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Whatever response came from his teammates, in terms of a favoured path through the temple, digesting their answers would have to wait. Zell span around at the alarming sound of an intruding voice, his hand wrapped around the black, leather bound hilt of the sword on his back. His reaction speed left a lot to be desired, seeing as by the time he saw what was going on, MacKensie and the unknown wizard were pointing weapons at eachother and could easily have let fly bolts and magic before the swordsman had a chance to do anything.

But they didn't start shooting, merely trading a few words that dissolved the situation. When MacKensie put away her crossbow, it was enough to make Zell release his grip on his own weapon, although his feet did slightly shift position as his leg muscles coiled like springs ready to burst him into action, his teleport ready to aid him in covering the distance.

"I am George of the adventurer party, Hidden Hand," he greeted, limping forward and offering to shake MacKensie's hand. "We underestimated the numbers of the cult..."

Zell's bullshit alarm was blaring like an air raid siren in WW2. As the man spoke, Zell found himself less interested in what he could hear and far more interested in what he could see. He squinted to get a better look at George's left hand, which happened to be within sight. The sight of a Source Crystal would have been all the Englishman needed to feel better about the situation, but low-n-behold; the bastard was wearing gloves.

Hidden hand, eh, Zell thought. Fucking convenient. Convenient indeed. And just like that, Zell was hit with a gut-wrenching realisation... Shit! Lillianna might be in trouble.

It had all seemed too far-fetched that Lillianna had to leave at once to save this ghost of hers. And losing their wizard right before showtime was just far too convenient for their enemy. Fuck! Why hadn't he realised sooner? It wasn't for certain - Sister Gwen might indeed be innocent - but they shouldn't have been allowed to leave without first being interrogated. Zell was completely off in his own world, missing the end of George's words and MacKensie's also. His eyes were looking about the floor as he thought about how far away Lillianna had gotten and if there was any logistical way they could catch her and still get back in time before the entrance to the temple sealed shut again. There was no way to know, but the odds were surely against them.

Zell looked up as Adam spoke up, brought back to the present to catch the young American's polite show of suspicion. The druid had asked Barracker for advice on how to proceed, but Zell had plans of his own, interrupting before the vampire had a chance to respond.

"Calm down, mate," Zell said with a smirk to Adam, and a gesture for Barracker to hold a moment. He started walking towards George. "Can't you see these men have been through enough already." And then to George himself as he neared; "You'll have to forgive my friend, he's a little on edge right now. Zell Brooks."

He offered his hand to shake. His left hand. And as he shook George's hand, his thumb brushed the back of the wizard's left hand, searching for the feel of a Source Crystal. Now this would go one of two ways:

Either A>>He would feel the marble-smoothness of the Source Crystal beneath the man's glove. In which case, he would smile with relief and give a nod to the dwarf also. "You two must be hungry. Why don't you come and have a seat?"

Or B>>>He would feel nothing. And Zell would proceed to twist the wizard's arm up behind his back and slam him face-first into the dirt, not letting go George's hand, putting a foot on lying bastard's back and peeling the glove off to show everyone that he wasn't an adventurer at all. "No source crystal! He's fucking lying. All these bastards around here are fucking compromised."

Unlike the others, Zell was not restrained by the need to be polite or understanding.

"Lily-Pad, are you fucking mental?" His perfectly calm tone was a comical contrast to the question itself. It was muted incredulity. "This can't wait 24 hours?" Zell looked around at his comrades' faces to check that they were hearing the same thing he was. It sounded ridiculous. Of course, this was a ridiculous world they were in - metal ninjas and giant centaurs running about the place - but the fact that Lillianna was so insistent on leaving the group for some random ghost she'd known for five minutes showed a loyalty flimsier than a dandelion in a tornado. "He's dead - no offence, love," he added to Sister Gwen. "We've got living people here who need our help, not to mention you're the one the magic attacks."

