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Wow. No lying, but still got a compliment. Best of both worlds. Isaac was left quite surprised and pretty proud of himself.

"...I'd like to see what you could do with a fully stocked kitchen and more than a firepit to cook over. You must show me one day, when we get somewhere to do so."

Speaking of lying, he may or may not have gone a little overboard when he started talking himself up. "Oh yeah," he said to her. "I'd be happy to. I could probably whip something up real nice if I had a kitchen. I'll be sure to do you something special when we get to Liberty Heights." On second thoughts. "If Katie lets me in her kitchen anyway. She's an avid cook herself. When she's not blowing things up."

He chuckled and went back to his food, occasionally sharing a smile with Zara in comfortable silence. Near the end of the meal, he decided to try again with the question she'd missed ealier.

"I asked you before; Is there anything you want to do? Or anything you like doing? Something you got good at during your free time with the raiders?"

You could often tell a lot about a person from what they did in their free time. Not always, but often enough that Isaac usually asked when trying to get to know someone. He finished the last of his food and then rested his head on a hand as he looked at her. It was so pleasant simply to look her in the eyes. Now that they were on way-more familiar terms, he didn't need much of an excuse to lose himself in that incredible green gaze. Zara Singh was a stunner, no two ways about it - her eyes were just the start. Lips a natural ruby red, straight nose, good skin, gorgeous neckline, great body... Isaac decided, then and there, he'd risk losing that eye and shoot his shot later.

"We fought that thing with everything we had," Zell told. "Left everything on the battlefield. We lost two friends - Clive; brave fucker that he was, weapon was broken and he kept on fighting. Gave his life to keep us going. And Arthur, wielding a massive iron anchor, sacrificed himself to save us all, delivering the final blow on that giant monster."

Noticing that he had the attention of the nearby tables aswell as those at the bar, Zell had become more loud and performative, making sure that; in the memories of anyone listening, Clive and Arthur would be the main names associated with Second Chance. And Zell would make sure to do this for as long as he told this story.

"Aurok was far and away the ugliest bastard I've ever seen with my own two eyes..."

"You forgot to mention the Ogres, the Undead, the Alpha Direwolves, and the Motherfucker"

"I'm getting there," Zell shot back seamlessly, in spite of not seeing James coming. He was in the zone with a beer in his hand and a captive audience.

"Something with a strong kick and something to eat please"

Aaaand now he was bored. His performance, worthy of West End's stage, was promptly cut off and he turned to face his friend and the bartender. "I'll get that bill, barman," he added. "You know a beer is only four silver. With that reward, we've got like ten thousand rounds in the chamber. Well and truly set, my mate."

When Joji left, Zell was suspicious, and made sure the sure big guy didn't need any company before nodding to his friend and saying goodbye. Joji handed him a map of the city, told his fellow swordsman to book his room for him at The Mended Drum, then left with the stranger. MacKensie let them know that they were delivering the cube. Knowing that they were safe in the city, and that the Academy was only up the hill, Zell decided to skip the trip. He figured he wouldn't be needed.

"I'll leave you guys to it. My traffic accident got me out of having to finish my undergrad. Not too keen on having to see another university. Even if it is Hogwarts," Zell said with a grin. He raised his tankard to signal a toast to the man and gnome on his one side, then knocked his mug against James' drink and raised it again. "To Clive and Arthur! May they rest in peace, wrapped in honour." The strangers at the bar joined the toast, then Zell downed the last of his beer. After that, he turned his attention back to his group of friends. "I'll head to The Mended Drum and book our rooms for the night."

He stood up from his stool when Lucy approached with the bounty reward. Split between them, it worked out to about sixty gold each. Zell put his share away, then asked, "So what we doing then - gold or silver?" When he got his answer, he barked a laugh. "Ha! I thought you'd chicken out. Well, good call. No sense in faffing about for weeks on end with still no idea why we're here. You can give me the contract details later."

He assumed that whatever the contract was, they wouldn't be doing it today. Much of the day was already gone, so it only made sense. After most of the party left to go to the Academy, Zell was left with a tough decision.

Get another beer now, or get one at The Mended Drum?
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that I have decided to leave this RP. My reason is that IRL things have hindered my writing skills. I apologies for the inconvenience of leaving, i hope that i will be able to come back in a more relaxed mental state.

Alright mate, Zell will have to do without his big bro. Get your head sorted out, that's more important than anything on here. All the best mate. We'll be here if/when you feel up to a return o7

While the gang were discussing important matters...

"Did I stutter?" The Englishman responded to the adventurer next to him. "Aurok the fucking Maneater."

"By the Quinity, you're pulling my leg."

The bartender, like the man next to Zell, was skeptical, but when Zell told them to go upstairs, right now, and ask Lucinda Bottrill what the Source Code said, they started to believe the claim. A few more ears caught the loud conversation at the bar. Mutterings began to spread the word around the room. Some repeated the claim. Some just said that a loudmouth was spouting nonsense at the bar. Either way, once the claim was proven, they would all remember this moment. Yup, Zell thought. When a Bronze Tier Party, fresh as a daisy, rolled into town with Platinum Trophy on their name.

