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someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
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Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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This isn't incest, but focuses on the bond between two siblings. My character, James is missing most of his right arm and his left arm from the elbow down.

Your character struggles with her mental health, and has been diagnosed with depression in the past.

The two support each other the best they can. James by providing cuddles and helping his sister how helping can when she's struggling, and yours helping James where he struggles with physical tasks.



A small voice tried to break through his older sister's thoughts as James padded slowly and carefully into her room before sitting down next to her on her bed.

Reaching across with his left arm, he placed it on her right hand carefully. At 7 years old, he was sometimes bullied and teased by other children for being different.

For he'd been born without most of his right arm. It stopped about an inch or two from the shoulder, something he'd grown used to over the span of his lifetime. His left arm was missing from the elbow down. Shuffling into her lap, he sat in silence and just cuddled with his big sister as he always did to try and cheer her up.
I want to use this character, and am open to discuss plots.

Name: James Richards
Age: 7

James, despite his physical shortcomings, is a very bright happy and bubbly child. He loves to go to the farm and zoos, and certainly adores animals.

He's currently in a children's home, desperate to be adopted though he knows it's not very likely. He's seen children picked over him whom misbehave and cause trouble, or whom don't want a home or family.

Because he's missing all his right arm and half his left, he worries he's not ever going to be adopted as he's had it drilled into his head that people don't want imperfect children.

That doesn't get him down too much though, and he is always hoping that one day he'll be given a mommy or daddy, or even both! And a big brother or sister to play with.
//Simply put;

I'm looking for someone capable of playing a mother or big sister type of character for Jasmine.


It seemed as if the two rival schools felt the need to engage in fights almost every week, and cause as much trouble for one another as was physically possible. If not fights, something would be stolen from one pupil by a member of the other, or vandalism would occur on the grounds of one school, caused by the members of another.

Not all got involved, with some opting to keep themselves out of it when they could, not wanting to be the victims of attacks or the like caused by another member of the rival school. They'd remove their blazers, ties and anything else which would cement them as being from one particular school, or would purchase cheap ties from schools not involved in this rivalry in order to escape punishment.

A pupil of one school, known as Middlewood Academy, 13 year old Jack Carter made his way home, on his own and feeling both nervous and exhausted. He knew he shouldn't be, but he had no real choice in this. After all, nobody wanted to be seen with the "freak" of the class. The person who "didn't know what the fuck they were", as some so elegantly phrased it. The one who wanted to be a girl. And, he did. He hated his body, hated having to be the "typical male". That wasn't who he was, and Jack knew that. He wanted to be Jasmine.

Turning a corner, he cried out as someone grabbed him, pinning him to the wall of the alleyway with a fierce and cold look upon his face as he stood there, two of his friends flanking him, as though he needed back up to perform what he had in mind.

"Well, well. The freak of Middlewood. What a pity, you're on your own like always. Never see you with anyone. Maybe the people that go there aren't that pathetic." From the corner of his eye, Jack saw the male produce a switchblade, holding it to his neck with a swift movement. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna cut your throat. That's too good for a trannie like you. You ain't a girl, you're an it."

His "friends" grabbed a hold of Jack, turning and pushing him against the wall with a thud, Xavier starting to slice away at the hair Jack had spent so long growing, getting rid of it, not caring how much pain and discomfort he brought to the frightened soul. From a gap in the wall, Jack thought he saw someone, screaming for help at the top of his lungs, before his mouth was covered. "Do it again, and I'll kill you!" Xavier growled, hoping the person would choose to ignore it. It wasn't a good neighborhood, after all.


//If you've actually read this and are interested, comment/pm a GIF or image of your favourite animal, Pokémon or Superhero please.
ou're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
There must be an angel with a smile on her face
When she thought up that I should be with you
But it's time to face the truth
I will never be with you

Or will she?

Good afternoon!

