Avatar of SammyMcW


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3 days ago
Current Oh its F1 time. No more sleep schedule
16 days ago
16 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
18 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
18 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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Alright, so I thought It'd be interesting to do a story based around a simple but potentially quite cute and fun concept.

(Your character) is a teacher whom is new to the profession, and has been assigned to her first class ever without supervision from a senior member of staff.

(My character) is a student of hers whom is very shy and rarely ever talks or even looks at anybody. This is by far his biggest flaw, as it stops him from succeeding in school.

The two build up a connection as he starts to come out of his shell, and it transpires he is in at care home. She cannot have children of her own, so seeks to foster then adopt him.

However, a spanner is thrown in the works when his parents return and want him back. A legal battle ensues, with (My character) stuck in the middle of it all.

My character would be 8 years of age.
Probably a long shot, but is anybody here willing to play a popular or friendly girl to be Robert's friend?

Robert is 15, and in year 11 at school. This will be set in England, and the city is up to you. As Robert is 15, I'm looking for your character to be 15 or 16.


Standing in front of a tall mirror, Robert bit his bottom lip slightly as a frown began to play upon his delicate features. Petite in build, he'd always liked to dress in what would be considered as traditionally feminine clothing, though he'd not done so properly in a good number of years.

His mother and father had always insisted it was just a phase he was going through, despite his own protests that he liked what he wore more than the masculine hand me downs from his older brothers. He had always felt much happier when wearing skirts, dresses and tank tops then he did in more masculine clothing, but had long given up on trying to obtain and wear such items. As miserable as it often made him feel, he knew the stress and anxiety others put him under would eventually make him feel much worse.

Tracing a finger across a small cat tattoo across his left shoulder, he turned his attention to a bag upon the floor. Inside were a few items he'd purchased with his own money, to try and feed his desires and his curiosity. Picking out a black, knee-length skirt, his fingers ran across the material with a smile upon his lips. He'd not gone for leather or anything that would be viewed as sexualising how he dressed or felt, but rather a simple cotton piece.

Slipping it over his bare legs and up to his waist, he instantly felt better. This suited him to a tee, and he was starting to feel beautiful again. Next came a cute white tank top, a picture of a panda printed upon it. He found this to be utterly adorable, and felt it went perfectly with his skirt. Pink, lacy ankle socks were next, adding a little splash of colour to his outfit. Shoes were yet to be obtained, something to come at a later date.

Smiling again, he ran fingers through his curly, shoulder length locks. He'd certainly have to seek out some make up tips eventually, though the fact he was naturally androgynous looking and on the "cute side" helped to sell him as being a woman. Grabbing his phone, he couldn't help but snap a few selfies. He felt good about himself for the first time in years, and wished he could show it off to someone for once.

During all of this though, two things hadn't occurred to him. The first was a simple error, in that his phone currently failed to lock correctly unless the button was pressed and held down for between 7 and 10 seconds.

The second, and most fatal mistake, was the fact his siblings both had easy access to his bedroom at most times. They'd not been home whilst Robby was indulging himself in his new outfit, so the idea that anybody would discover him in this getup certainly wasn't a factor in his current thoughts.

Leaving the main part of his bedroom to head into the en-suite bathroom he had, any sounds from his bedroom would soon be drowned out by the running water of the shower, and his own (Admittedly quite tuneful) singing.

As such, he didn't hear his older brothers entering his room, nor the malicious laughter or comments coming as they copied his recent selfies across to the phones they owned. He most certainly wasn't currently aware of the fact they were uploading the images to Facebook or Twitter either, where friends of both them and himself would soon be able to see them.

In fact, he'd not been aware of this until sometime later, when he'd discovered the images upon checking his own Facebook feed. A horrible sinking feeling washed over him upon first catching sight, dread and nausea washing over him as he scrolled slowly down. Not even daring to glance at the reactions, the number of comments hit him with a new pang of terror.

150 in the last two hours alone. Not wishing to read them, he lay upon his bed. Sleep would never come that night, and he lay awake listening to the sounds of messages and notifications, daring not to check a single one, yet unable to bring himself to log off. It was as though he was punishing himself for being vain enough to take the images. (Despite vanity being something he'd never indulged in!)

When morning did eventually come round, Robert felt exhausted beyond belief. His head was pounding, and he felt miserable. Stepping into the shower, he couldn't help but dread going to school that day. It never occurred to him that people might not have had any issue with his cross-dressing love, only able to focus on the potential hate that might've awaited him.
Shifting his weight slightly, Alexander moved across the sofa to give his best friend a hug, looking around the room. "Thank you. For all of this." He grinned, taking in the room. Balloons were dotted around the small room, and banners hung on the walls proclaiming "Happy 21st Alexander!"