It was no use. It was like she was under a spell and couldn't grasp the fact that she was leaving them up shit creek without a paddle. And why this couldn't wait one extra day, when they didn't even know how long that ghost'd been dead for, was beyond him. Zell was pissed. He didn't even say goodbye.

"Screw it," Zell said as he stood with his hands on his hips, watching the two women go. "We didn't need a wizard in our first battle. We'll get by without one now." He listened to James as the Cleric got them back on track. At the change in formation, Zell just said, "Fine," but he was suspicious of James, thinking that their leader might be trying to protect him because he didn't possess any magic. The thought of such a thing made him even angrier, but he held it in. A potential plan slowly came together while Zell stood, promising himself over and over that he wouldn't let anyone die tonight. He would never forgive himself if he survived and one of his comrades didn't. And he wouldn't forgive Lillianna either.

At the camp on top of the hill, Zell snacked on some beef jerky from his rations while he paced back and forth, keeping an eye on the entrance to the temple while thinking about what they might face. When Barracker gave them all the information he had, Zell was listening and nodding as he took it in, still pacing slowly up and down with his hands on his hips. It seemed that nothing would brighten his mood until Adam did his druid-thing and pocketed a few acorns, bringing a teethy one-sided grin to the Englishman's face.

"Props on the creativity, Adam. Not a bad trick, mate." He was extremely impressed. "Not bad, at all."

After Fenna threw in her two cents about the route they should take, Zell agreed at least in part. "You're probably right; I doubt we'll get to the wraith without having to contend with any cultists. But I reckon if we go down the main corridor, we are announcing ourselves." He shared his gaze with everyone. "I don't mind going straight down the middle, but it won't be stealthy, I'll bet that much. So it's either puzzles, locks and kicking through the front door. Or it's a quiet job the long way around. We can't have both." He gestured to Barracker. "I commend your bravery volunteering to be a decoy, n all that, but I think our resident monster hunter should be in the fight with the monster. Whatever we do, we should fight as one."

He looked at the darkening sky, feeling the anticipation in his gut. He was ready for whatever came next.
They say that, of all the Gods, Hades is very popular.

People are always dying to meet him


Zell stood by Fenna as she explained about her connection with Sil in a little more detail, rubbing his chin as he listened. When she finished, he nodded. "Well, I'm sure she'll make herself useful either way." He looked around to see if he could put eyes on her. "Clever little thing."

When James told everyone the gameplan for Cherrad, Zell signalled he was on board with lazy salute. MacKensie paired up with Barracker, leaving Zell with the option of either Adam or Lillianna, and seeing as Zell was not particularly enthused with the idea of going to church (he'd not seen one of those since before he was a teenager) that left only one choice. He regarded James sidelong.

"Why don't you and Fenna go find the Church of Iris with Lillianna. It'll probably be somewhere in the center of the village. Me n Plant Man'll check out the right side, see what we can see. Sound good?" With that decided, he gave a little nod to Adam and started walking. "Come on then, mate."

The steady descenting road that led them into Cherrad gave them enough time and enough of a view of the place for some contemplation.

What a fucking boring-looking place, was the city-boy's assessment.

He couldn't imagine having to grow up in an area with less buildings than the average road in London. What on earth was there to do, here? There couldn't have been any night-life. No gyms. No leisure centres. The few girls around would likely be related to you.

"Jeez, bruv," he said to Adam as they walked side-by-side. "If I was born here, I'd probably be begging to join the cult, just for something to do."

He smirked at Adam, although something told him that the younger man probably wouldn't find the humour in such a dark quip. When they got into the village, they started asking around. Zell let Adam take the lead whenever the Druid chose, but didn't neglect to make a few inquiries himself.

"Alright there, my mate," he greeted to a man in the road. He raised his left hand to show the villager the Source crystal embedded in the back of it. "Zell Brooks. Of Second Chance. Just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the cult on the hill up there."


