying to drag a girl off by the arm wasn't a good look, so he sighed and let go of Melony. "Nothing, sir. Goodbye for now, Melony."

And with that, Kaison left, simply walking off down the road.

The teacher, of course, asked Melony the same question, though she didn't respond, at least at first. When he pushed for an answer, she simply fell to her knees and began crying.

It was Haruko who finally gave him a proper answer as the crowd began to disperse. "They broke up."

Seemingly satisfied and/or uncomfortable with handling a teenage girl bawling her eyes out, he gave Melony some awkward platitudes about love before leaving, coming to a stop nearby in case he was further needed but otherwise taking the hands-off approach.

Time passed. Some other students tried to help Melony up, but she swatted them away. She was inconsolable.

Haruko moved to stand in front of Melony. She couldn't lie, she was reveling in Melony's misery. Still, this was kind of pathetic. It was surprising how fast and how long a girl like her could lose her cool. She thought she was faking it at first, but no, Kaison already left and she didn't so much as glance up at the other students. She was ugly crying in full view of the entire student body. It reminded Haruko of the first time she had been possessed.

"You always were a huge crybaby."

She ignored Haruko. Some of the lingering students gave Haruko the look, but she ignored them.

"If you're going to cry, you should at least do it in your room."

She didn't stop. Haruko rolled her eyes and grabbed Melony by the arm. She tried to jerk it away like she did with the other students, but Haruko kept a firm grip and roughly dragged Melony to her feet. Melony didn't stop crying into the wrist of her free hand as she let Haruko drag her back to the Obelisk Blue girl's dorm.

Meanwhile, Kaison turned on his duelist radar and wandered around. He just wanted to duel right now.

It was weird when she brought up the rumor that Pine and Haruko were a thing, especially when Pine confirmed it was fake a long time ago. When she blamed Haruko for their ruined date, it all fell into place. The reason Pine and Haruko both thought he would blame Haruko was because of her. It stood to reason, then, that the rumor between Pine and Haruko was because of her. It had to come from somewhere, and Haruko said there were only 5 people there, which Melony didn't even deny. If he came up with the idea that it was her himself, he'd worry he was jumping to conclusions, but Haruko was directly accusing her, and if he had to choose somebody to believe...

It wasn't his girlfriend...

Maybe he was being hasty, but he didn't want a girlfriend who could do such a thing. He wasn't blind. He knew Mr. Monoma's sudden sex ed lessons were because of the rumors. He caught Mr. Monoma talking to Pine. It must have been mortifying. He couldn't believe a girl so sweet could do something so cruel, but all the facts pointed to one culprit, and even if he asked her directly, would she even give a straight answer? She lied about Haruko ruining their date, didn't she? Or was she just mistaken? Did he just make a horrible mistake? No, she should have been the one responsible for the rumor. Was there other bullying too? Maybe it doesn't matter, people can change, right?

He couldn't stop thinking about his choices. Did he make the right one? With the facts at hand, he couldn't deny his choice, so why did it feel so bad?

He wanted to duel. He wanted to stop thinking about the way he was feeling.

Kaison vs. Donte
Donte starts off strong with a pair of Marauding Captains, but they end up getting banished by Numeron Gate Sunya immediately. He still had Swords of Revealing Light to fall back on, but it was quickly dispatched by Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush. He dead draws and swiftly loses the next turn under the offensive pressure of Sunya and Downerd Magician.

Kaison vs. Chris
Although Chris started off playing quite coyly, Kaison just did the same in response. He was forced to go offensive, giving up his element of surprise, and from there, there was nothing his deck could do against Number 54: Lion Heart. His monsters just took attacks turn after turn.

Kaison vs. Caleb
Although Caleb controlled the board at first with his overwhelming quantity of removal effects, Kaison's ability to stall with Battle Fader and generate resources using Mystic Piper proved too much. It was over after Kaison nuked the board with Numeron Gate Sunya, forcing Caleb to top deck as Kaison continued to refill the board.

Kaison must have gone on for hours. He didn't speak much with his dueling opponents, or anyone, for that matter. He continued on quite the impressive winning streak until, finally, his brother showed up, running into him through the duelist radar.

For once, Jon was the one to initiate a conversation. "Hey."