I am currently seeking literate, female writers for a friendship plot based around two female characters, which could possible evolve into a romantic plot much later on if needed. (Or they can be dating from the very start, this can be discussed.)

Effectively, for this story, I'm looking for a female character to be friends with Alice. From the elbow down, she is missing her right arm. This is due to an accident, which will be mentioned/occur through flashbacks. This massively effects her self-confidence, and she only recently is brave enough to go out without wearing clothes to try and mask the fact she'd lost a limb. It's up to you if she's someone society considers "perfect", or if she too has an injury or something which allows her to understand how Alice feels, and for Alice to understand her.

Personally, I think it'll be more interesting for the one whom is Alice's friend to be someone who used to pick on her at school, and would seem the most unlikely of people to defend her from those who have negative things to say about her now. Prehaps it could be guilt, or Alice could have comforted her or had a heart to heart with her before the accident. We can discuss this, however.

There doesn't need to be romance, though I will be sticking to the fact Alice likes women. A one-sided crush is very possibly a thing I can bring in.

The youngest I'll write Alice is 18, and this is also the youngest I'll accept your character. I'm also NOT looking for writers under 18, as this may end up dealing with more adult themes as the story progresses. If we're going for 18, it's up to you if we set this in or out of a high school setting.

I've attached a writing sample, so you can see my style.~

[Spoiler=Writing Sample]

"Do I look beautiful enough?" Alice stood before the full-length mirror located in the bathroom, her hand clasped around a necklace in front of her nervously. Her thin form was currently clad in a long, flowing summer dress, pure white with a pattern of roses along the hem of it. Sandals were upon her feet, and her hair was loose and curly, framing her pale, freckled face and delicate features almost perfectly. The question was something she asked herself, currently being alone in the small apartment.

She'd gone for this outfit as it was much too hot for her normal types of outfit. Sitting on the beach in a hoodie and jeans whilst the sun tried to cook her was something she didn't particuarly relish having to face. The other was to show off a tattoo she'd gotten recently just below her knee. It was simple, a rose with space around it if she ever wished to get a name done.

Her main concern, however, was staring her right in the face. This was her very first time leaving the house without something to cover up the fact she'd substained an injury which left her without her right forearm and hand. The idea of people staring terrified her, yet at the same time, deep down she knew one day she'd have to face going out without it hidden. To show a future partner she wasn't as perfect as others out there.

She knew wearing baggy clothes others could see the fact she wasn't, as someone crudely put it "complete", but there was some sort of comfort that people couldn't see the scars, not the injury itself. It was her coping mechanisim, so to speak.

Jolting out of her thoughts at the sound of someone at her front door, Alice made her way across the apartment, hand resting upon the lock for a moment or so. It was the very first time her friend would see her arm, and she was so damn scared of what she'd say.

But Alice wanted to go to the beach with her. She knew she did, and was ready for her friend (Her only and best) to see this, to know why she found it so hard to cope. Stepping back as she opened the door, the blonde anxiously waited to see her friend's reaction to her, feeling sick to the stomach.
I have a FxF plot on my old account here, actually. Want me to PM you it?
//Superhero x Mutant/ Avenger x X-Man.



Some hate them with a passion, and want them eradicated. Others view them as saviors, providing humanity with protection and wanting to ensure the public at large are safe from threats and danger. Others yet don't know how to feel, creating a divide between friends, family and colleagues.

The mutant community is just as split. Some, such as the X-Men believe in equality between humans and mutants, wishing to ensure prejudice is as eradicated as it can be through peaceful means. Then there are those like the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, who feel that mutants deserve to be seen as superiors, and will stop at nothing to whip the human race into what they see as fit for power, pride and prestige. And there are those who don't know how they feel, or what is best for them."

Leaning back in his chair, Thomas's eyes scanned the words he'd written, speaking them out loud again and again in an attempt to make sure the information made some form of sense, fingers drumming anxiously atop the wooden desk on which his laptop currently sat, the only light in his bedroom.

