Avatar of SammyMcW


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Current Oh its F1 time. No more sleep schedule
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someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
17 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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Yes, please.
(Dark content in this.)

The dark, quiet room in which Archie had been for the last few years was suddenly filled with light and noise as crashing, shouting and footsteps erupted from the floor above, all seeming to meld into one cacophony, making it almost impossible for the young male to pick up any distinct sort of noise or words, looking up as the basement door swung open with a sudden crack, hitting the wall with a considerable amount of force.

Gazing up as he heard a gruff, distinctly masculine voice call out "He's down here, Sarge!", the young man could see the outline of a few people, though he couldn't make out much in the way of any distinctive features, other then body shape and height.

After a moment, two more figures appeared, coming down the stairs with one of the first shapes in tow, appearing under the dim light provided by the single light bulb in the middle of the room, which seemed to buzz as it flickered dully , bathing the occupants in just enough light. From what Archie could tell, the two dressed in green were paramedics, the other a police officer, going by her uniform.

"Archie? I'm Lizzie, I'm a paramedic, can you let me treat you darling?" She asked gently, giving the frightened looking male a soft reassuring smile to try and cheer him up a bit.

A shake of the head.

"We know you're scared, but it's to make sure you're not hurt, or ill." A pause. "Do you want to be treated in the ambulance? So you're not in here any longer?"

A nod.

"Alright mate, we'll get you out, come on." The other paramedic spoke calmly too, a male. Helping him up, the two lead him outside, flashbulbs going off as soon as he stepped foot outside, journalists all calling out to ask questions of him and the two medical workers, Archie's big, frightened brown eyes filling up with tears as he tried to hide away, scared to death.

A figure seemed to be distinct among the faces, however, one the young male knew better then any other he'd seen in the mass, calling out meekly for them, wanting them to come with him, needing the person to be there.

Archie looked a mess. His normally light, almost sandy hair was darker from all the muck, mud and dirt that had accumulated over the time he'd been locked away, and he was thinner then ever, pale skinned and covered in cuts and bruises, tears racing down his face as he looked around, scared of his mind and wanting someone he trusted to just hug him, hold him, keep him safe from harm. All he was dressed in was a grey vest and a pair f baggy shorts, covered in dirt and blood as he had a blanket placed over him to try and keep him warm and comforted the best they could do.

(Obviously this is going to be a quite dark plot, focusing on the effects of the kidnapping, how Archie readjusts to being out of the same, dark room constantly, getting used to and being able to fully trust other people again.

Yes, it'll be dark, yes, it'll be sad, but I feel something like this will be an interesting idea if played out properly.

The person Archie calls out for can be one of two people. If you want this to EVENTUALLY become romance, it can be his best friend.

If not, it can be his OLDER or TWIN brother or sister. I figured they would be the only family in this.)
Despite being a teenager, Alex is very childlike and innocent in nature, having various learning difficulties. As a result, he doesn't speak a word at all to anyone, and tends to hide being his twin in new situations, and is very rarely seen away from them at all. It's rare, however, that he isn't happy and wanting to play, cuddle or have fun, and is often seen clinging to an old, worn little cat plush toy that seems to accompany him almost everywhere, and something that he cannot sleep without at all.

He loves things which are soft to the touch, such as blankets, soft toys and hoodies. It's known that he'll never be independent in any way, needing help and support with a lot of day to day tasks, such as brushing his hair and teeth, getting his clothes sorted for the day, and so on. His favorite things in the world are the color purple, his plush, being told stories, cuddles and playing outside in the yard, though not necessarily in that order. (His absolute favorite person in the world is his sibling.)

He's terrified of the dark, and storms, and when he gets seriously upset, he can cry and whimper for hours, though he never gets angry or violent, thankfully.

Despite all his problems, once he's warmed up to someone, he can be very happy, affectionate and loving, with a great big smile for those who are nice to him and look after him.

His best, and only friend, is <Character A>, his twin sibling. They were born, as someone once put it, "more normal" then Alexander was. The siblings are still very close, mainly as they do act as a carer towards Alexander and is pretty much the only person Alex talks with.

<Character B> moves in, and hits it off with <Character A> straight away, and gets on with Alex well too. Everything seems fine, until <A> starts spending a hell of a lot more time with <B> and somewhat neglecting Alex unless it's time to look after him.

What will happen?
I'm just looking for someone to play the female character. All I have set in stone is that she's about a year older than Charlie, and she's both taller and slightly more muscular than he is.

This is slice of life, comedy and romance. Lots of fluff and drama too.


--First meeting (Ages 5 and 6)


The blonde male grinned broadly at the muddy girl, holding out a freshly picked flower for her to take. "My name's Charlie, what's yours?" His voice was softer than some of the other boys in their kindergarten class, full of warmth and kindness directed at the rather rough and tumble girl he sat next to in class.

---5 Years Later--- (Ages 10 and 11)

"I think you should try out for the football team!" Charlie pushed his glasses up his noise, his baggy clothes hiding his thin form. He held his books in his arms as the two friends walked home side by side, glancing over at the slightly taller female as they entered the corner store and took seats at their booth.

"You'd be amazing! You're faster than most the boys in our grade, and stronger too!" He grinned, blue eyes dancing with warmth and admiration for his best friend. He knew she'd be perfect for this, no matter what others thought of her for wanting to be sporty.

--Another 5 Years Later- (Ages 15 and 16)

15 year old Charlie sat the counter in <Your character>'s kitchen, blood trickling down his chin from his nose. His shirt was on the side, exposing his thin and bruised body. He flinched as she dabbed iodine on his cuts, leaning back slightly as his hands gripped the edge of the counter enough to almost turn his knuckles a ghostly white.