Pulling back from his bestie, Alex gave a big grin to her again, picking up a card from the table. "Thank you, seriously. You've done so damn much for me in the last few years. Without you, I really don't think I'd be as happy as I am now. Or as safe, or as secure." He spoke sincerely, his soft voice kind and sweet as ever.

Alexander had been living with his best friend for the last three years, ever since he'd been kicked out of his home by his father, after coming out as gay. Wandering the streets for hours, he'd ended up being found by her, cold, frightened, dirty and dejected down an alleyway, covered in snow and freezing cold.

He'd been close to death that very night... And was lucky his best friend, his sister, had found him there at that very moment in time.

(Looking for someone to play Alexander's best friend, OR older sister. The character will be the same regardless. Obviously, Alexander will not date her, but I can play another character for her if you want romance.)
Simple plot. I'm looking for someone to play the school's educational psychologist.

Through the sessions, she discovers William is being abused and mistreated at home. Whilst supporting him, she finds herself growing close to the boy, seeing him as the son she can't have. He grows to love her like a mother too.

He's removed from his parent's care, and risks being removed from the school and moving cities. She puts in to adopt him, though many barriers lay in wait...



To say that William was feeling miserable would be an utter, quite insulting, understatement and a half. He felt... quite a mixture of emotions, despite them all being on the negative side of things.

Depression. Anger. Fear. Hurt. Alone. Terrible.

Today alone, he'd cycled through all of these, and much more besides. Genuine happiness was impossible, and had been for the last year or two. He could certainly fake a smile, and could put his parents off the scent of what was really going on.

Blood. Tears. Pain.

Every time he entered the bathroom at home, all three of these would be easily accomplished. He had control over two of these, much to his brief pride. It was something he could prevent the bullies from causing to him, and he found a tiny spark of enjoyment in this.

Watching the crimson liquid drip into the sink, his eyes moved over to the mirror that hung over the fitting. His skin was pale, his chocolate brown eyes dark and standing as a stark contrast to his skin. Bags hung under his eyes, dark rings from a lack of sleep. His dark black hair was down to his shoulders, framing his features.

Frowning some as he squinted, the male noted a slight bruise starting upon his right cheek. Must have been from when he was shoved into the lockers. Prehaps he could blame the newest marks upon his arm on that. Looking down, a cold smirk played upon his lips. Three scars on the left, four on the right. He always avoided gym, and hooded tops meant his arms were always covered up. He knew that the marks were there, and nobody else did. Good. Just how he wanted it.

Stepping over to the full length mirror, he looked at his thin body. He'd shed a lot of weight, no longer an overweight child. Instead, he was much too thin now. But this was better than the alternative. He'd rather not weigh much, then be large, ugly and gross. It didn't matter that his ribs could be seen, nor that he looked overly ill if anyone ever saw his body. Nobody could, and thanks to the clothes he wore, they wouldn't know.

By god, Charlie was sick of the mocking he received. He was sick of the insults his classmates seemed intent on hurling at him each and every single day at any opportunity they had.

So it was little surprise that the blonde haired teenager finally snapped and punched a classmate out of pure anger. Everything had piled up on him, and the guy's comment was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Of course, the other male pulled the innocence card and acted as though the attack was unprovoked. With his father and rich and powerful man, it was inevitable that Charlie was suspended. And now he was back in school, the blonde had to attend sessions with the school psychologist.

Standing outside the office, Charlie bit his lip as he tried to pluck up courage to enter the room. He hated unfamiliar situations with a passion, and going here frightened him.

Knocking upon the door, he opened it and spoke politely towards the woman inside, voice soft and sweet. "I'm here for my session."

His eyes were tired, his expression a little sad. Baggy clothes covered his form, his shoulder length hair framing his face. There was an air of sorrow to him, as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.


Simple plot. I'm looking for someone to play the school's educational psychologist.

Through the sessions, she discovers Charlie is being abused and mistreated at home. Whilst supporting him, she finds herself growing close to the boy, seeing him as the son she can't have. He grows to love her like a mother too.

He's removed from his parent's care, and risks being removed from the school and moving cities. She puts in to adopt him, though many barriers lay in wait...
A story I did years ago, and loved, was very basic but so much fun. It focused on the bond between a school psychologist and a student who'd been sent to her after punching another student, and exhibiting "worrying signs" before.

The student wasn't violent nor disruptive in the least, being rather polite and clever if not rather meek and a bit too defensive.

It comes out that he's gay, struggling to accept himself as his mother and father didn't believe in the concept of homosexuality.

Through discussions the two realised that they were in fact related. (Aunt and nephew.) This then lead to a fight to get the male character I'd been playing removed from the abusive home and into the care of his auntie, and then focused on how the newly reunited duo became a family together.

Would anybody be interested in helping me run this again?

I'm obviously sticking to the role I had before.
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