No luck on Zell's side. The englishman wasn't even sure what questions would be good to ask. All he knew was that their contract was to kill the Greater Wraith. This cult was just in the way. But he at least understood that it was possible to get some information that might prove useful, so hopefully his fellow party members would have better questions than him. And hopefully get better answers too.
<Snipped quote by Saiyan>

Honestly I am at a crossroads dude, originally I wanted for the color to change based on the last blessing he used (to sort of imply an echo in the mystical sense) but I think I will instead just change it the first time he uses any given blessing. Once I run out of new blessings I will see what will follow

@TeyaoAre you keeping your nameplate and speech in purple now? I just assumed you were doing that to signal that James was still transformed by the Sillagy blessing.

He managed an extra hour of sleep after getting back from the jailhouse, and woke up with a groan. The sunlight made him squint, already hurting his eyes and he'd not even opened them yet. His head was banging, he was dehydrated as hell and his guts felt like they were tied in knots. He stayed lying there with an arm covering his face for a few minutes, feeling sorry for himself. Then he started chuckling. Then outright laughing.

"...Fell down the fucking well, haha."

Last night had been one for the books. As a montage of moments moved through his mind, he decided that how he was feeling, right now, was all absolutely worth it. Looking James in the eye without laughing was going to be difficult today. Talk about 'full of surprises.' Here was a guy who, when you get past his unapproachable grimace, was actually a good-hearted dude. Smart. Caring. Died trying to save someone from a burning building, for Christ's sake. But Hoe. Lee. Shit, was he ready to roll around in the mud if you gave him the chance. Picked up a chair as soon as he saw his friend in trouble. Chopped it up with those goons at The Brass Monkey. Stole a fucking horse!

James was officially 'The Best.' But the award ceremony would have to wait, because there were more important matters at hand.

"Alright Zell," he said aloud to himself. "Game day."

And just like that, his hangover was promptly ignored. He sat up, dug the heels of his palms in his eyes, then with an unnecessarily loud strain, stretched his arms. He went to the bathroom and drank a litre of water straight from the tap, then went back into his room and banged out a tonne of press-ups and sit-ups, having to use his imagination in place of loud music. After a shower, he armoured up, then went downstairs and got himself a big breakfast that he ate while chatting with some of the others.

"Alright, doll," he greeted MacKensie, at one point during the morning. Zell quirked an eyebrow when she acted strangely, all-but blanking him and making herself scarce. Strange.

He did a poor job of holding back a grin when he greeted James, giving him a nod and a knowing look. Of course, he remembered that they'd made an agreement that last night stayed just between them. That didn't mean he couldn't be a fool though.

"Can I get another cup of tea, Frederick, please mate? My throat's a bit hoarse."

"Well, I..."

"Well, now that you mention it..."

Later in the morning, when things got a little more serious and Barracker gave some advice about the upcoming mission, Zell nodded his understanding. Killing actual people instead of monsters, definitely had a sour ring to it, but Zell would do what was required, in order to ensure the safety of his teammates. As for the ghost enemies; Zell was one of the ones who didn't possess any elemental magic, but he trusted the others to have his back in that regard. He was not perturbed.

As had quickly become a habit when travelling, Zell took the lone rearguard position. Even though they travelled on the man-made roads of civilisation this time, he still kept his awareness on the surround, ready to jump into a front-line position should any trouble arise.

He was happy to note that Adam was back to normal again after seeing him converse with Barracker and even squeezing some potentially valuable information out of the wagon driver who'd stopped to chat. Being at the back alone had given him the chance to assess his friends the way he'd survey his team before a football match. Their demeanours. Their countenance. Their energy. It was a team-captain's job to make sure his troops were ready on match-day. He was no longer a team-captain of anything, but old habits die hard. Everything seemed well, aside from MacKensie acting weird earlier. It was probably nothing but he decided he would eventually say something, just in case.