He'd been working on this article for a while now, intending on submitting it as a anonymous piece to The Daily Bugle.


Name: Thomas "Tommy" Roberts (Later Thomas Parker).
Age: 21
Codename: Union-Spider

Hailing from Derbyshire, England, Tommy Roberts lived a normal life until he turned 16. Refusing to enter the military like his father had wanted, the older man instead had Tommy submitted for some... less then legal experiments a friend wished to carry out. Subjected to these, he had spider D.N.A mixed in with his own.

These gave him super-strength, speed and impressive durability, as well as the ability to create his own natural silk and use it as a weapon or tool for fighting. For the first two years of his career, Tommy was forced to fight for the side of evil, often coming into conflict with heroes like Union Jack, Captain Britain, Psylocke and even visiting Avengers like Hawkeye, Black Widow and Iron-Man. Donning a black costume with a white and grey Union Jack pattern across the chest, he battled under the guise of the "English Raider" before being sent on a mission to New York.

There, he came into conflict with Spider-Man, better known to some heroes as Peter Parker. However, Tommy refused to engage in a full on fight with the older hero. He'd always heard of his exploits and willingness to help, looking up to the scientific genius. It was then he decided to drop English Raider, and took on the guise of Union-Spider.

To protect him from harm and persecution, he moved in with Peter and Mary-Jane. Dropping the name of Roberts, he adopted Parker as his surname instead. Taking lessons from Peter, Thomas learned to hone his skills and senses. Rather than engaging in close combat where possible, Tommy uses his natural silk as a way to bound up and trap foes to prevent harm or injury to himself and them.

His current outfit consists of an unused Iron-Spider suit in a dark royal blue and silver. Rather than a spider across his chest, he sports the Union Jack flag, though he does have a webbing pattern across his arms and his legs.

Personality wise, though kind and sweet, he can be naive and lack in confidence at times. He still believes that the community judge him for his past actions, despite engaging in them to simply ensure his own safety.

He's best friends with one of the X-Men, and cares deeply for his friend. The fact she is a Mutant doesn't bother him at all, knowing what it's like to be judged for something you can't help.
Unhinged. Freaky. Crazy.

Those were the words used by various people to describe one Harleen Quinzel, or Harley Quinn as she was better known to the public at large.

Silly. Funny. Sister.

Those were the words used by one particular eleven year old child. Robert had been found by Harley cowering after the Joker murdered hundreds in a fire. Though she risked her life, for whatever reason she couldn't hurt or murder him.

So, she snuck him out and to a safe place nobody knew about where she would look after and protect her new found sibling.


I thought It'd be a cute idea that could show off Harley's more human and caring side and establish a story I rarely see done with her.

I'm just looking for someone to play Harley.

My character would be outcast because of his disability, as well as his timid nature. As both he and Harley are outcasts, this could create a link between them.
It's said that siblings can have a certain understanding of each other that friends or parents do not or cannot, and that between twins that the connection can be very powerful indeed. Nigh on unbreakable, in fact.

And it seemed to most certainly be the case between James and <Your Character >. The siblings were very close indeed, perhaps enhanced by the fact that James was completely blind, whilst <Your character> is often picked on for her quite severe stutter. As such, the two tended to rely on each other for various tasks.

James would be the one to speak with others and to deal with the verbal side of things, whereas <Your character> would act as the eyes of the duo. Guiding her brother, or helping him with cash whilst he protected her from bullies or those whom laughed.

This was until they turned 15. With their parents divorcing, they decided that one child would live with one parent. This was difficult for the twins, as the invisible rope which one tethered the pair was forcefully snapped as they were torn apart.

For three years they lived on opposite sides of the country, limited to phone calls and sending gifts. When they turned 18, money put aside in a trust fund was released to the pair. With both wanting to attend the same college, they move into an apartment together.

And we'd start from there. Focus on the pair living in the same building together, how they deal with new people, etc.

James is gay.
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