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14 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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19 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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22 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
26 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
29 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Yup, either for me as well.
I got mauled by a cat the day before yesterday, so my hand is all wrapped up still. It's why I didn't post. Bandage should come off tomorrow so I'll have a post up once I can type. Sorry :(

Dang! My new cat mauled my chest the other day when she realized we had a dog, so I could only imagine your hand. Get well soon!

& Beatrix

It had been several hours before Zara regained consciousness. Waking slowly with a groan, she placed a hand atop her head as her eyes fluttered open. She stared at the ceiling for a good moment before realizing that the only thoughts that were in her head were her own. It absolutely astounded her at how quiet her mind was. Pulling in a deep breath, she brought her arm down and caught sight of the bracelet dangling from it. Zara raised a brow in question before remembering a voice she had heard before she passed out. The doctor must have placed this trinket on her. She scrunched her nose in annoyance; now she'll have to thank the shrink for actually helping her.

Her lips blew a raspberry before she attempted to stand. Other than feeling a bit sore from thrashing about, everything seemed to be in order. She cleared her throat and fixed the undershirt draping across her torso- only then just remembering she was still in Felix's clothes. Closing her eyes she push back her emotions, she made her way out of her room in search of the doctor. She might as well get the thank you over with before he did something to further irk her.

As she went in search of him, she passed by the map room and noticed a large shadow hovering over the map. Zara hesitantly walked to the doorway and peered inside. She watched as the caretaker was mumbling and whimpering to himself as he started to scribe. Gulping, she took a small step forward until she realized he was mumbling her name.


She sucked in a quick breath at the hushed whispers of her name. Nothing good could come of her name being on his laps as his eyes were glued to the map. Worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, she sat down in the chair opposite him and kept her eyes on him. She barely realized that she couldn't hear his thoughts, only his words. Zara wanted to help him, to end his pain. Yet, she knew that his scribing only meant that a new case was on its way. A case apparently that she was going to lead.


Her eyes widened in awe once she appeared in the front hallway of the house. It had only been a few hours since she was approached by the ORO and Beatrix still couldn't believe that she was given this opportunity. Yet, she didn't quite know what to expect- all she was told was that her ability could come in handy for some special cases. What type of cases, she didn't ask. All she knew was that she was finally going to have a bed to sleep in tonight. And possibly get some decent grub into her stomach. She really couldn't care less what else was in store for her.

Or so she thought.

As Trix made her way down the front hall, she couldn't help the ominous feeling that was creeping its way along her skin. Where she had been expecting to see a few people, there had been none to welcome her. Did no one expect her to show? Surely someone at the Ministry had told them she was coming. She continued to walk down the hall and stopped when she heard faint mumbling. Raising a brow, she walked towards the mumbling and approached an open doorway. Bea looked in just as tears of blood started running down the caretakers face. Sucking in a quick gasp of breath, the eyes rolled back in her head before she passed out, hitting the floor- not without her nose turning into a pig's snout.


Hearing the intake of breath and crash on the floor, Zara blinked and turned her head in the direction of the noise. Seeing the new girl on the floor, she tilted her head. "Well...And a howdy do to you, as well." She turned her head once more towards the caretaker once she heard scribbling. Watching as he started to write in his blood, she took a shaky breath and stayed stock still. She didn't want to interrupt him in any way.

Wasn't long before the caretaker stopped writing and took several steps back. With a whimper, he nodded to Zara before making his way to his room. Zara got to her feet and hesitantly walked over to the scry map. She took a breath as she looked it over. As she took everything in, she groaned and closed her eyes. "Danvers State Asylum....Yay for even more crazy people."
@BrutalBx@BlackPanther@Heretic@Sarcelle Renard@Shadow007

Okie dokie everyone. As soon as we get everyone's post in, we'll start the next case!
Could have a pair of broken glasses in there from Maddy. Or something. I have no idea what she'd contribute. Possibly some of her articles that she wrote for the paper.

Brinlee Wynn

The car soon pulled up alongside the crowd and Brinlee took a breath at it. She knew that as soon as she entered the car, it would take them to the restaurant. Where the rest of the cast was. Where she would have to socialize and interact. Where undoubtedly there would be other people, ones who were not part of the show. That meant fans. And possibly paparazzi. She sucked in a quick breath at the thoughts running through her head as she stared at the vehicle. This was the new her. She wasn't teenage Brinlee anymore. Nor was she Maddy Diller. She was Brinlee Wynn, head reporter to the stars. If anyone could do this, it was her.

With a small groan at the thought, she gave in to her fears before sliding into the car. She scooted along the seats to make room for the others, knowing Mike would want the window seat. Sure enough, he placed himself right against it. Brin glanced down at his fingers, knowing they would soon dance against his thigh. Her thought was quickly validated. She bit back a grin and reached over, patting his hand slightly in comfort. Her head laid back against the seat and she let out of a breath.

Wasn't long before they arrived at the hotel. Waiting for her turn to slide out, she exited the vehicle and looked around. Brin let out a breath at how upscale it was. Thankfully she was able to stay at her mother's house while she was in town. Catching Mike's comment, she raised a brow and glanced over at him. She gave an uncertain grin before nodding in the direction of the building. "Be my guest. Last time I saw Ashley, it didn't really go over too well."

In the back of her mind, she could feel Isa's arms surrounding her, trying to hold her arms down. Zara's body continued to tremble against the woman- yet her mind was fully aware of everything going on around her. She wanted to scream out; wanted to scream for someone, anyone, to pull her out of her own head. Isa's pleading didn't help matters. Not wanting the woman's pain to further add to her mental anguish, Zara tried to put up a mental block to anymore thoughts or feelings coming to her. She failed, however. Her entire body continued to spasm out of control and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

When Isa yelled out for the new doctor and Emory, Zara replied with a meager whimper. She didn't want either of them to see her in her current state. Emory would be further convinced that she was even more unstable, and the shrink would already have a notion in his head about her. She didn't want to be automatically classified as insane, nor did she want the looks of pity from anyone around her. Zara wanted acceptance; she thought she had gotten that when she became a member of the ORO. It was beginning to seem as though she was wrong.

And then she felt stronger arms around her. More thoughts entered her head and she automatically recognized Emory's- she assumed the one holding her down must be the doctor. The girl continued to whimper as she tried to fight off the seizure. She knew something had to happen soon, or else it could really cause some damage to her brain. Soon strange words entered her head, and she was able to quickly deduce it as being a spell. Once the last word was out, everything suddenly became clear and her body let out a gasp of relief as it stilled. Everything soon turned to darkness as her body gave way to slumber.
Prepare yourselves everyone, the next case will start this week!

Gahhhh! What???

Episode 11: "Lord of the Ridge" – Desperate to get a book back to the library, Maddy ropes in several of the cast to help her on her journey in this comedic episode.

Omg this just sounds amazing. Haha
Hey everyone!

Finally got access to my computer again. Gonna get caught up with everything and I should have a post up in the next 24 :)

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