Fuck it - it was a great story. Step one: Start spreading it now - Step two: people buy you beers in the future to tell the tale.

This was not Zell's first rodeo.

"What's this about Aurok?" asked an approaching gnome to the bartender, climbing up a stool to sit at the bar.

"This one and his lot have just walked in and registered... only after killing Aurok the Maneater."

"Horse shit, they have," was the response. "Aurok? Give it up. That monster's not going anywhere until a top-tier party come in and decide to sort him out."

Zell's face was about as smug as it could get. He took a swig of his beer. The bartender side-eyed the Englishman, then responded to the gnome. "I dunno, Jareth. I think he's telling the truth. Lucy!" he shouted up to the mezzanine. "That Aurok bounty?"

When she leaned into view and confirmed the kill, everyone gave Zell a second look. He gave them a bounce of his eyebrows as he took another satisfactory sip.

"By the forked beard of Hades."

"We are Second Chance," Zell told them, loudly enough for more than just them three to hear. "You're gonna be hearing that name a fair bit in the not-so distant future. So you remember it. Write it down. Tell your friends."

Feylings can see in the dark pretty well, Titus thought as his mind tried to justify bringing Erith into the fold. The truth was, pushing him away now was likely to cause more problems for them, especially seeing as he was in the same cell with some of them. When Rizx continued to talk about the plan in front of little mischief-maker, it was decided. In for a penny...

Rizx was talking sense and Titus didn't disagree with anything she'd said, (especially regarding taking supplies,) but Mort's idea to leave an undead prison riot in their wake was preferable to dealing with and cuffing every guard themselves. Mihn's response to the idea of creating corpses made the hairs on the back of Titus' neck stand up. It was not that he was adverse to murder, but the lilt of her voice - the juxtaposition of cute and deadly - was rather unnerving, to say the least. Funny that he mirrored her facial expression to Mort when addressed, the barest trace of a smile for the necromancer who's compliment to The Snake flared his pride.

Titus looked at the big guy who was at the end of the table, his massive size having him eye level with them all even though he was sat on the floor. It was a good job for many that Maxim was a nice guy. Had the friendly giant shared the mindset of someone like Kruger or other vagabonds in this place, no one would be able to stop him.

Maxim, Erith, Kristo, Mihn and Rizx all shared a cell.

"The patrols will be light, tonight. We need to disable the few guards about. Maxim and Mihn being in the same cell should make this simpler," he explained. "In fact, Kristo and Erith will help a lot too." He interlocked his fingers and placed his elbows on the table. "If you two," looking at the loudmouths, "can draw the closest guards attention. Somehow get him to open the cell door. Then you two," looking at the powerful Min-Max duo, "disable him - kill him - whatever works, so long as it's quiet. That gives us the cell key and a guard's uniform."

And he went on to offer the idea of himself being escorted by 'prison guard Kristo' up to the Guard House, where he could get the master map. Before that, everyone else would be freed and, once the area was clear, Titus would let off the sleep gas bomb he'd made from the Nightshade moss - that would fill the prison barracks and make sure that no other prisoners could interfere and mess up their plans.

"We must wait some hours into the evening before we start. The guards must have time to get drunk." He took a breath and paused, letting all the information sink in as he shared his gaze among his comrades, left to right. "Once I have the master map, we descend on the key location together, relying on the our wits and our skills. Mihn and Rizx in the shadows, Max our muscle, and so on. Once the magic cuffs are off, I believe things will go a lot more smoothly." His eyes couldn't help but go to Mort as he said this. She might be more powerful than all of them. "This night belongs to us, comrades. I am certain of it."


As the evening began to settle in, Titus pictured, in his mind's eye, the guards getting hammered. He visualised himself and Kristo succeeding in obtaining the map. He saw their merry band of misfits escaping beyond the prison limits.


Blinking back to reality, he spoke aloud to Mort who he shared a cell with. "I've been thinking about this concept of Utilitarianism you were telling me about last month," he told her. It had taken him this long to bring it up again as he wanted to be sure he thought exactly what he thought before speaking. Precision was important in philosiphy, as the necromancer had shown him countless times by making him sound like an idiot with seemingly simple responses and questions to his statements. "I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but I've realised that in almost every storybook I ever read, growing up - the Utilitarian was the villain. That is strange to me; we are taught as children to steer clear from such a moral compass, without even realising it."

Just some words to pass the time. He was also acutely aware that while she'd taught him about the concept with rather long-winded soliloquys, she'd never actually stated whether or not she subscribed to the idea herself.

Another hour into the darkness and Titus walked to the cell door, made eye contact with Mihn and nodded. It was time to go.
<Snipped quote by Saiyan>

Are you saying my sweet Erith would cause ruckus?!