"Thank you.." He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek and dripping onto the jeans he wore. He was in a state, his right eye almost swollen shut. His father had begun a awful beating, and if she hadn't gotten there in time... He shuddered to think about it.

---Present day-- (Ages 22 and 23)


Charlie spoke in his soft delicate way, perched on the kitchen counter with his legs dangling over the edge, his rear on the surface as he drunk his morning cup of coffee.

The blonde haired male had perched himself here for no particular reason, deciding to quietly await his best friend to enter the room. It was early morning still, and the day ahead looked to be cold, snowy and miserable. And quite frankly, Charlie did NOT want to go out there. It just didn't feel worth it, not when he had the day off work and no school. He did plan on going to the coffee shop whilst she worked, but..

"What do you want for breakfast?" He spoke, placing the cup on the counter and edging fowards slowly. At barely 5'5" tall, and rather petite, it was easy enough to mistake him for a woman at first glance. His soft skin didn't help, nor did the fact he shaved to keep his skin so soft and smooth. He was used to this, but loved to treat himself to nice clothes and spa days.

"Erm.. I'm stuck." He blushed, the stool he'd used to rest his feet on and push himself up having fallen over whilst he swung his legs.
SO, I had an idea for a fluffy little story inspired by two of my other ones.

I would be playing as Theodore (Theo) Richards, 18 years old, and on the autism spectrum. As he doesn't speak a word at school, it is often believed he cannot speak. He attends main stream school for Maths and Art classes, being a mathematical genius and very arty indeed. However, for every other class, he's instead taken to a school which caters for teenagers with learning difficulties.

He loves bright colours, and is often seen wearing bold coloured clothes, even if they might clash colour wise. He also loves to collect toy cars, and his shelves are organised and covered in various models of cars. His room is immaculate, as he loves order and has to have things exactly right. As such, he is always on time to school and hands his homework in on time.

He loves his best friend more than anything in the world, and loves to hold her hand when she lets him. He sometimes feels she's ashamed or annoyed with him, even if she isn't. He can sometimes listen to bullies too much, and get upset when he believes the things they say. He can sometimes ask questions about her religion without thinking.

How you write your character is up to you, though I do have a rough idea of what could work. (Your character) is straight lace, studious and very stern at times. Her parents brought her up to dress showing little to no skin, to have her hair in a particular style, to wear no make up, etc. They are strict about her talking with boys, and make her go to church every Sunday. She has to go straight home from school, and is required to wear a suit and smart clothes to all of her classes.

I thought it'd be interesting if our characters were best friends in secret. The two have been close friends for years, though nobody really knows about it. They often text and email each other, and sit together in the lunch hall and during class.

They know if her parents found out, there would be hell to pay. Not just because she's been talking with a boy, but because her and Theo are so close that it's rumored they are dating. Something they don't want her to do.
I'm interested in this. Should I shoot you a PM or anything?

Sure, if ya want.
Updated to include starter.


Okay, so I'd love to explore the relationship between my O/C Felix, and his best friend. This will involve a cross dressing male.

Felix is 18, shy and innocent. Coming from Somerset, England, he's lived in the states for the last three years or so. Petite in build, he stands at just 5'5" tall. He doesn't mind this too much, as it allows him to better fit in the clothes he likes to wear.

For Felix is a crossdresser. He loves to wear feminine clothing, feeling much more comfortable in that sort of outfit than he does in more traditionally masculine clothes. he's not shy about this, despite his shy and quiet nature. It's as though the clothes are that small boost of confidence he knows he so sorely needs.

I'd quite like it if his best friend was the more "masculine and butch" type of woman, taller and more muscular then her feminine and gentle best friend It's up to you how she dresses, though I think leather jackets, jeans, boots, etc would add more to the physical differences between the duo.

It's up to you if this enters romance, though I'd love it to do so over time.



Felix spoke in his soft delicate way, perched on the kitchen counter with his legs dangling over the edge, his rear on the surface as he drunk his morning cup of coffee.

The blonde haired male had perched himself here for no particular reason, deciding to quietly await his best friend to enter the room. It was early morning still, and the day ahead looked to be cold, snowy and miserable. And quite frankly, Felix did NOT want to go out there. It just didn't feel worth it, not when he had the day off work and no school. He did plan on going to the coffee shop whilst she worked, but..

"What do you want for breakfast?" He spoke, placing the cup on the counter and edging fowards slowly. At barely 5'5" tall, and rather petite, it was easy enough to mistake him for a woman at first glance. His soft skin didn't help, nor did the fact he shaved to keep his skin so soft and smooth. He didn't mind this at all. He did in fact dress in women's clothes, and barely ever wore anything masculine at all.

Right now was case in point. He wore a pink nightgown (Though had boxers beneath) and red fluffy slippers, white frilly ankle socks peeking out from the slippers, a smile on his lips that was as sweet and innocent as he was.

"Erm.. I'm stuck."
James smiled softly at his big sister before planting a kiss upon her cheek in a sweet and brotherly fashion. It was getting late, and he needed to have a bath then go off to bed.

"Do you want me to stay?" He spoke in his quiet voice, never a loud or very outgoing child at all. His arms ached a ltitle, but he kept hugging her the very best he possibly could with his limited mobility when it came to his arms. A faint whiff of urine was clinging to him, his pull up soaked. He wasn't continent, thus often had accidents.
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