He walked up front as the wagon driver left them on the road. "Looks like the cult like to play dirty," he said, patting Barracker on the back as he passed him (for no reason other than the vampire happened to be within reach.) Zell turned to face everyone who was stood around. "We should be careful. If the enemy is pulling off charades like that, then we shouldn't put it past them to have double-agents all around the local area. Be wary of anyone in Cherrad who is being a little too helpful."

"Here, a little extra something in case you ever need it."

When James handed out the spare knives, "Cheers boss," Zell came up alongside MacKensie to recieve his. He tested how the scabbard fit in his right boot and it was pretty snug, so he took off his boot and tied the scabbard to his ankle, then put his boot back on. Then he turned his gaze onto his french buddy and lowered his voice. "If something's bothering you, you'll only make it worse by overthinking." He grinned. "I need you at your best so you can save my dumb ass when I inevitably do something insane, okay?"

As he walked away, his eyes went skyward and he wondered about Sil the falcon. Once the party was moving again, Zell checked in with Fenna. "Hey, Fenna mate?" he began, steering himself alongside her. "You know when you were saying about your magical connection with Sil... can you communicate at all with her? Like, is there any chance she could possibly sniff out an ambush and warn us...? Anything like that?"
That's the 2nd day in a row that I've sat down to post and my night's been completely interupted lol I'll be back tomorrow

"Instant karma." Zell grinned down at James, choosing to watch him squirm for a moment before lowering the bucket the final foot of the way. "Up you get, then."

In the quiet darkness, the neigh of the horse several streets away filled the night air. James was back to chuckling again once he was free of the well, and the two men started off down the street once more.

"Ay, bruv," Zell said, hitting his buddy's arm with the back of his hand. "Wanna see this sword's superpower?" He said as he drew the black blade from the sheath on his back. He still hadn't seen the special enchantment himself yet, but he deciced now was as good a time as any to test it out. "Old Gildor Hammerfist says that it can cut through anything... once a day."

"Anything?" James was skeptical.

"That's what he said." He went up to streetside statue and looked up at all fifteen feet of it. Then he tapped it twice with the sword to hear the metal-on-stone sound confirming it was solid and uncuttable. He looked back at James briefly to make sure he was watching, then dropped into guard. "Take Vor, Baphomet!"

He put all his might into the swing, but perhaps he hadn't needed to, because his sword went through the statue like a hot knife through butter, spinning him around with the momementum of the swing to 180 him back to facing James. He stumbled a step, then stablized, looking quizzically at his friend. "Did it work?"

It did. The top half of the statue slowly slid off the bottom half. It was a good job James saw it in time - "Shit!" - as Zell would not have seen his most-certain death coming. The Mexican tackled the Englishman out of the way, both of them falling to the ground as the massive hunk of stone crashed onto the ground where Zell once stood. The noise was loud, prompting dogs to start barking in nearby gardens. James and Zell shared a surprised look, then looked back at the statue.

"Fucking hell," Zell exclaimed. "Thanks mate."

"Don't mention it," James returned.


The rest of the night, for the two mischief makers, consisted of being spotted by and subsequently fleeing from the town guard. Finding themselves at the infamous Thieves' Guild's tavern and casino: The Brass Monkey, where more drinking and gambling was to be had. Zell introducing James to the teardrop-tattoo man known as Devon, who turned out to be a henchman for a local crimelord. James having to aggressively turn away flirtatious advances from lecherous men, sometimes resorting to violence when 'Fuck off' wasn't enough. There was also a spell of vomitting in the yard outside, and more drinking. And later bumping back into the town guard who promptly arrested the pair for Grand Theft Horse and property damage.

Zell and James slept in Valhiem's jail until morning, when they paid a fine for their crimes and were released. They came skulking into The Mended Drum, feeling haggard and hungover, and went to bed for a few more hours, vowing to eachother that they'd never speak of the night's events, out loud, in front of anyone. Some things were best just buried in the past.
@ZoolI herd you're trying to stop the puns. That's pretty foal, dude
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