Kaison readied his duel disk. Showing up through the duelist radar meant he was here for a duel, after all. "Hey."

Jon looked troubled, like he hadn't come here to duel at all, but he readied his duel disk anyway. "I heard what happened."

Kaison scoffed ruefully as he drew his opening hand. "If it's reached you, then everyone in the school must know by now."

"I was there when it happened."

Kaison looked neither relieved nor surprised. "Oh."

Kaison vs. Jon
Kaison went first. He knew Jon's deck inside and out. Forcing it to go second was definitely ideal. "I activate foolish burial, sending Treeborn Frog to the grave, then I summon Evil Seed, and use its effect to tribute it, deal 300 damage, and special summon two more Evil Seeds. I use the effect of Jester Confit from my hand, special summoning it, then use all three as materials to XYZ summon Number 54: Lion Heart."

There was absolutely no way for Jon's deck to punish him for an early Lion Heart. In fact, nothing in Jon's deck can destroy Lion Heart. His deck completely folds to it.

Looking at Lion Heart, Jon frowned, then turned his attention back to Kaison. He wasn't smiling. That wasn't normal. "Are you doing okay? You said you never had a relationship before. You... left me a lot of messages about it."

Kaison frowned back at Jon. "You've never been in a relationship before, either, despite leaving me a lot of messages about how girls constantly hit on you now. I end my turn."

Jon knit his brow. The atmosphere was weird. The girls pursuing him mostly just looked at his entrance exam score. He hated this. Kaison knew this. Was he trying to annoy him? That was... unusual. "Draw."

Jon's hand was pretty good this time. "I activate Heart of the Underdog, and normal summon Protron. I use Protron to link summon Link Spider, then use Link Spider to special summon Bitron. Using Bitron, I link summon Imduk, the World Chalice Dragon, then use his effect to normal summon Beckoned by the World Chalice..."

Jon continued his standard Link ladder combo. Even if his field would just become a detriment because of Lion Heart, leaving an empty field would just open him up to Downerd beatdown, and it was better card draw to summon them. He could link into Beat Cop of the Underworld to protect Heart of the Underdog, though that wouldn't stop Kaison's deck from removing it, considering Promenade Thrush. Things were already looking dire. "...Using Transcode Talker's effect, I special summon G Golem Stubborn Menhir, which lets me special summon Bitron. I then Link Summon Splash Mage using G Golem Stubborn Menhir and Bitron, which lets me special summon G Golem Stubborn Menhir again. I'll link summon Linkross using G Golem Stubborn Menhir, allowing me to special summon two tokens, then I Link summon Decode Talker Heatsoul using Linkross and Splash Mage, co-linked with Transcode Talker." He'd take more damage this way, but it didn't really matter against Kaison, and at least he'd keep his draw power safe from Vacuumen.

His deck was a bit troubling to learn at first, and an absolute headache to update with new cards. He's tried multiple times to modify it, adding just a couple of cards to it, such as Cyberse Witch, Dragunity cards, Guardragons, Sprights or even The Legendary Exodia Incarnate, if only to incorporate a fun new option or change things up, but all he ever got were bricks and headaches for his trouble. He really couldn't modify the deck in any meaningful way.

"I activate Decode Talker Heatsoul's effect, paying 1000 lifepoints to draw a card, then end my turn. I'll pay to draw again during yours, also."

"Draw. I special summon Treeborn Frog from my grave. Main Phase, I activate Heavy Storm."


Beat Cop wouldn't have worked either, given the rest of Kaison's turn from there. He proceeded to summon Kinka-Byo and XYZ for a second Lion Heart.

It was over.

Having been beaten effortlessly, Jon walked over to Kaison. He wasn't the talkative type, and Kaison knew this, so he was expecting Kaison to start the conversation. Instead, Kaison returned to the impassive expression he had before the duel and turned to walk away without a word.

Jon reached out to stop him, grabbing him by the shoulder. Kaison looked back at Jon, looking slightly annoyed. Jon met his gaze without flinching. "If you want to talk about it, I'm still your brother."

Kaison reset to a blank facial expression before giving Jon the fakest smile he's ever seen. "Thanks, bro. Maybe later."

With that, Kaison walked away.
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