Cause if so . . . You'd be absolutely correct he would love this idea.

That little guy is cool af lol I can't wait to see him with the cuffs off. Mischief 100
If there's no plan yet, then here's an idea. If anyone wants to edit it or reject it, cool...

Let's say that Kristo, Mihn, Max, Rizx and Mort share a 5-man cell. 1 guard on duty tonight.

Mihn and Max pretend to have a fight in the evening, to draw the guard on duty to their cell, then they beat the crap out of him, tie him up and take his cell key.

Dress Kristo in the guard's uniform. Unlocks cell with the rest of the party. He uses charisma 100 to escort Titus past the guard at the entrance of the Guard House. Mihn and Rizx in the shadows in case they fail the persuasion check and need to quietly kill/KO the 2nd guard.

Once the party have the map, they regroup outside the Guard House and we go from there.

Anyone up for that?

Or maybe Erith instead of Mort in the 1st cell where the fight takes place, as he's more believable as the cause of a fight lol
Drifters leaving their children in settlements was not an uncommon tale. Life on the road was hard, even for an adult, and there was always some sterile couple in a village or town who wouldn't mind raising adopting a child to call their own. How life had turned out for Zara, she might have been better off being raised as a drifter, but who could know? Maybe she wouldn't be alive today if her mother hadn't given her up to the farmers. The wasteland was a harsh place, no two ways about it.

Oh for fuck's sake, she's talking about having kids, change the topic Isaac! was the blaring emergency alarm ringing out in his mind.

"Well, maybe 'missing out' means you at least know what not to do, right?" he offered as some consolation. Damn it, asshole, for the love of God, change the topic! "But hey, you're a free woman now. There's gotta be a bunch of stuff you wanna do first, before you tie yourself down." New York didn't exactly offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activites but still... "You got any ambitions or goals? Taste some good food, learn something, see a sight, anything like that?"

When the food was done, he killed the fire, grabbed his eating-dish and spork from his backpack for her. "Dinner is served," he said with a grin as he handed it over. He ate his own right off the skewer, using his combat knife as an eating utensil. Pretty drab as dinners go, but it was quite cozy for him, who was used to eating alone and entertaining himself with his own thoughts.

"How is it?" he asked after a few bites. He silently made a bet with himself on wether or not she'd lie politely and compliment his cooking skills.

Just before it was James' turn to talk, Zell's mind had turned randomly to a burning question of his own. The mystery of Fenna's accent. The way the Ranger had pronounced his name was kinda unique, yet familiar all the same. His mind unearthed a memory of last year's weekend trip with the boys to Amsterdam.


Finally, he realised that she was Dutch. He might've gotten it sooner but of all the group, he'd probably heard her talk the least. Well, now he had to thank her for her country's service in inventing his favourite beers! But before he could do that, James started telling the gang's tale of the last 36 hours, hoping Lucy would have some answers. And it seemed as though she didn't, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. This mystery message in their magical email inbox that could not have possibly gotten there unless someone knew they were coming.

"I have a funny feeling whatever's on that message in the Source Comm has some kind of answer for you," Lucy said.

"You and me both," Zell chimed in, in agreement, getting goosebumps just anticipating what he was about to hear next. He was about to eagerly tell her to click on it, or whatever, 'magic' it open, but she continued on.

"I'd like to know myself, to be honest. But to open the message, you'll need to rank up to Silver Tier, as a party. The fastest way to do that would be to complete contracts with the guild."

"Goddammit, more hoops," the swordsman muttered, rolling his eyes. When she gave them the options to rank up, Zell looked at the others, waiting to see if anyone spoke first. Inside he was frustrated. He felt so close to answers right now, stood but a few feet away from a screen that had a message for them that would likely blow this mystery wide open. When Adam started talking about the cube, Zell lost interest. The Academy was already their next stop. While the Druid waited for his answer, Zell addressed the others. "I'd bet my last monkey- err... 100 silver - that our answers are in that message. Let's just cut through the bullshit and get this gold contract outta the way. We're a lot stronger than we were before that last fight."

Once Lucy had finished with Adam, Zell turned to her. "Gold is lower than Platinum right? If we take a gold contract, you won't be sending us anywhere like The Mazy Hillocks?" When she confirmed, he turned back to the group. "Good. I say take the gold, but I'll leave you guys to make a more thought-out decision. I need a beer." And with that, he made for the bar, not before cracking a joke at Fenna. "Shame they won't have Heineken or Amstel in this neck of the woods, huh."

Back at the hospital, after they'd paid the bill, everyone had split the remaining the money so Zell actually had his share on him. When he got to the bar, he took a stool. "Will a hundred silver get me a beer?" he asked the bartender, who obliged. If anyone joined him, he'd pay for their drink too. The bartender gave the swordsman a medieval tankard full of ale with a nice head on it. Zell took big gulp and smacked his lips satisfactorily. It was suprisingly good. "Now, that is not bad at all."
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